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Teaching with Historic Places--Home page for the program's website - 3 views

    • Samantha Greenwald
      The current feature lesson plan provides teachers with many examples of how to teach their students about a particular period in history, an event, or a person/group of people.
    • Samantha Greenwald
      It is great that the National Park Service organizes their lesson plans and follows the National Standards for 5-12 Social Studies so teachers can see how it fits into the objectives they are required to follow over the course of the semester/year.
    The National Park Service provides a register of places that teachers can teach/take their students to in order to incorporate historic sites into their lessons. The website provides featured and current lesson plans and guides educators on how they can use it.

12,000 Online Newspapers - Newspapers - 3 views

    • Sarah Franquemont
      Many of the newspapers from other countries are also in other languages, however; most countries also have at least one English paper.
    • Sarah Franquemont
      Notice that papers can be browsed by language.
    • Sarah Franquemont
      The United States section of the site also allows browsing of newspapers by state, so this site would be useful for a lesson or unit on national media; for projects on specific states; or lessons on national current events.
    • Sarah Franquemont
      Clicking on a country also gives basic, factual information on that country; like population and a picture of the country's flag.
    This website links to thousands of newspapers worldwide. I would use this site to collect primary sources or as a research mechanism for current events.  It would be a valuable resource to students who are doing research projects on a specific country or international topic.

NHEC | Understanding and Interpreting Political Cartoons in the History Classroom - 7 views

    • jbdrury
      The particular value of this proposed lesson plan is that it is designed to set your students up with the skills and strategies to be able to critically interpret political cartoons throughout the school year.
    • jbdrury
      This is the hyperlink to download the "Cartoon Analysis Checklist"; its proposed use is outlined in the lesson plan.
  • A lesson that introduces a framework for understanding and interpreting political cartoons that can be used throughout your entire history course.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • A Cartoon Analysis Checklist, developed by Jonathan Burack, is presented here as a tool for helping students become skilled at reading the unique language employed by political cartoons in order to use them effectively as historical sources
  • 1. Symbol and Metaphor 2. Visual Distortion 3. Irony in Words and Images 4. Stereotype and Caricature 5. An Argument Not a Slogan 6. The Uses and Misuses of Political Cartoons>
    • jbdrury
      This is a breakdown of how the lesson plan should be organized and proceed.
  • Students need to understand that political cartoons are expressions of opinion.
    • jbdrury
      Much like other sorts of primary source documents - the caveat that "political cartoons are expressions of opinion" is an important thing for students to keep in mind.
  • They are evidence only of a point of view
  • The Library of Congress also has a fine collection of political cartoons by cartoonist Herb Block.
    • jbdrury
      This is a short bio summary of the author of this lesson plan; he would appear to place great emphasis on the value of primary source analysis.
    Because political cartoons are somewhat of special category of primary source images, I thought it would behoove us to find a particular strategy for analyzing and interpreting them - much along the same lines as the SOAPS method but one specifically designed for political cartoons. This lesson plan, and its "Cartoon Analysis Checklist" is a start.
    Thanks for this add, I can use this for my lesson plan on Chinese immigration.

Awesome Stories - 6 views

    Pre-categorized primary sources--such as "disasters" or "inspiration". Seems great for first exposure to primary sources as research or going deeper than the textbook

Watergate and the Constitution - 2 views

  • a memo to the Watergate Special Prosecutor Leon Jaworski, was written by Jaworski's staff as he was considering whether or not to indict Nixon.
    • Jonathon Gordon
      The lesson plan gets its direct information from a document that was used in the Nixon hearings
  • This lesson would likely work best after an introductory lesson on Watergate.
    • Jonathon Gordon
      Important that the writer of this lesson suggests that students will need prior knowledge on Watergate
  • The lesson is centered around a primary document from the Watergate scandal, and requires students to read the Constitution.
    • Jonathon Gordon
      The lesson uses primary source documents which help students learn to read with a historical eye. 
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Historical background is detailed and accurate. The document is from The National Archives.
    • Jonathon Gordon
      All historical documents come from the National Archive making them historically accurate 
  • Yes The lesson is clearly presented and is easily adapted to emphasize either History or Civic standards.
    • Jonathon Gordon
      This website is very useful for social studies teachers, especially those teaching history, because it helps teachers design valuable lesson plans with accurate information. 
  • One of the suggested activities asks students to identify the specific role each branch of government played in the Watergate affair. Another activity asks students to apply specific sections of the Constitution and determine the role particular constitutional powers and rights played in the Watergate affair.
    This site provides history teachers with information for helping with their classes. This part of the site includes lesson plans with this one specifically on "Watergate and the Constitution." 

Summer Books - National Geographic Traveler - 2 views

  • Whatever your plans, we have a book for you, selected from our online Ultimate Travel Library of classic and new reads with a great sense of place. Each of these books will illuminate your destination, give you unexpected tips on what to see and do, and keep you turning pages during that long flight or that sunny poolside afternoon.
    • Lindsay Andreas
      So for the first half of my time at McKinley we had a class called Global Perspectives and nobody knew what we were supposed to teach because it was brand new. My teacher thought it was a pain but I thought it was such a cool opportunity to have a lot of teacher freedom. They had a book that taught them about different contemporary issues around the world but it was really negative. So in order to balance out some of that negativity, particularly regarding developing countries, I think it would be cool to choose a cool travel book about some of the places. Especially if you were in a school that had a English/Social Studies department relationship. Some of the books wouldn't be very good to use but out of 50 titles, there were a few that sparked my interest.
  • The River at the Center of the World: A Journey Up the Yangtze, and Back in Chinese Time, by Simon Winchester (1996). Historian Winchester seems to know everything, but he's such an engaging raconteur you can hardly begrudge him his smarts. Here he travels the 3,434-mile (5,526-kilometer)Yangtze River, reflecting on the historic importance of the river and the social straits in which the Chinese now find themselves.
    • Lindsay Andreas
      This is one that sparked my interest because it is written by a historian. I think what he did was so cool. He journeyed down the Yangtze river and tied the past and present, which is the only way to truly understand a sense of place and cultures.

American Civil War Augmented Reality Project - 6 views

    A fascinating project designed by history teachers to use Augmented Reality to make the past come alive. Help spread the word to make this a reality.

PBS Teachers | Resources For The Classroom - 1 views

    • David Loudon
      You can select different time periods/themes to search through. The four most prominent sections are Civics, World History, U.S. History and Cultural Studies.
    • David Loudon
      The problem with this site is that the links they provide are not often scholarly, and as such aren't as reliable as other sources may be.
  • Source: NOVA 60.0 1 Article/Essay Discover the story of how Dale Larson saved 29 schoolchildren during a 1928 tornado in Thurston County, Nebraska. Imagine how the events of that tornado would have been different with the current advances in severe weather warning systems. Details » Tags: 6-8, 9-12, Science & Tech, Social Studies, Geology & Natural Disasters, Meteorology, Historical Perspective
    • Jonathon Gordon
      Searching on this site is extremely easy. By using tags similar to DIIGO, teachers can search for exact lessons or ideas to improve lessons. 
  • the.News: Woody Biomass - Nebraska Source: PBS NewsHour 60.0 0 Resource Set Analyze the use of woody biomass as a fuel. Understand the carbon cycle, calculate your carbon footprint and formulate a policy position on using woody biomass to produce energy. Details »
    • Jonathon Gordon
      Classroom resources are not limited to just lesson plans, they also include on/offline activities for students; grade level specific in all cases. 
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Earth Days: Technology - Conveniences and Consequences Source: American Experience
    • Jonathon Gordon
      The sources from this site come from various PBS programs including "American Experience", "PBS Newshour", and "NOVA". 
  • Classroom Resources Discussions Professional Development Classroom Resources
    • Jonathon Gordon
      This is a great website for teachers. It is a credible source of information with multiple options for improving lessons plans. 
    This website is provided by PBS for teachers to use to help with different classroom applications. It offers teachers the ability get classroom resources, start discussion boards with other educators, and professional development tools. 

The History of Jim Crow - 5 views

    This website deals with the History of Jim Crow and has many valuable resources for teachers. The History and Geography sections of this website are quite rich in information and I think well-organized and easy to use. The website provides the in-depth essays and/or other materials to be used in the lessons. The American Literature section provides some interesting unit and lesson plans for well-known books such as A Raisin in the Sun and To Kill a Mockingbird. The Teacher Resources section provides a variety of lessons… some involve images, music, literature, simulations, etc. Quite a few seem to incorporate the PBS series The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow. Overall, I am very impressed with this website. My favorite book is To Kill a Mockingbird and I think the Unit on this book is interesting in the way they link it to an integrated literature/social studies unit on the case of the Scottsboro Boys and life in the 1930s.

Student Speech | American Civil Liberties Union - 1 views

    This page on the ACLU web site features materials related to students' free speech rights.
    This is a podcast interview of a woman who was suspended from school for protesting the Viet Nam War during the 1960s. Subject talks about the example set by her parents, who were Civil Rights activists.
    Site contains a wealth of materials -- legal documents, blogs, news articles, podcasts, etc. -- that are searchable by subject area. Subject breakdown could be very helpful for students looking for a research topic.

Lesson Plans | Teach US History - 1 views

    • David Loudon
      Great introduction and topic. Most traditional texts I have heard leave out the repeated attempts of the Cherokees to assimilate. Very accurate information here.
    • David Loudon
      Great list of primary sources. I would use these in my classroom. A good secondary source (like Howard Zinn's People's History) could also be used.
    • David Loudon
      Great way to teach the material, divide students into groups and have them make make sense of the material. Depending upon the age/skill-level of the group, I may not give each person a role but rather just have them all contribute to answering the questions.
  • ...2 more annotations...
    • David Loudon
      I like the idea of looking at it from three perspectives, getting students to think about history from multiple points of view.
    • David Loudon
      Fantastic lesson plan overall, I can't find anything that I don't like about it. I would definitely use something like this in my classroom. In particular, I love the way it gets students to look at it from the Cherokees point of view, NOT JUST the government or the American people.
    Lesson plan on the Cherokee removal and the Trail of Tears

All My Faves | Education - 5 views

    All the best EDU sites on one single page. 

Geography Action! 2009 -- National Geographic - 6 views

    • Sarah Franquemont
      Choose a "Geography Action!" theme at right and be directed to a variety of primary and secondary sources (maps, lesson plans, video and audio resources, and pictures) relating to that theme.
    • Sarah Franquemont
      The site contains information on conservation, topography, human migration, and other relevant topics for geography teachers.  A variety of supplemental maps also illustrate these concepts.
    • Sarah Franquemont
      Cultural and region specific information is broad, so while this site is valuable for geography teachers, it may not provide detailed enough information for history teachers.
    How might teachers use this site?

Online High School Economics Lessons - 1 views

    • David Loudon
      This site is NOT a list of primary or secondary sources but rather offers creative lesson plans, as well as the links to important materials for the plans, for teaching economics in a high school setting.
    • David Loudon
      Fantastic links of materials in each lesson plan to use for the lesson.
    • David Loudon
      This site is a valuable tool for teachers, especially those who don't feel very comfortable with economics but want to look at the practical implications of it with their students. I would definately use this site.
    A list of very good detailed lesson plans for a high school economic class related to different country and the economic policies that they pursue.

Reader Idea | Studying The Constitution With The Times - - 1 views

    • Margit Nahra
      The activities on this site all call for using articles from the New York Times, but any newspaper could be used.
    • Margit Nahra
      These are helpful handouts and graphic organizers that could be used in conjunction with the activities described in the lesson plan.
    • Margit Nahra
      The activity described here is a great way to demonstrate to students the relevance of the First Amendment to their daily lives, as well as to get them to reflect on the ramifications of living in a country that doesn't offer First Amendment protections.
  • ...1 more annotation...
    • Margit Nahra
      These links link to the texts of the referenced source documents (e.g., the Bill of Rights), as well as to an index of articles from the New York Times that relate to those documents or the rights protected therein. These would be helpful links if students were having trouble locating relevant articles.
    This lesson plan from the New York Times web site utilizes the newspaper to teach high school students about First Amendment rights and the daily impact of those rights on their lives.
    This lesson plan from the New York Times web site has students locate, summarize and reflect on articles in the newspaper related to First Amendment rights as well as articles illustrating the lack of such rights in other countries.

Environment Facts, Environment Science, Global Warming, Natural Disasters, Ecosystems, ... - 1 views

  • The ocean needs your help
    • kkasargodstaub
      The site relies on a lot of different sources but National Geographic is a reliable source. There are great tools here for teachers to take current issues and make them relevant in students' lives. You could use the site for research, inspiration and/or to get students involved in local community issues. It's great for a civics, current issues and/or geography class.
    I absolutely LOVE the National Geographic Website as a social studies tool. I've specifically used it in civics classes or geography classes for students to study current events, but the options are endless. They have videos, pictures and great information.

Historical Census Browser: University of Virginia Library - 1 views

    • Lauren Olson
      citation information clearly listed-- great for student researchers!
    • Lauren Olson
      This option allows students with higher level research needs to use this site as a starting point for more advanced work. The linked site is free.
    The Historical Census Browser is a comprehensive data site that allows users to sift through U.S. census information collected between 1790 and 1960. There are clear categories with which to search and the limitations of the search are defined on the home page. This site would be a great introduction search tool for lower-level soc stud students

The Great Depression - 2 views

  • Numbers soon proved the optimists incorrect. The depression steadily worsened. By spring of 1933, when FDR took the oath of office, unemployment had risen from 8 to 15 million (roughly 1/3 of the non-farmer workforce) and the gross national product had decreased from $103.8 billion to $55.7 billion. Forty percent of the farms in Mississippi were on the auction block on FDR's inauguration day.
    • Jonathon Gordon
      To the right is a great picture provided by the FDR Library showing the struggles of families who suffered from the dust bowl. Extremely useful in any classroom application on this subject. 
  • Many sank into despair and shame after they could not find jobs. The suicide rates increased from 14 to 17 per 100,000. Protest that did occur was local, not national: "farm holidays," neighbors of foreclosed farmers refusing to bid on farms at auction, neighbors moving evicted tenants' furniture back in, and local hunger marches.
    • Jonathon Gordon
      The site uses archived information from the Franklin and Eleanor national Libraries. 
    This website provided by the National Parks Service provides information on the Great Depression. It has great photos that would supplement any lesson plan on the subject of the great depression, the grapes of wrath, or the dust bowl. 

Paul B. Weinstein | Movies as the Gateway to History: The History and Film Project | Th... - 5 views

  • Finally, students gain an increased appreciation of the power of mass media to shape perception and to affect interpretation of the past. This heightened awareness should enable them to be more discriminating in processing the images and information bombarding them daily.
  • Finally, students gain an increased appreciation of the power of mass media to shape perception and to affect interpretation of the past. This heightened awareness should enable them to be more discriminating in processing the images and information bombarding them daily.
  • Finally, students gain an increased appreciation of the power of mass media to shape perception and to affect interpretation of the past. This heightened awareness should enable them to be more discriminating in processing the images and information bombarding them daily.
    • Adrea Lawrence
      It looks like the same highlight is repeated...repeatedly.
  • ...47 more annotations...
  •  Finally, students gain an increased appreciation of the power of mass media to shape perception and to affect interpretation of the past. This heightened awareness should enable them to be more discriminating in processing the images and information bombarding them daily.
  •  Finally, students gain an increased appreciation of the power of mass media to shape perception and to affect interpretation of the past. This heightened awareness should enable them to be more discriminating in processing the images and information bombarding them daily.
  • a study of over one thousand Americans representing a cross-section of the population found that over forty percent of the participants cited movies and TV programs among the most cited means of connecting with the past.
  • a study of over one thousand Americans representing a cross-section of the population found that over forty percent of the participants cited movies and TV programs among the most cited means of connecting with the past.
  • a study of over one thousand Americans representing a cross-section of the population found that over forty percent of the participants cited movies and TV programs among the most cited means of connecting with the past.
  • a study of over one thousand Americans representing a cross-section of the population found that over forty percent of the participants cited movies and TV programs among the most cited means of connecting with the past.
  • a study of over one thousand Americans representing a cross-section of the population found that over forty percent of the participants cited movies and TV programs among the most cited means of connecting with the past.
  • a study of over one thousand Americans representing a cross-section of the population found that over forty percent of the participants cited movies and TV programs among the most cited means of connecting with the past.
  • a study of over one thousand Americans representing a cross-section of the population found that over forty percent of the participants cited movies and TV programs among the most cited means of connecting with the past.
  • a study of over one thousand Americans representing a cross-section of the population found that over forty percent of the participants cited movies and TV programs among the most cited means of connecting with the past.
  • a study of over one thousand Americans representing a cross-section of the population found that over forty percent of the participants cited movies and TV programs among the most cited means of connecting with the past.
  • a study of over one thousand Americans representing a cross-section of the population found that over forty percent of the participants cited movies and TV programs among the most cited means of connecting with the past.
  • a study of over one thousand Americans representing a cross-section of the population found that over forty percent of the participants cited movies and TV programs among the most cited means of connecting with the past.
  • a study of over one thousand Americans representing a cross-section of the population found that over forty percent of the participants cited movies and TV programs among the most cited means of connecting with the past.
  • a study of over one thousand Americans representing a cross-section of the population found that over forty percent of the participants cited movies and TV programs among the most cited means of connecting with the past.
  • a study of over one thousand Americans representing a cross-section of the population found that over forty percent of the participants cited movies and TV programs among the most cited means of connecting with the past.
  • a study of over one thousand Americans representing a cross-section of the population found that over forty percent of the participants cited movies and TV programs among the most cited means of connecting with the past.
  • a study of over one thousand Americans representing a cross-section of the population found that over forty percent of the participants cited movies and TV programs among the most cited means of connecting with the past.
  • a study of over one thousand Americans representing a cross-section of the population found that over forty percent of the participants cited movies and TV programs among the most cited means of connecting with the past.
  • , a study of over one thousand Americans representing a cross-section of the population found that over forty percent of the participants cited movies and TV programs among the most cited means of connecting with the past.
  • , a study of over one thousand Americans representing a cross-section of the population found that over forty percent of the participants cited movies and TV programs among the most cited means of connecting with the past.
    • jbdrury
      I am adding this sticky note at the top to make certain anyone looking at this post checks out "Appendix B" at the bottom of the page.
    • jbdrury
      The main idea is to join primary sources to the film.
  • These shortcomings, however, can actually be turned to advantages when students and instructors utilize film as a gateway to history.
    • jbdrury
      This is a rundown of the technique Weinstein uses for his undergrad students. It involves a wide variety of film choices, which may be unrealistic for a social studies class. However, the principle remains the same even if it were for just one film.
    • jbdrury
      This pamphlet, found at the bottom of the page in Appendix B, could be very useful.
  • Every student receives a pamphlet I have developed, "History Written With Lightning," outlining the rationale for using commercial film as a historical tool and describing specific elements to be examined for accuracy, such as costumes, sets, chronology, and behaviors (see Appendix B).
    • jbdrury
      This is a common argument made by those advocating the use of film or TV in the classroom; however I feel it is an extremely valid point. I hope I don't offend anyone here, but FOX news is a great example of why students should be provided with critical thinking skills that are applicable to moving images.
    • jbdrury
      I must admit my jaw dropped at this comment. For those unfamiliar with Griffith or his "The Birth of a Nation", wikipedia him/it. We should all be comforted that his statement did not come true.
  • This assignment I have outlined can be adapted to suit the specific goals of any instructor at college or secondary level. For example, students could be required to consult one or more primary sources as part of their research, or the instructor could assign one or more specific readings to be studied in conjunction with a film. At one time, I matched films with chapters in the course's anthology reader as the starting point for research.
    • jbdrury
      Weinstein provides a list of potential films and matches them to specific time periods, which is useful, but in my opinion a bit dated. This list could definitely be expanded upon by some more recent films.
    • jbdrury
      This is the handout that he provides to his students at the beginning of the semester - I think sharing this with the social studies classroom before using films would set students up for the rest of the year to critically analyze films.
  • Because we are so accustomed to the moving image, we sometimes become indifferent to the hidden messages, social content, and meaning of what we watch. In other words, we do not view from a critical perspective.
  • filmmaking pioneer D. W. Griffith
  • One wide-eyed reviewer consequently greeted Griffith's Civil War epic, The Birth of a Nation (1915)
  • Facts can be twisted, timelines conflated, endings revised for perceived audience satisfaction.
  • Griffith confidently predicted that "in less than ten years...the children in the public schools will be taught practically everything by moving pictures. Certainly they will never be obliged to read history again."
    • jbdrury
      These "what to look for" subheadings could form the basis of any number of in-class and out-of-class activities for students to engage with the film.
  • What to Look for in Historical Films
  • 1. The History
  • 2. Setting, Details, and Design
  • 3. Behavior
    • jbdrury
      Important point on the dangers of presentism in a historical film.
  •  Beware of one of film's greatest—at least to the historian—sins: presentism.
  • Presentism is a serious flaw in any film that seriously aspires to present a believable picture of the past.
  • 4. Agenda, Values, Effects
    Paul Weinstein wrote this article primarily geared towards undergraduate history professors, and how they might use film in their classroom. However, much of this is still applicable for us as secondary social studies teachers. In particular, his Appendix B has a sort of study guide he provides for each of his students at the beginning of the semester to get them thinking about how to analyze film for its historical perspective.

Teaching with Historic Places - 1 views

  • Curriculum Standards for Social Studies
    • Laura Wood
      WOW! They even connect their lesson plans to the NCSS standards. This link takes you to a page that lists all the lesson plans that meet each of the NCSS standards You can click on the NCSS Standard at the top of the page and it will take to you a list of those lessons that meet that one. There are a ton for each!
  • National U.S. History Standards for Grades 5-12
    • Laura Wood
      Hrm. They also link to a set of standards I've never heard of . . . "Part of the National Standards for History developed by the National Center for History in the Schools, these voluntary standards promote historical thinking skills and understanding" I'm glad I haven't had to hear of them, but this page will tell you how to meet these standards as well.
    From the site: "Teaching with Historic Places (TwHP) uses properties listed in the National Park Service's National Register of Historic Places to enliven history, social studies, geography, civics, and other subjects. TwHP has created a variety of products and activities that help teachers bring historic places into the classroom." Including lesson plans and tips!
    Lesson Plans: The Lesson Plans link has SO MANY lesson plans. They are designed at a middle school level but can easily be adapted (says them). The lesson plans are organized by Location/State; Theme; Time period; and Skill - meaning that you can click on any one of those subdivisions and search them that way. Very exciting! You should definitely check these out. Even if you're not in that state, they still have pictures, mapping materials, and activity ideas that you can use to incorporate geography into historic concepts. For example, the Battle of Bunker Hill lesson contains two maps (of Boston today and in 1775) and inquiry questions for these, a section of text (looks like a high school level to me) and inquiry questions for that AND three images (one a sketch of an encampment and two pictures) and inquiry questions for those. These might make fantastic "Do Now"s for the beginning of the lesson even if you didn't use any of the rest of the sites info. So neat!
    Also they have lots of tips for how you can incorporate place into your lessons. AND! you can submit your own lessons. They take you through the TwHP lesson creation process and you can submit them.
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