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Tarmo Toikkanen

Gartner Says the World of Work Will Witness 10 Changes During the Next 10 Years | Tomor... - 5 views

    "The world of today is dramatically different from 20 years ago and with the lines between work and non-work already badly frayed, Gartner, Inc. predicts that the nature of work will witness 10 key changes through 2020. Organizations will need to plan for increasingly chaotic environments that are out of their direct control, and adaptation must involve adjusting to all 10 of the trends."
    10 muutosta työelämään seuraavan 10 vuoden aikana.
Tero Toivanen

U.S. Dept. of Ed. Reaffirms OER Support, Highlights Competency-Based Assessment | EDUCAUSE - 1 views

  • And she noted that the department and the Obama Administration’s commitment to OER began “at the top,” with President Obama highlighting his support for “the creation of a new online and open source clearinghouse of courses” to help higher education achieve the goal of making the United States first in the world in the proportion of students graduating from college by 2020.
  • all the new intellectual property produced as a result of those grants, whether it’s a new open course or modules, or new kinds of learning materials,… would be released with a Creative Commons CC-BY license
    Yhdysvalloissa vihreätä valoa avoimille oppimisympäristöille.
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