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Tarmo Toikkanen

PhotoPeach - free photo slideshows with music - 0 views

    Create slideshows from photos, music, and captions.
Tero Toivanen

Educational Technology: Cool Sites to Use with Your Photos - 0 views

    Tässä blogissa linkkejä sivustoille, joissa voi muokata valokuvia eri tavoin.
Tarmo Toikkanen

Free and Commercial Stock Photography Sites | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine - 0 views

    Comprehensive list and comparison of dozens of free and commercial stock photo sites
    Ilmaisia ja maksullisia valokuvapalveluita esim. esitysgrafiikan kuvitukseen.
Tero Toivanen

ImageBase, free images, public domain, free photos - 6 views

    Tältä sivustolta löytyy ilmaisia (public domain) kuvia.
Tero Toivanen

amMap: Interactive flash maps - 1 views

    AmMap is a tool for creating interactive Flash maps. You can use this tool to show locations of your offices, routes of your journeys, create your distributor map, etc. Photos or illustrations can be used as layers and backgrounds of maps, so you can make different presentations, e-learning tools and more.
Tarmo Toikkanen

Facebook Announces New Homepages: It's All About the Stream - ReadWriteWeb - 0 views

  • One highlight of the new homepages is a new 'publisher' feature which looks almost exactly like a similar feature on FriendFeed. Users can now easily post updates, notes, photos, and videos right from their homepage without having to go to the specific application first.
  • Just like on FriendFeed, users can now easily block updates from others if they turn out to be spammers or are simply posting too few interesting (or too many) updates.
  • Thanks to updates to Facebook's privacy settings, users will now also be able to follow others without having to become actual 'friends.' This is basically the same 'friendship' model that Twitter has implemented on its service.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Facebook is slowly moving towards combining some of the best features of FriendFeed and Twitter on its homepages as it has seen how quickly users latched on to Twitter and its real-time updates.
    Facebookin uudet ominaisuudet tulevat käyttöön 11.3.2009. Tässä käydään läpi, mitä uutta on tiedossa. Huhut kasvavasta kilpailusta Friendfeedin ja Twitterin kanssa sävyttävät spekulaatiota.
    New Facebook features revealed
Tero Toivanen

Wikimedia Commons - 0 views

    6 663 392 vapaasti käytettävää ja muokattavaa datasivustoa. Kuvia, animaatioita, diagrammeja, piirroksia, karttoja, maalauksia, symboleja, musiikkia jne.
Tarmo Toikkanen - 5 views

    Bookmarklet to quickly create a snippet of html to properly use a CC-licensed image on Flickr with proper attribution.
    Älykirjanmerkki, jolla on helppo hyödyntää Flickr:n CC-kuvia.
Jere Rinne

Historypin | Home - 2 views

    Historiaa elävästi ja yhdessä tehtynä. 
Tarmo Toikkanen

Creative Commons on Flickr: Users Prefer Restrictive Licenses - ReadWriteWeb - 0 views

  • In total, Flickr now hosts over 100 million CC-licensed images, so even the least restrictive CC license accounts for a total of 12 million photos, and, of course, even the most restrictive CC license still allows for free sharing of the images, as long as the image is not changed and the author is attributed.
    Analyysia Flickr-kuvapalvelussa käytetyistä avoimista lisensseistä.
    Flickr now holds the world's largest repository of Creative Commons-licensed images, but according to a new study, most Flickr users opt to license their images under the most restrictive CC license.
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