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Tarmo Toikkanen

How Rewards Can Backfire and Reduce Motivation | PsyBlog - 3 views

  • As you can see the expected reward had decreased the amount of spontaneous interest the children took in drawing (and there was no statistically significant difference between the no reward and surprise reward group). So, those who had previously liked drawing were less motivated once they expected to be rewarded for the activity. In fact the expected reward reduced the amount of spontaneous drawing the children did by half. Not only this, but judges rated the pictures drawn by the children expecting a reward as less aesthetically pleasing.
  • Rewards reduce intrinsic motivation
  • In one study smokers who were rewarded for their efforts to quit did better at first but after three months fared worse than those given no rewards and no feedback (Curry et al., 1990). Indeed those given rewards even lied more about the amount they were smoking.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • tangible rewards tend to have a substantially negative effect on intrinsic motivation (...) Even when tangible rewards are offered as indicators of good performance, they typically decrease intrinsic motivation for interesting activities.
  • Rewards have even been found to make people less creative and worse at problem-solving.
  • When we do something for its own sake, because we enjoy it or because it fills some deep-seated desire, we are intrinsically motivated. On the other hand when we do something because we receive some reward, like a certificate or money, this is extrinsic motivation.
  • This is why play can become work when we get paid. The person who previously enjoyed painting pictures, weaving baskets, playing the cello or even writing blog posts, suddenly finds the task tedious once money has become involved.
    Miten palkkio vaikuttaa motivaation? Sisäiseen motivaation se vaikuttaa tässä blogissa mainittujen tutkimusten mukaan negatiivisesti.
  • ...1 more comment...
    Joo, nykyinen motivaatiotutkimus on ihan mielenkiintoista. Vaikka sisäisen ja ulkoisen motivaation jako on jo vähän vanhahtava, on se edelleen hyvä ajattelun väline. Modernimpi tulkinta olisi varmaankin, että sen sijaan, että jännite muodostuisi toimijan ja tehtävän välille, se muodostuu toimijan ja palkkion välille.
    "Yet psychologists have long known that rewards are overrated. The carrot, of carrot-and-stick fame, is not as effective as we've been led to believe. Rewards work under some circumstances but sometimes they backfire. Spectacularly."
    Jos tuota sisäistä motivaatiota vertaa Mihály Csíkszentmihályin Flow-ilmiöön, ollaan lähellä samoja asioita. Flow-tilassa ulkoisille palkkioille ei ole tarvetta. Se on mielestäni myös optimaalinen tila oppimista ajatellen. Sosiaalisen median välineet saattavat olla muuten aika hyviä tähän tilaan pääsemiseen. Itseopiskelu voi muuttua lähes addiktiota aiheuttavaksi sen avulla.
Tarmo Toikkanen

Children learning by themselves and progressive inquiry | FLOSSE Posse - 1 views

    Teemu Leinonen pohtii, voivatko lapset oppia itsekseen ja miten tutkiva oppiminen näyttäytyy käytännössä.
Tarmo Toikkanen

The Innovative Educator: Ten Ways To Confuse a Child: Education Edition - 2 views

    "Last week I wrote a post about how parents can confuse their children. Then I started thinking about how teachers and school administrators can do their parts as well. We can all work together to make sure no child is left thinking the world makes sense."
    10 tapaa saada koulussa lapsi ymmälleen. Piilo-opetussuunnitelman esiinnostoa ja nykytilan kritiikkiä.
Tarmo Toikkanen

How to Raise Your Kids-and Maybe Your Company, Too : The World : Idea Hub :: American E... - 1 views

    12 insights on how to raise children and what schools should do.
    Hyvää luettavaa myös opettajille.
Tero Toivanen

WikiEducator's Wayne Mackintosh: Open Education and Policy - Creative Commons - 0 views

  • The act of teaching is fundamentally about sharing knowledge. OER embodies the purpose of teaching and is today’s most compelling manifestation of the core values of education in a digital world, that is, to share knowledge freely.
    • Tero Toivanen
      Opettaminen on tiedon jakamista. Siksi avoimet oppimisen resurssit edustavat opettamisen puhtainta arvomaailmaa digitaalisessa maailmassa.
  • WikiEducator is a flagship project of the OER Foundation
    • Tero Toivanen
      WikiEducator on avoimien oppimisen resurssien liikkeen lippulaivaprojekti.
  • Cape Town Open Education Declaration
    • Tero Toivanen
      Allekirjoitin jo tämän julistuksen.
  • ...22 more annotations...
  • Creative Commons is the air that the OER movement breathes.
    • Tero Toivanen
      Creative Commons:in merkitys avoimien oppimisen resurssien liikkeelle.
  • Creative Commons could, for instance, leverage its networks to establish a global network of pro bono legal counseling services, or develop an array of draft intellectual property policies published as OER that can be reused and remixed by education institutions around the world. In this way, all projects benefit from the core expertise and tacit knowledge of our respective organisations.
    • Tero Toivanen
      Mitä CC voisi tehdä tulevaisuudessa OER:ia tukeakseen.
  • In responding to these needs, the OER Foundation has launched the CollabOERate project. CollabOERate is the OER equivalent of research and development (R & D) for new “product” design in open content and open education. CollabOERate is an “OER remix” of industry’s “co-opetition” model where individual OER projects agree to collaborate on areas that allow them to “compete” better for their own sustainability and attainment of their own strategic objectives.
    • Tero Toivanen
      Mikä on CollabOERate -projekti.
  • The uncharted territory, and arguably the biggest point of difference for OER lies in the remix.
  • At the OER Foundation we subscribe to free cultural works licensing.
  • . At the OER Foundation we believe in radical transparency and all our planning documents, projects and funding proposals are developed openly in WikiEducator, using Creative Commons licences.
  • WikiEducator believes learning materials should be free (read “libre”) for all students of the world.
    • Tero Toivanen
      Oppimateriaalien pitäisi olla ilmaisia kaikille maailman opiskelijoille!
  • By free digital resources, we mean educational materials which meet the requirements of the free cultural works definition that I mentioned before. That is, the freedom to reuse, revise, remix and redistribute education materials without restriction. This includes the freedom to use free software, and the freedom to earn a living. Consequently, we do not consider OER using the Non Commercial (NC) or No Derivatives (ND) restrictions to be free in all material aspects.
  • Sadly, in education circles the non-commercial restriction is widely used.
  • We believe that the restriction of commercial activity around OER is a material restriction of the freedom to earn a living, especially when the ShareAlike provision, if used in conjunction with free file formats, is sufficiently adequate to protect the future freedoms of digital materials against commercial exploitation.
  • Most national education systems are predominantly funded through taxpayer dollars. Why should taxpayers have to pay “twice” for education materials?
    • Tero Toivanen
      Miksi oppimateriaaleista pitää maksaa kahdesti?
  • Capability and community development using WikiEducator’s Learning4Content training model.
  • In Sub-Saharan Africa, 76% of the children of the school-going age for the last 3-years of the K-12 system will NOT have the privilege of attending school. The conventional education system that has evolved in the industrial world is unaffordable to the majority of our planet. Consider for example, that in many African countries, the cost of sending a child to secondary school is typically more than 20% of the per capita income.
  • “Access to learning and acquisition of knowledge should be freely available to all humanity. Any and every effort to realise this vision must be welcomed and enthusiastically supported by all.”
    • Tero Toivanen
      Tämän eteen kannattaa tehdä töitä!
  • We can make a difference in widening access to learning. While the skeptics and educational purists may argue that such systems may not meet the “quality” requirements of teaching provision compared with traditional face-to-face provision, these approaches have got to be better than no education at all. Our industrialised nations can help if they release materials as OER.
  • To paraphrase Mahatma Gandhi: “We can be the change we want to see in the OER world!” This is what we are doing and I hope that your readers can help us.
  • Many education institutions perceive that the sharing of education materials will potentially erode their student base, or even worse, their “competitive advantage.”
  • Any researcher worth their salt knows that a thorough literature review of existing knowledge is the natural starting point in resolving a research question.
  • “to have reached the stage where we are technically able to share knowledge and enhance education right across the world is a wonderful thing.”
  • OER is not a binary question of whether or not it is going to happen, it’s simply a question of how long it will take to have free digital resources in support of all national curricula in the world.
  • We only need a small minority of contributors to achieve the goal where learning materials will be free for all students of the world.
  • Good teaching is good teaching, irrespective of whether we are using open or closed resources.
Tarmo Toikkanen

Education 2.0: Never Memorize Again? - ReadWriteWeb - 0 views

  • Memorization is a waste of time when Google is only a a few clicks away.
  • "Kids should learn about history to understand the world and why things are the way they are. But they don't need to know all the dates. It is enough that they know about the Battle of Hastings, without having to memorize that it was in 1066. They can look that up and position it in history with a click on Google,"
  • "Children are going to have to reinvent their knowledge base multiple times," he continues. "So for them memorizing facts and figures is a waste of time."
    Don Tapscott (kirjoittanut mm. Wikinomics-kirjan) toteaa, että ulkoa opettelu on ajan hukkaa.
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