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Alan Edwards

"The Public Be Damned" A Thematic and Multiple Intelligences Approach to Teaching the G... - 3 views

    • Alan Edwards
      This article and lesson plan was created by two professors (a secondary social studies prof and a history prof) at Ball State University. It was published in The Magazine of History, a publication of the Organization of American Historians. Each edition of the magazine includes a section on educational materials. Often they include websites that are helpful for teachers and students.
    • Alan Edwards
      The first part of this website is a brief summary of important themes of American history between the end of the Civil War and the beginning of the 20th century. The second half of the page is a 5 lesson plans on the time period. Each of the lesson plans is designed for a different multiple intelligence.
    • Alan Edwards
      The mathematical intelligence lesson asks students to compare rents charged to white and black tenants in the late 20th century. This reflects the move to the cities as well as racial discrimination. The information on rents comes from Jacob Riis' How the Other Half Live. Like all the other lesson plans offered, they include procedures, handouts, and possible assessment questions. This is a great resource for teachers who are looking for fresh ideas and methods of incorporating MI into their classrooms.
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  • Urbanization--Logical/Mathematical Intelligence. The first activity allows students to compare the rents charged to white and black tenants during the Gilded Age.
  • Rise of Jim Crow--Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence. Paul Laurence Dunbar's poetry provides an ideal vehicle for students to analyze the various perspectives taken by African Americans toward Jim Crow laws and civil rights. Lyrics of Lowly Life (1895) illustrates one perspective, the accomodationist paradigm adopted by Dunbar and others during this period.
  • V. Immigration--Body/Kinesthetic Intelligence. In his 1890 landmark book, How the Other Half Lives, Jacob Riis discussed the dismal conditions in which thousands of New York immigrants lived. Most of the residential tenements were "unventilated, fever-breeding structures" that housed multiple families. Riis's floor plan of a twelve-family tenement provides an ideal prompt for an activity that illustrates the dark, cramped living quarters germane to these Gilded-Age dwellings.
  • VI. Westward Expansion--Naturalist. Like many Americans during this period, John Wesley Powell was lured by the majestic beauty of the West. Following his service as a Union army soldier (in which he lost his arm at the Battle of Shiloh), Powell ventured westward. In 1869, he initiated the Powell Geographic Expedition, sponsored by the Smithsonian Institution. Powell recorded his experiences in a diary, which today serves as an outstanding resource for students to better understand the transformation the West went through during the Gilded Age.
  • VII. Industrialization--Interpersonal. During the Gilded Age, technological innovations provided an impetus for unprecedented industrial growth and urbanization. While laborers fueled this growth, they certainly did not reap the rewards. Instead, they found themselves economic victims of industrialization and urbanization. In an 1884 study, the Illinois Bureau of Labor Statistics detailed the economic status and living environment of numerous laborers in Chicago, Illinois.
  • VIII. Imperialism--Intrapersonal. Numerous Americans witnessed firsthand the impact of imperialism on indigenous people, through their military service during the Spanish-American War. One particular American soldier, James Miller, discussed what he witnessed during his exposure to the war in Puerto Rico.
  • IV. Politics--Musical/Rhythmic Intelligence. One of the most effective instruments at the disposal of politicians has always been the campaign song. The Populists, perhaps more than any other political party or movement in the late nineteenth century, were prolific songwriters. The Populists were often quite critical of monopolies, railroads, and old party bosses in their songs. The 1890s campaign song My Party Led Me, by S. T. Johnson, provided voters with a rationale for leaving their old political party and joining the Populist cause.
  • III. Populism--Visual/Spatial Intelligence. Political cartoons have always been a popular and powerful means for critiquing society's ills.
Debbie Moore

Concepts to Classroom: Course Menu - 4 views

    Concept to Classroom is a website sponsored by the Educational Broadcasting Corporation. It is an interactive site desinged for educatotors and provides online workshops featuring a variety of teaching strategies such as cooperative learning, inquiry based learing and teaching to multiple intelligences. Other categories include workshops on constructivism, assessment, curriculum design, and using the internet in the classroom. Clicking on any of these categories, directs one to information about that topic. For example, the inquiry based learning filter will provide a description of the teaching method, benefits for using the method, criticisms of the method, and finally lesson plans using that particular method. In the multiple intelligences section, there is a series of five lesson plans on world religions I may adapt for a 7th grade class. Check it out…it is a great resource for ideas and lesson plans.
Lindsay Andreas

Downloadable Media @ your library: District of Columbia - 0 views

  • Now Playing - OverDrive MP3 Audiobooks!
    • Lindsay Andreas
      Some notable audio/mp3/ipod selections from the DC Public Library that I feel would be great for Social Studies, specifically. The Civil War (Shelby Foote) He is considered a top scholar, along with James Mcphereson. If there are two names you should be familiar with for Civil War scholarship, they are it! My Brother Sam is Dead. You may have read this when studying the American Revolution, a great way to incorporate literature into the study of history. Thomas Jefferson & His Time (Multiple Volumes) TJ, enough said!
  • Newest Video Additions
    • Lindsay Andreas
      For the visual learners of your class. Some PBS Home video selections, a very reputable education source.
  • Learning a Language:
    • Lindsay Andreas
      This doesn't relate to Social Studies directly but I think it is a pretty cool feature, language tapes can be really expensive, why not utilize a free library membership?
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  • Audiobooks
    • Lindsay Andreas
      Why fight it? It is well accepted in the education field that students learn in multiple ways. Specifically, students with learning disabilities should also be kept in mind. I know we are studying to be general educators but you will be dealing with IEPs and a working knowledge of special education must not be overlooked.
    I was at the National Book Festival yesterday, it was wonderful, great resources overall. They were really pushing eBooks and audiobook downloads and I think it is an important education trend we need to be aware of. The kids are becoming so tech-oriented, why fight it? We need to use it to our advantage.
Joellen Kriss

'Race to the Top' - we expected better - 0 views

    • Joellen Kriss
      Strong start, right out of the gate!
  • From the perspective of a classroom teacher, reform must be rooted in classroom practice and supported by research.
  • Public education faces complex problems and won't be fixed by simplistic solutions. Standardized tests can be a useful tool among others to assess student learning. But it is too narrow of a measure on which to base a student's grade, let alone gauge a teacher's performance.
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  • States must enact a laundry list of federally mandated "reforms" to qualify for the competition. Duncan and Obama call this initiative "Race to the Top."
    • Joellen Kriss
      Hittleman talks about how they'd looked forward to education law that helped, and race to the top doesn't look that much different from NCLB
  • funding mandates are controversial because they have never been shown to improve student learning.
    • Joellen Kriss
      Totally on target with the fact that there's so much more to education than tests and standards.
  • No Child Left Behind, an education law that focused on one-size-fits-all standardized testing.
  • A portfolio that includes multiple-choice tests but also essays, research projects, homework and classroom presentations gives a much more complete picture of student achievement.
    • Joellen Kriss
      A very well rounded argument, bringing in all of the factors outside of the classroom that affect learning.
  • Likewise, to judge teacher effectiveness solely on student test scores ignores a range of factors outside a teacher's control, including support (or lack of it) in the home, changes in the student's situation from year to year, or even whether the student happened to be sick on the day of the test.
    • Joellen Kriss
      At the end of the day, teachers want reforms that WORK, made by people who know about teaching from first hand experience.
  • We are for reforms that work, which include standards-based and common curricula that have multiple source assessments; student data available for classroom teacher use based on a comprehensive approach; smaller class sizes; new teacher mentoring; and peer assistance and review. What we oppose are reforms based on the latest bright idea that has caught the eye of a politician or pundit with no experience teaching.
    Marty Hittelman offers one of the most comprehensive, well rounded opinions on the current policy reforms being enacted. It covers everything, which might be something I think because I agree with it all, but just read it. It's pretty good.
Erin Power

Social Studies Music - 0 views

    • Erin Power
      This website uses music from a variety of artists to encourage teaching social studies. The songs on this site are a little cheesy for me, but they are impossible to get out of your head. I think that they could be great to incorporate multiple intelligences into a lesson. This site is valuable for social studies teachers because it provides an alternate way to introduce materials.
    This site provides songs that can be included in history teaching units.
    This is unbelievable! I still remember the song we did in elementary school called "Fifty Nifty United States." I am definitely going to use this. They are totally silly but that is why they will remember them.
Erin Power

Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity | Video on - 0 views

    Amazing speech by Sir Ken Robinson talking about how schools squash creativity, and multiple intelligences.

The History Place - Irish Potato Famine - 0 views

    • jbdrury
      As this is a privately-owned website, I thought it important to provide a little info on its managers. This is taken from the Home Page information: " The History Place contains many examples of man's inhumanity to man as well as notable examples of humans rising to the occasion to fight tyranny and preserve freedom, and overall, reaffirms, in the words of the American Declaration of Independence, that all human beings have "certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness."
    • jbdrury
      Although I don't doubt the veracity of much of the information on this site, I think it is important to keep in mind who is providing the information. Also from the home page: " The History Place is a private, independent, Internet-only publication based in the Boston area that is not affiliated with any political group or organization. The Web site presents a fact-based, common sense approach in the presentation of the history of humanity, with great care given to accuracy....The site was founded and is owned and published by Philip Gavin"
    • jbdrury
      This account of the Potato Famine has multiple pages to flip through; I have started here as this is the page detailing the Irish flight to America.
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  • Coffin Ships
  • The first coffin ships headed for Quebec, Canad
  • Up to half of the men that survived the journey to Canada walked across the border to begin their new lives in America. They had no desire to live under the Union Jack flag in sparsely populated British North America
  • They viewed the United States with its anti-British tradition and its bustling young cities as the true land of opportunity
  • American ships were held to higher standards than British ships by the U.S. Passenger Acts, a set of laws passed by Congress regulating the number of passengers ships coming to America could carry as well as their minimal accommodations. Congress reacted to the surge of Irish immigration by tightening the laws, reducing the number of passengers allowed per ship, thereby increasing fares. America, congressmen had complained, was becoming Europe's "poor house."
  • During the trans-Atlantic voyage, British ships were only required to supply 7 lbs. of food per week per passenger
    • jbdrury
      Each page has a few of these contemporary images that could be used in the classroom.
  • Before boarding, they had been given the once-over by doctors on shore who usually rejected no one for the trip, even those seemingly on the verge of death
  • The poorest of the poor never made it to North Americ
  • Despite the dangers, the Irish knew that once they landed on Britain's shores they would not starve to death. Unlike Ireland, food handouts were freely available throughout the country
  • The cheap lodging houses were also used by scores of Irish waiting to embark on ships heading for North America. Three out of four Irish sailing for North America departed from the seaport at Liverpool. Normally they had to sleep over for a night or two until their ship was ready to sail. Many of these emigrants contracted typhus in the rundown, lice-infested lodging houses, then boarded ships, only to spend weeks suffering from burning fever out at sea.
    The History Place is a privately-run website that provides content to educators on a wide variety of historical subject. I have included this section on the Irish Potato Famine, as it was one of the more compelling narratives I found on the internet.
Jonathon Gordon

PBS Teachers | Resources For The Classroom - 1 views

    • David Loudon
      You can select different time periods/themes to search through. The four most prominent sections are Civics, World History, U.S. History and Cultural Studies.
    • David Loudon
      The problem with this site is that the links they provide are not often scholarly, and as such aren't as reliable as other sources may be.
  • Source: NOVA 60.0 1 Article/Essay Discover the story of how Dale Larson saved 29 schoolchildren during a 1928 tornado in Thurston County, Nebraska. Imagine how the events of that tornado would have been different with the current advances in severe weather warning systems. Details » Tags: 6-8, 9-12, Science & Tech, Social Studies, Geology & Natural Disasters, Meteorology, Historical Perspective
    • Jonathon Gordon
      Searching on this site is extremely easy. By using tags similar to DIIGO, teachers can search for exact lessons or ideas to improve lessons. 
  • the.News: Woody Biomass - Nebraska Source: PBS NewsHour 60.0 0 Resource Set Analyze the use of woody biomass as a fuel. Understand the carbon cycle, calculate your carbon footprint and formulate a policy position on using woody biomass to produce energy. Details »
    • Jonathon Gordon
      Classroom resources are not limited to just lesson plans, they also include on/offline activities for students; grade level specific in all cases. 
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  • Earth Days: Technology - Conveniences and Consequences Source: American Experience
    • Jonathon Gordon
      The sources from this site come from various PBS programs including "American Experience", "PBS Newshour", and "NOVA". 
  • Classroom Resources Discussions Professional Development Classroom Resources
    • Jonathon Gordon
      This is a great website for teachers. It is a credible source of information with multiple options for improving lessons plans. 
    This website is provided by PBS for teachers to use to help with different classroom applications. It offers teachers the ability get classroom resources, start discussion boards with other educators, and professional development tools. 
David Loudon

Lesson Plans | Teach US History - 1 views

    • David Loudon
      Great introduction and topic. Most traditional texts I have heard leave out the repeated attempts of the Cherokees to assimilate. Very accurate information here.
    • David Loudon
      Great list of primary sources. I would use these in my classroom. A good secondary source (like Howard Zinn's People's History) could also be used.
    • David Loudon
      Great way to teach the material, divide students into groups and have them make make sense of the material. Depending upon the age/skill-level of the group, I may not give each person a role but rather just have them all contribute to answering the questions.
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    • David Loudon
      I like the idea of looking at it from three perspectives, getting students to think about history from multiple points of view.
    • David Loudon
      Fantastic lesson plan overall, I can't find anything that I don't like about it. I would definitely use something like this in my classroom. In particular, I love the way it gets students to look at it from the Cherokees point of view, NOT JUST the government or the American people.
    Lesson plan on the Cherokee removal and the Trail of Tears
Erin Power

Teacher turns 'crazy idea' into new school - - 1 views

  • Kim Ursetta
  • Denver, Colorado'
  • want to start a new kind of school," she said, a union-sponsored public school led by teachers, not a principal
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  • We've been doing schools the same way in this nation for 150 years, so if we don't step up, then nothing is going to change
  • bility ranks among the top barriers blocking the nation's children from receiving the best education possible.
  • A board-certified, 16-year teaching veteran, Ursetta, 38, believes the lack of teacher flex
  • Although they follow school board-approved curriculum and standards, instructors can easily rearrange lessons to "make better sense for the kids" -- making better connections between different subject matter, Ursetta said.
  • The lack of quality school leadership is a big reason that experienced teachers leave their schools,
  • Dubbed Race to the Top, the program is essentially a contest pitting states against each other to win a share of $4.35 billion in grant money from congressional stimulus legislation.
  • To qualify for Race to the Top, the rules call on states to create "data systems" linking student success with teacher performance.
  • National Education Association
  • members fear it opens the door to measuring teacher performance by how students score on tests.
  • "What we're really against is using a single [student ] test on a single day" to assess teacher performance, said NEA Executive Director John Wilson. "What we're more accepting of are multiple indicators," and teacher performance "observed in classroom should count as the major part of evaluation."
  • many teachers are reacting coolly to Race to the Top because they "feel like it's too much like No Child Left Behind and are looking for something different.
  • Race to the Top also aims to give a boost to charter schools -- special public schools that are given more independence in order to encourage innovation.
    • Erin Power
      I think this is an interesting concept that we (as future teachers) should consider. Most of the teachers I've spoken to feel that schooling is not done the most efficient or successful way. Why not consider other options? The thing I love most about this article is that this school came about someone, Ursetta, simply thinking that way - what could other options be? Then Ursetta looked at the steps she had to make and brought it into actuality.
    • Erin Power
      This source relies on interviews and studies conducted by CNN. A teacher could use this site to remember to be inventive in their approach to administration. This is valuable to social studies teachers so they constantly keep rethinking and questioning how to teach
    This article talks about a Colorado school which has gotten rid of administrators and is run solely by teachers
Erin Power

Using Music in History lessons - 2 views

    This website gives a list of history subjects and related songs to use in teaching.
Lindsay Andreas

Constitutional Convention - 0 views

  • How did the delegates to the Convention resolve their differences of opinion through compromise?
    • Lindsay Andreas
      This is an excellent essential question for an entire unit because you can tie this directly back to prior lessons on the Continental Congress.
  • Assess the foundations and principles that led to the development of the Constitution.
    • Lindsay Andreas
      This is for Utah, but I would assume a similar objective/standard would be covered in DCPS.
  • A biographical list of our founding fathers.
    • Lindsay Andreas
      The National Constitution Center has an excellent biographical list of all of those that attended the convention, you can search by interactive map. Thomas Jefferson and John Adams were not at the Constitutional Convention, as they were serving as ambassadors in Europe.
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  • This lesson should be taught after the Articles of Confederation are taught. Students should have a knowledge of what the Articles of Confederation were and why they failed to work.
    • Lindsay Andreas
      This is a time when chronological teaching is most helpful because the Article of Confederations is the entire basis for the Constitution and that connection should be a main emphasis. The movie 1776 is an excellent way to teach the Articles because it is a musical, which helps the students remember the people, which can be confusing. It is also a way to incorporate multiple intelligences.
  • Make sure to arrange groups so that struggling students will be included into stronger groups. If a large number of these students are present, the entire activity can be done in a group discussion format.
    • Lindsay Andreas
      Since we had our whole discussion about differentiation recently, I thought it was helpful that the lesson planners added a separate section for this.
    I will be teaching the Era of the Constitution this upcoming Wednesday. When I was in US history in high school we did a cool simulation where we played the roles of the convention's members and I thought this was a pretty good lesson plan for doing such an activity.

Exhibits In The Windows of 97 Orchard Street - 0 views

    • jbdrury
      This tab gives you information on school tours if you can make it to NYC with a class; in addition, it has tabs for different interactive tours that are available centering on different historical families and their varying ethnic backgrounds.
    • jbdrury
      This tab is incredible. It links to a number of online resources, including: lesson plans for different age levels, a wealth of primary documents dealing with immigration to the city and others.
    • jbdrury
      The tours of these apartments are added to by the telling of the stories of the actual families that lived in these tenements, representing a good representative mix of the ethnicites immigrating to the U.S. at the time.
    • jbdrury
      This is the link to the virtual online tour of one of their tenement exhibits. It gives you a virtual walk-through (using photos) of the tiny, cramped spaces that multiple families sometimes had to squeeze into in order to survive in turn-of-the-century NYC.
    • jbdrury
      It includes an audio and video tour as well, taking you step-by-step as you move through the museum.
    This is the official website of the Tenement Museum in NYC. I LOVE this museum, and if you have yet to have seen it, I highly recommend visiting the next time you are in the city. I have added this page mostly because of the "virtual tour" you can take of one of their tenements, which could be used as a resource for teachers who cannot take students there in person. They also have a number of primary document lesson plans available for different age ranges. Their exhibits are revealing of the lives led by immigrants in late 19th and early 20th century New York City.
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