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Janice Poston

Resources and Downloads for Differentiated Instruction - 1 views

    Great resource Jan, thanks for sharing!
Terri Schoone

Empowering Online Learning: WEB LINKS, EXAMPLES, AND RESOURCES - 1 views

    Chapter 2: Describing Phase One of the R2D2 Model: Verbal and Auditory Learners
Terri Schoone

TrainingShare - Curt Bonk -- Educational Technology Expert And E-Learning Guru - World ... - 0 views

    Ed Tech Journals and Mags: 1. Educational Technology, Pedagogy, and Distance Education Journals (most are online). AACE Journal: International Forum on Information Technology in Education (AACEJ); (formerly Educational Technology Review ( ))
Terri Schoone

The Best Resources For Helping Teachers Use Bloom's Taxonomy In The Classroom | Larry F... - 3 views

    Bloom's Taxonomy is talked about a lot in educational circles. However, if you believe a recent survey of visits to 23,000 U.S. classrooms, the higher-order thinking skills it's ideally designed to promote doesn't get much use. And I can understand why.
Terri Schoone

Diigo in Education Group - Where teachers share their favorite links - 2 views

    This began as a Diigo where teachers could share their examples of how they are using Diigo in Education but it has evolved into THE place to share links and resources. It contains over 13,000 links! Luckily they are searchable by tags. I suggest joining the group (link on the right) and receiving email updates periodically that will list new links added by members.
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