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8 Great Tools to Create Webinars Online - 0 views

    Possibilities for SMWP as we consider offering webinars...

25 Ways Teachers Can Integrate Social Media Into Education | Edudemic - 1 views

    Interesting infographic.  Might be useful for PD.

Chippewa River Writing Project - WHOAAA_Webinar_Oct_2011 - 1 views

    Excellent resource to help us think about how to structure tech PD.

The dumbest generation? No, Twitter is making kids smarter - The Globe and Mail - 1 views

  • And here’s the thing: He wrote that at the age of 14, in his spare time, at a point when the longest assignment he ever had in school was maybe 500 to 1,000 words. What motivated him? Other gamers. He had written a little bit of the guide and put it online – when he started getting e-mails saying how much other players liked it, were using it and asking when he was going to complete it.
  • Part of what makes the online environment so powerful, as Prof. Lunsford says, is that it provides a sense of purpose: “[Students are] writing things that have an impact on the world – that other people are reading and responding to.

The five most powerful ways teachers aren't using Google Drive (yet) - 3 views

    Drive just keeps getting better! There's a movement here to catch up with some of Evernote's features. Excited to see WeVideo as a third-party app extension.

digitalwritingworkshop - Websites_And_Apps - 2 views

    Digital tools for writing. Comprehensive list.

Special-Focus Networks: Continuity & Site Development - 0 views

    This is a quick overview of NWP's Special-Focus Networks.
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