Moving at the Speed of Creativity - 30 in 60: 30 Tools for Tech-Savvy Teachers - 0 views
10 Collaborative Brainstorming Web Apps - 0 views
digitalwritingworkshop - Websites_And_Apps - 2 views
Teaching Technology to Teachers: I Used to Think... but Now I Think... - EdTech Researc... - 4 views
workshops should begin and end by having people think and write about their learning goals. Workshops and series should be named after learning goals rather than tools.
involves introducing tools not by the unconscionably boring "click-along-with-the-presenter" method, but by giving participants a logical series of steps to perform and having them figure out how to do them through play, exploration, peer and facilitator support.
professional development plans ultimately need to build towards creating environments where teachers are coaching, guiding, supporting and inspiring one another.
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The 5 Best Free Annotation Tools For Teachers - 3 views
I'm really interested in this--want to see if it works with Google Maps. I love to screenshot a map and circle or highlight details for whomever I am sending it to. I tried to sign up, but their website says they are preparing an updated version for 2014. I'm on the mailing list if they get round to publishing it! I'll let y'all know.
Please do! Outside of Diigo, this tool is the most interesting on the list.
lets you bookmark and tag web pages
attach sticky notes to it
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Using Paper Slides in the Classroom « Inside the classroom, outside the box! - 4 views
Can Google Help Students Master the Art of Online Search? | EdTech Magazine - 2 views
On Cloud Nine -- THE Journal - 3 views
Welcome to Teaching That Makes Sense! - 8 views
Study Finds Benefits in Use of iPad as an Educational Tool | eFront Blog - 4 views
inkle » inklewriter - 1 views
Allows students and teachers to create a "choose your own adventure" style story. I see possibilities existing for creative writing and assessments. I also see this as a possible template for multi genre writing with the "choices" being the gateways to other pieces. Of course, I have yet to fully explore the tool.
Here is a blog entry connected to inklewriter with a link to an example: