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Ali C

Body Toning Exercises: Upper Body - 0 views

  • Exercise 1 - Chest and Shoulders Lie on your back and grasp your weights with the palms of your hands facing up, and your arms outstretched to the sides. With your elbows slightly bent, lift your arms above your chest until your hands are almost touching. Return to starting position and repeat.
  • Exercise 2 - Chest and Shoulders Lie on your back and grasp your weights with the palms of your hands facing up, and your arms outstretched above your head. Grip your weights and bring them over your head and down to your hips, by your sides - a semi-circular motion. Lift back to starting position and repeat.
  • Exercise 3 - Chest and Back Sitting with your back straight (preferably supported) and legs straight out in front of you, hold your weights in at your chest with your elbows out to the side (parallel to the floor). Push your arms out straight in front of you then pull them back in. Repeat.
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  • Exercise 6 - Upper Arms, Shoulders and Back Standing with feet slightly apart, grasp your weights and bend at the waist until your torso is parallel to the floor. Extend your arms towards the floor with palms facing outwards. Lift your arms out to the side, keeping them straight, until parallel to the floor. Return to the starting position and repeat.
  • Exercise 5 - Shoulders and Upper Arms Stand with feet shoulder width apart and arms raised straight up above your head, grip your weights with your palms facing behind you. Slowly bring your arms forward and down, without bending at the elbow, until level with your shoulders. Lift back to starting position and repeat.
  • Exercise 4 - Back and Shoulders Stand with feet shoulder width apart and arms by your sides, gripping the weights with palms facing outwards. Making sure your movements are slow and concentrated, tense your shoulder and upper back muscles, then slowly "shrug" them up and down.
  • Exercise 7 - Upper Arms, Shoulders and Back Standing with feet slightly apart, position your arms straight down in front of you almost against your body - with your weights almost touching. Bend your elbows and lift your weights towards your chin, bringing your elbows out to the side, in line with your shoulders. Return to the starting position and repeat.
  • Exercise 8 - Arms and Chest The classic push up. With your hands shoulder width apart place your palms on the floor. Stretch out your body with either your knees on the floor, or if you're feeling ambitious, your toes - so you are supporting your body weight. Keeping your back straight and using your arms lower yourself gently toward the floor until you are hovering just over it. Push yourself slowly back to your starting position and repeat. Remember - don't lower yourself to the point where you come into contact with the floor, it'll be much harder to push back up.
  • Exercise 9 - Arms In a sitting position with your back straight, relax your arms in line with your body. Grip your weights with your palms facing upwards and curl them up towards your shoulders, then back down again. Repeat. Keep your torso still and back straight, let your arms do the work.
  • Exercise 10 - Forearms Holding your weight with your arm outstretched in front of you, tilt your wrist up and down repeatedly. Try doing this with both an overhand and underhand grip on your weight. Do one arm at a time.
    • Ali C
      really good site, it had everything I wanted. I wanted to learn about tone and how to tone parts of the body and it gave me every inch of detail from chest to arms to forearms.
Wasif H

How To Get Muscle Definition In The Abs | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

  • Muscle definition in the abs comes from a healthy diet and regular abdominal exercises. Your abdominal workouts should target each of the three abdominal muscles: the transverse abdominis, rectus abdominis and obliques. Eat a diet high in protein and low in fat to help build more defined abs.
  • Start with the upper abs and middle abs, which are considered part of the rectus abdominis, a lengthwise muscle that runs vertically from your sternum to pubic bone. For the lower abs, which tend to carry the most fat cells, perform stability ball knee tucks. The stability ball will strongly engage your lower abs, but also the rest of your core. Kneel with the ball in front of you. Lean over the ball and walk your hands out in front until your legs are straight with your feet on the ball. Engage your abs and pull the ball closer to your chest, lifting your hips and bending your knees. Roll the ball away until you are in a straight line again.
  • Work the middle abs and obliques. For these, do bicycle crunches. Begin on your back with your feet in the air, shins parallel to the ground and knees bent to 90 degrees. Interlock your hands behind your head, keeping your elbows out wide. Straighten your right leg, right foot in the air, and lift your chest and right shoulder to your left knee. Come back to the center and straighten the left leg, bringing your left shoulder toward your right knee. Keep going from side to side, keeping your chest lifted and elbows wide next to your ears.
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  • Perform double-leg toe reachers. These exercises are beneficial in toning and strengthening the upper rectus abdominis and the transverse abdominis, which is the muscle that runs around your waistline. Holding a medicine ball or kettlebell in front of your chest makes the exercise more challenging. Lie on your back and bring your legs straight into the air. Hold the medicine ball in front of your chest and straighten your arms so the ball is in the air. Engage your abs and lift your chest straight toward the sky. Keep looking straight up and lower your chest. Repeat the move, keeping your arms and legs engaged and as straight as possible.
  • Combining a healthy diet with exercises that work the three abdominal muscles will help you get muscle definition in the abs. As with any exercise program, consult your medical professional before beginning these workouts.
    • Wasif H
      I think these are good tips on how to get defintion. I would use other exercises as well. 
Wasif H - Growth Spurt: 30 Pounds Of Muscle In One Year. - 0 views

  • Most sets are 8-10 reps, the ideal range for muscle growth. The first two sets of the first exercise for each bodypart are warm-ups. The last two are working sets. The first working set comprises 8-10 reps to failure, plus 2 forced reps. The last working set will include 8-10 reps to failure, 2 forced reps and 3-5 partial reps at the end.
  • 1. CHANGE IT UP Don't let your body get used to anything. Every three to four weeks, change the exercises and the order in which they are done. Change the angles by using different hand/foot positions. Rest periods can also change; this is an often-overlooked training variable.
  • . REST On at least two days per week, stay completely out of the gym. This means no lifting! And don't neglect sleep - this is one of the most overlooked factors in muscle growth. Sleep equals time to grow.
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  • GOALS Create mini goals. Don't just expect to put on a ton of muscle in one year without checking yourself along the way. Set weight-gain goals every 2-4 weeks and evaluate the results. If you fall short, make an adjustment for the next goal. When you stop setting goals, you stop critical thinking and stop making gains.
  • MAINTAIN Every 8-10 weeks, take a couple of weeks to prevent a plateau. Don't stop training, but back off a little and let your body recover. Stop trying to get stronger and don't push sets to failure. After two weeks of maintaining your previous gains, go back to 110%. Reduce your calories during this back-off phase as well. This gives your body a break from digesting and utilizing all the food you nee
  • FST-7 This is the advanced training technique I've used with all my athletes.
  • Basically, you train that bodypart heavy as you normally would on any given day, keeping the rep range at 8-12, but on the last exercise you perform the 7 sets to finish off that particular muscle, with minimal rest in between to get the best pump possible.
  • Alternate the first exercise between dumbbells, barbells and machines. Use them all each workout, but change the order and angle. On all chest moves, you must arch your back, throw your chest high and keep your shoulders back. This takes the shoulders out of the movemen
  • Low-rep flat-bench presses (fewer than eight reps) are a quick way to tear a pec. Use a full range of motion on all exercises. The only exceptions are intensity multipliers used on the last set. When you reach failure, push your muscles further with assisted negative reps or partials. Lean forward on dips to emphasize chest.
  • Work the angles. There are three sides to the shoulder muscles and countless angles to hit them. Sit, stand, lean; barbell, dumbbell, machine; use them all. Start the workout with a press. Hit the big compound movement while you're strongest. Don't be afraid to work your rear delts near the beginning or middle of the workout. If you always do them at the end they will never grow!
  • Warm up your shoulders, chest, triceps and rotator cuffs before training. The shoulders are vulnerable to injury. Try seated lateral raises to really isolate the side delts. This is my favorite move to build round shoulders!
  • BALANCE YOUR PROTEINS: Take in protein of all types from all sources — fast acting, slow acting, whey, casein, egg, fish and animal proteins (beef, chicken, turkey, etc.).
  • WHERE'S THE BEEF: Beef is great for offseason growth. In addition to the amino acids, you get tons of B vitamins, iron and testosterone-boosting fats.
  • JUNK IT UP: Don't be afraid to eat some junk food once or twice per week. This boosts your metabolism and gives your body a different type of fuel. Stick to the "clean junk." These are calorically dense, but not super greasy foods. Examples are pasta, burgers, steak, sweet potato fries and cheesecake.
  • If you want to grow, insulin spikes are your friends. You just have to time them correctly, like breakfast and postworkout. These are the times to have some fast-acting carbs that quickly replenish glycogen stores.
Wasif H

How To Get Ripped Abs & Pecs At A Young Age | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

  • Work your abdominals two to three days per week. Include exercises that stimulate every angle of the midsection. Perform crunches, leg raises, oblique crunches, Russian twists and v-ups for three sets of 20 repetitions.
  • f you want to build six-pack abs and a chiseled chest, start strength training. Resistance training at a young age has several health benefits like stronger bones, increased metabolism and improved self-esteem, according to When strength training as a youth, it is important to pay close attention to proper form to prevent injury. Perform strength-training workouts to target your abs and chest to gain lean muscle and increase definition.
  • Step 1
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  • Train your pectoral muscles twice per week. Include exercises like decline pushups, incline chest press, bench press and chest flys for three sets of 12 to 15 repetitions. Lift with light to moderate resistance to avoid placing too much strain on growing tendons and cartilage. Don't compromise form in an attempt to lift too heavy
    • Wasif H
      info for this source is quite vague
Ali C

Arm exercises for the perfect biceps and triceps - 0 views

  • The concentration curl focuses on the biceps. Excises that focus on the biceps are important for building strong arms.
  • Seated preacher curls The seated preacher curl works the biceps and also strengthens your forearms. This is a great exercise for the biceps since you cannot easily cheat and use other muscle groups to help with the exercise.
  • Standing dumbbell curls This is a good a good exercise for beginners when you start using free weights. An alternate to the standing dumbbell curls is the seated curls. The seated curls will help stabalize your back more proper.
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  • Barbell curls This is one of the most common biceps exercises as well as one of the most effective. This classic biceps exercises is great for building mass inyour biceps.
    • Ali C
      Good website, gives short and specific details on how to workout arms. Although I wanted to learn more about triceps, it was still a good site
Gurkirat S

Should I increase weight lifting every time I work out? - 0 views

    • Gurkirat S
      This is perfect, it's totally, it answers my question. So, yes I should increase weight lifting weight but it all depends on my capability, of how far I am able to push myself. So, the 4 main things to do is, first to stop over-training, switch it up, add some extra fuel and balance your routine.  
  • 2. Switch It Up Doing the same exercise, on the same day, at the same time will bore your muscles just as much as it is probably boring you. Jolt your body’s expectations by completely changing your lifting schedule. If you do chest work on a specific day choose another day to do that exercise. You may want to switch it up every week. After doing this for about four weeks, slowly increase your weight. You should see an improvement. in addition, watch your form. Compromised form can also impede increasing your weightlifting weight.
  • 1. Stop Over-training You may think you are doing your body good by lifting five to six days per week, but when specific muscle groups are being over worked, you will have a difficult time increasing your lifting weight. If you have "hit the wall" and cannot go any further, this would be the time to check your routine. By cutting back on exercises that may be working certain muscles too hard, you may be able to increase your weight, and best of all, your strength. Try these tips each time you cannot advance to more weight. Choose a muscle group that you workout two or more times per week. Cut back to one time, for two weeks. Increase your weight.
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  • It is common to want to increase your weight lifting weight. Stepping up to the next level depends on several factors, primarily your routine and your capability. Below are some suggestions on how to enhance your workout. Keep in mind that if you intend to increase your weight lifting weight you will be susceptible to gaining bulk and strength as opposed to sculpted toning and increased flexibility.
  • 3. Add Some Extra Fuel There is a reason why so many weightlifters consume formulated shakes, bars and supplements. Whether it is protein, amino acids or a multivitamin, these products can enhance power and strength. The only way to find out what is best for you is by trial and error. Start with a good protein shake and take note of any improved capability when increasing your weightlifting weight. If it works, then continue using it. If it does not work then try another formula. Speak to your doctor before attempting any muscle building program. Certain formulas can affect people in different ways.
  • 4. Balance Your Routine If your routine favors specific muscle groups over others, increasing weightlifting weight will always be a challenge. For example, when the biceps are at their peak and the triceps are trying to catch up, not only will your balance be compromised but you will also risk potential injury. Understanding your muscles and how they work will do wonders for your workout. Look up images and descriptions of the musculoskeletal anatomy and take note of the intricate levels of muscle tissue. Becoming familiar with muscle actions will create a picture in your head during your workout that will remind you of a properly balanced routine. When the muscles are within the same power capability, then you should be able to increase your weightlifting weight accordingly.
    Should I  increase weight lifting every time I work out?
Wasif H - How To Get A Six-Pack - Complete Ab Program! - 0 views

  • Learning how to get a six-pack does not require expensive workout equipment promoted through obnoxious infomercials. You can't flick on the TV anymore without seeing two new abdominal exercise machines being promoted at once. There are so many of them that if you get suckered into these 'ab workout' gimmicks, you will be broke quicker than Ben Johnson sprints the 100 meter dash! And get this: Of the $520 million dollars a year spent on exercise equipment, abdominal machines get a $208 million dollar piece of the pie!
  • Learning how to get a six-pack does not require thousands or even hundreds of crunches a day. So much for the Brittany Spears ab workout! Crunches are decent but totally overused and associated with more being better.
  • Learning how to get a six-pack does not involve starvation diets. Starvation diets starve the muscle when you should be feeding the muscle instead. Guess what happens when you starve your body? Your metabolism shuts down out of survival and causes your body to store fat.
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  • Just Because You're Skinny Does Not Mean You Will Have A Six-Pack
  • Abdominals Are A Muscle, Too! You want your arms to be bigger, your shoulders to be broader and your chest to be fuller, correct? And what is the solution to making these muscle groups increase in size? High intensity weight training, overload, consistency and a healthy surplus of calories. Starting to sound familiar? The same goes for your abdominals. Your abdominals are a muscle group that requires the same formula and attention and are not any different from other muscle groups. For some reason many consider abdominals to be a 'special' body part that requires a different set of rules and a completely different formula for training.
  • To get thick, dense abs - the ones that 'pop' out - you must train them with intensity and overload. Here are some practical tips you can apply to your program so that you can be the 'man' or 'gal' at your gym with a ripped and muscular six-pack. Then I will provide a sample
  • If your abs are your worse body part, then why do you keep training them last, at the end of your workout? Which muscles group will receive the highest priority when you train? The ones done at the start of your workout or the ones done at the end of the workout? Of course, the exercises done at the start of the workout while you have the most energy and focus.
  • he typical response is "Nobody does abdominals first..." That is pure BS. This just supports the notion that many people who work out don't ever question what they hear or do. They want to be spoon-fed answers and follow the trends of others without thinking for themselves. I ALWAYS train abdominals first in a workout if they need the highest attention.
  • What's going to receive better results? A muscle group that is trained one time a week or two times a week (assuming you recovered prior to the second workout commencing)? Of course, the muscle that is trained 2x a week. The more stimulus on a muscle, the more growth. That is why professional athletes are professional athletes. They have conditioned their bodies to such a high amount of stress that they are able to train more frequently.
  • Right now some of you can see a perfectly set of staggered abs that are wide and thick and separated by a line down the middle. Some of you have the classic four-pack which is four big abs with a smooth lower section. Some of you have tiny cubicle boxes sitting high on your abdominal wall. Some of you have the picture perfect eight-pack that makes people's jaws drop.
  • If building a sexy six-pack is on your 'to do' list for 2007, then start training abdominals 2-4x a week. I will teach you in a moment how to split your abdominals up into two different days based on movement.
  • To train your abdominals safely and effectively you must know the basic movement patterns of your abs and train them within all sub-categories: Truck Flexion (upper abs) Hip Flexion (lower abs) Rotation (obliques) Lateral Flexion (obliques)
  • Perform this workout at least two times a week separated by at least 48 hours rest. You should experience a deep muscle soreness after each one of these workouts. Focus on using a load that causes failure within 8-12 reps and then move to the next exercise. This is a non-stop circuit. Rest 1-2 minutes and repeat until you reach 4 sets total. Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Hanging Leg Raises 1-4 8-12 311 - Rope Crunch 1-4 8-12 311 - Reverse Crunch 1-4 8-12 311 - Weighted Ball Crunch 1-4 8-12 311 1-2 minutes
  • As said earlier, buiding razor sharp abs is not the easiest task in the work but nor is it the hardest. The above abdominal exercises will help you build a deeply separated and evenly placed set of abs in little time. The truth is that if you can't see your abs, then the best exercise for your abs will be better diet.
    • Wasif H
      I think that getting abs just requires the right knowledge and this site provides it. There are so many myths on abs and it is hard to get good info on them. The best thing to do is look on a source like this or ask someone you know with abs or just the trainer at the gym .
Joti P

Stress - 0 views

  • The events that provoke stress are called stressors, and they cover a whole range of situations
  • The hypothalamus signals the adrenal glands to produce more of the hormones adrenaline
  • These hormones speed up heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure, and metabolism
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  • This natural reaction is known as the stress response
  • But the stress response can also cause problems when it overreacts or fails to turn off and reset itself properly.
  • But stress doesn't always happen in response to things that are immediate or that are over quickly.
  • long-term events, like coping with a divorce or moving to a new neighborhood or school, can cause stress, too.
  • can produce a lasting, low-level stress that's hard on people.
  • can wear out the body's reserves, leave a person feeling depleted or overwhelmed
  • weaken the body's immune system
  • crammed schedules, not having enough time to rest and relax, and always being on the go
  • Pressures that are too intense or last too long, or troubles that are shouldered alone, can cause people to feel stress overload
  • a feeling of being constantly pressured, hassled, and hurried irritability and moodiness
  • stomach problems, headaches, or even chest pain
  • problems sleeping
  • sadness or depression
  • Everyone experiences stress a little differently.
  • Keep Stress Under Control
  • Take a stand against overscheduling.
  • Be realistic.
  • Get a good night's sleep.
  • Learn to relax.
  • Treat your body well.
  • Watch what you're thinking.
  • Solve the little problems.
  • Build Your Resilience
  • They're cool under pressure and able to handle problems as they come up.
  • Researchers have identified the qualities that make some people seem naturally resilient even when faced with high levels of stress.
  • Think of change as a challenging and normal part of life.
  • setbacks and problems as temporary and solvable.
  • you will succeed if you keep working toward your goals.
  • Take action to solve problems that crop up.
  • Build strong relationships
  • support system and ask for help
  • Participate regularly
    Helps to answer question 7
Aninder S

7 Most Effective Exercises - 0 views

  • Who doesn't want firm, flat abs?
  • begin lying on your back with feet flat on the floor and fingertips supporting your head.
  • Be careful not to pull your neck forward by sticking the chin out
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  • don't hold your breath, and keep elbows out of your line of vision to keep chest and shoulders open.
  • take the standard crunch and rotate the spine toward one side as you curl off the floor
  • "It's really important that the twist comes first because then it's the obliques that are actually getting you up."
  • Burning belly fat requires the well-known formula: using up more calories than you take in.
  • work the ab muscles
  • Bent-over Row
  • Technique
  • the question is not so much whether the exercise works as how well you execute.
  • "Done with good technique, all exercises do what they're supposed to do,"
  • 6. Abdominal Crunches
  • Crunches can be excellent, but if they're not done correctly, with the back arching, they can actually weaken the abdominals," Petersen says.
  • The trouble is that poor form can change the whole exercise, putting emphasis or even strain on different areas than intended. This can hurt, rather than help you.
  • Here's how to do it with good form. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, then bend knees and flex forward at the hips. (If you have trouble doing this exercise standing up, support your weight by sitting on an incline bench, facing backward.) Tilt your pelvis slightly forward, engage the abdominals, and extend your upper spine to add support. Hold dumbbells or barbell beneath the shoulders with hands about shoulder-width apart. Flex your elbows, and lift both hands toward the sides of your body. Pause, then slowly lower hands to the starting position. (Beginners should perform the move without weights.)
    cont.. #2
Justin D

How To Gain Weight By Adding Muscle | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

    Lift weights to gain lean muscle mass. Work each muscle group on your body two to three times per week through a combination of resistance methods, such as weight machines, barbells and dumbbells. The main muscle groups are as follows: legs and glutes, core, chest, back, shoulders and arms.
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