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Tero Toivanen

12 things you didn't know Google Docs could do | News | TechRadar UK - 0 views

  • 1. Recover old revisionsGo to File > Revision History and the entire past of the current document will be revealed.
  • 2. Create HTML tablesYou can access a document's underlying HTML code direct by going to "Edit > Edit HTML".
  • 3. Add CSSGoogle Docs allows you to add CSS styles to any document.
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  • 4. Batch upload filesClick the "Upload" button, then use CTRL-Click to selectively highlight multiple files or SHIFT-Click to select a continuous list. Google Docs will put them in a queue and upload the lot.
  • 5. Back up Google DocsYou can export multiple documents to a ZIP archive.
  • 6. Synchronise documentsThe free personal edition of back-up tool Syncplicity [] enables you to connect your Google Docs account with a designated folder, which in turn can be synchronised with a folders on your computer.
    Google Docsissa on paljon hienoja ominaisuuksia, joista tässä blogi-kirjoituksessa mainitaan muutamia.
Tero Toivanen

A. Kipta's Blog: VideoSpin - free video editing software - 1 views

    VideoSpin is amazingly easy and fun for all consumers, especially users who don't want to spend much time creating movies.
Tero Toivanen

Free Technology for Teachers: Holiday Edition: Seven Ways to Find Teachers on Twitter - 0 views

    Hyviä ideoita hyödyllisten Twitter-kontaktien löytämisessä opettajille.
Tarmo Toikkanen

Finnish Hashtag Library Specification - Google Docs - 1 views

    Suomalaisten hashtagien eli Twitterissä, Qaikussa ja muissa paikoissa käytettyjen avainsanojen tietokanta.
Tero Toivanen

Audacity Tutorial for Podcasters - 2 views

    Opetusvideoita Audacity:n käyttöön Podcast:ien tekoon.
Tero Toivanen

12 things you didn't know Google Docs could do | News | TechRadar UK - 0 views

  • 7. Full screen mode
  • 8. Emulate classic word processors
  • 9. Publish to your blogClick "Share > Publish as Web Page" in any document. Next click "Set your blog site settings" and enter your login details. You can publish to Blogger, LiveJournal, SquareSpace and others.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • 10. Create new documents fastHere's a trick from the Official Google Docs Blog []. Drag the following link to your browser's bookmark bar:New Document []Select the bookmark to make a new Google Doc.
  • 11. Open MS Word docs in Google Docs with FirefoxDownload the Google Toolbar for Firefox. Go to the installed Toolbar's options and choose "Tools". Tick the box labelled "Google Docs" and click "Edit". Tick the box labelled "Double-click a file icon". Save the changes and Microsoft Word docs will now open in Firefox.
  • 12. Take it to the limitGoogle Docs files can be up to 500k in size with a limit on embedded images of 2MB. There's a combined limit of 5,000 documents.
    Lisää esimerkkejä Google Docs:in ominaisuuksista.
Tarmo Toikkanen

The Innovative Educator: Ten Ways To Confuse a Child: Education Edition - 2 views

    "Last week I wrote a post about how parents can confuse their children. Then I started thinking about how teachers and school administrators can do their parts as well. We can all work together to make sure no child is left thinking the world makes sense."
    10 tapaa saada koulussa lapsi ymmälleen. Piilo-opetussuunnitelman esiinnostoa ja nykytilan kritiikkiä.
Tarmo Toikkanen

Why PBworks - 0 views

  • As we've added additional functionality, such as Access Controls, Document Management, Mobile support, and now our new Legal Edition, we've gone well beyond traditional wiki functionality.  As a result, the name "PBwiki" no longer reflected how we think of ourselves, and even more importantly, how our users think of us. 
    PBWiki kulkee nykyään nimellä PBWorks. Samat wikitoiminnot ovat käytössä, mutta lisäksi on tarjolla monia muita toiminnallisuuksia, kuten dokumenttienhallinta.
    PBWiki renamed itself to PBWorks as they added new features to their wiki engine, such as document management.
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