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Kevin Makice

Researchers look for ingredients of happiness around the world - 0 views

    The researchers found that fulfillment of a diversity of needs, as defined by Maslow, do appear to be universal and important to individual happiness. But the order in which "higher" and "lower" needs are met has little bearing on how much they contribute to life satisfaction and enjoyment, Diener said. They also found that the fulfillment of more basic needs - for money, food or shelter, for example - was more closely linked to a positive life evaluation, the way an individual ranked his or her life on a scale from worst to best. The satisfaction of higher needs - for social support, respect, autonomy or mastery - was "more strongly related to enjoying life - having more positive feelings and less negative feelings," Diener said. An important finding, Diener said, is that the research indicated that people have higher life evaluations when others in society also have their needs fulfilled.
Kevin Makice

Why do we share information with others? Emotional arousal. - 0 views

    according to Jonah Berger, the author of a new study published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, the sharing of stories or information may be driven in part by arousal. When people are physiologically aroused, whether due to emotional stimuli or otherwise, the autonomic nervous is activated, which then boosts social transmission. Simply put, evoking certain emotions can help increase the chance a message is shared.
christian briggs

Why it's time for the CIO to take on HR | CIO Insights | - 0 views

    Why it may be time for IT and HR to merge (via @mitsloanexeced)
Kevin Makice

The "Blemishing Effect" - Is a little negativity the best marketing policy? - 0 views

    Most marketing departments work hard to establish a flawless reputation for their product or service. But new research from Tel Aviv University is showing that perfection is not all it's cracked up to be.
Kevin Makice

Always On: Your employees are working and driving - 0 views

    About 20% of information workers report that they have conducted work related activities from a mobile device while driving. That's just one of the findings reported in a Unisys and IDC survey on the consumerization of the enterprise released today. The survey has a number of expected findings - employees are using their own devices for work, IT sees mobile support as a priority, etc. But the survey also puts some numbers on the current "always on" nature of work in the post-PC era.
Kevin Makice

Execs aren't sure what to do about social media - 0 views

    Social media provides companies with new opportunities for customer service, research and marketing (within reason of course), but most respondents to a survey of C-level executive conducted by Harris Interactive for Capgemini aren't yet sure how to harness social media. The results are part of Capgemini's Executive Outsourcing Survey, and follows the firm's launch of its social media management service. Harris surveyed 302 senior executives at Fortune 1000 companies. More than half say that social media is a part of their company's customer care operations, but 64% of those said that the marketing department is solely responsible for social media marketing. Most (74%) executives in the study were simply unsure how many employees are dedicated to customer care via the social Web.
Kevin Makice

Article - eMarketer - 0 views

    Creating, finding and sharing compelling content can prove to consumers that a company knows its territory, is a thought leader in its industry and wants to help customers keep up-to-date on important developments. Marketers are placing an ever-greater emphasis on content marketing's ability to add value for targets and prospects.
Kevin Makice

Tweet Insurance? Maybe those corporate dollars are better spent on improving digital fl... - 0 views

    Kiln Group, an insurance specialist underwriting firm at Lloyds of London, wants to protect companies from the damage that Stupid Tweet Syndrome (our name for the disease) can cause. Details are not clear as to what exactly the insurance would pay out but if a brand is substantially damage by a vindictive or careless tweet, Kiln Group would be able to cover it.
Kevin Makice

Digital Learning and the next killer apps - 0 views

    Here is a quick take on potential sources of high-quality digital learning media-which I'll define (for simplicity's sake) as age-appropriate, highly engaging, and efficacious for learning.
Kevin Makice

Focus on writing, not menus: "Distraction-free" blogging coming to WordPress 3.2 - 0 views

    One of the goals for WordPress version 3.2 is "Distraction Free Writing", or an upgrade to the current "Fullscreen mode" that can be toggled within the Visual Editor. The upgrade is still very much in development, but there's enough in place that we thought a quick peek wouldn't hurt.
Kevin Makice

Bloomberg's social media policy for reporters encourages Twitter, with guidelines. - 0 views

    Bloomberg's new social media policy encourages reporters to use Twitter - but with stipulations. It might seem like an obvious move for a news organization these days, but some traditional outlets, including Bloomberg, have managed to hold off until now. Dan Fletcher, the new social media director for Bloomberg, told employees about the new policy in an internal memo, which we received from an anonymous source close to the matter. "While the policy is meant to extend broadly across all social networks, we're encouraging reporters and editors to get started with Twitter," he said. "Twitter is easy to use and has become a valuable news source for millions of users. It's the best way to help readers discover the work you're doing and monitoring conversations within your beat."
christian briggs

Design Thinking Is A Failed Experiment. So What's Next? (via @FastCompany) - 0 views

    There were many successes, but far too many more failures in this endeavor. Why? Companies absorbed the process of Design Thinking all to well, turning it into a linear, gated, by-the-book methodology that delivered, at best, incremental change and innovation. Call it N+1 innovation. Above all, CQ is about abilities. I can call them literacies or fluencies. If you walk into one of Katie Salen's Quest to Learn classes or a business strategy class at the Rotman School of Management, you can see people being taught behaviors that raise their CQ. You can see it in the military, corporations, and sports teams. It is about more than thinking, it is about learning by doing and learning how to do the new in an uncertain, ambiguous, complex space--our lives today.
christian briggs

Are learning leaders killing their credibility by not working with IT in the way the wo... - 0 views

    HR and IT are not working together in ways the workforce needs, and L&D professionals are hard pressed to demonstrate the impact of their efforts on individual performance and bottom-line results. The professionals of the incoming generation, Gen Y, are demanding a complete overhaul of how you connect with them, coach them and teach them, but only about one-quarter of new managers get the effective coaching or training they need when assuming their new role. What do your learners find outside of your company? They find that IT and training play together quite well. For example, Apple's store has over 300,000 apps, thousands of which deliver on-the-fly tutorials plus developmental and assessment tools tailored to every need, many of which are free.
Kevin Makice

Sohaib Athar tweets the prequel to the Obama-Osama announcement - 0 views

    Uh oh, now I'm the guy who liveblogged the Osama raid without knowing it.
Kevin Makice

Anatomy of a fake quotation - 0 views

    I will mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that. Everything except the first sentence is found in King's book, Strength to Love, and seems to have been said originally in a 1957 sermon he gave on loving your enemies.  Unlike the first quotation, it does sound like King, and it was easy to assume that the whole thing came from him. So how did they get mixed together? Thanks to Jessica Dovey, a Facebook user, that's how.  And contrary to my initial assumption, it wasn't malicious.
Kevin Makice

Bosses' beliefs about workers can impact their success - 0 views

    American companies and organizations spend billions of dollars every year on leadership training for their managers. To improve job performance they ought instead to focus on what managers believe about their employees, a study by the University of California, Riverside shows.
christian briggs

John Maeda Speaks On RISD's Backlash Against His Cyber-Style Leadership (via @FastCompany) - 0 views

    Maeda acknowledges that he now understands that social media can only take you so far in redesigning leadership. All those great hopes for leading by blogging, tweeting, and emailing proved inadequate to the gritty business of persuading an actual living, breathing constituency to follow his direction.
christian briggs

Why Retail Workers Drive Customer Experience - Caitlin Kelly, Harvard Business Review (... - 0 views

    As more shoppers arrive in stores with price and product data literally at their fingertips via smartphones, their interaction with sales associates - most still earning a risible $7-10 an hour in an era of $4-per-gallon gas - is more crucial than ever. A study conducted by the Verde Group and the Wharton School of Business found that the single most critical element in customer satisfaction was not billion-dollar branding, advertising or extensive use of social media, but the quality of those personal moments when a shopper chooses -or not - to become a paying customer.
Kevin Makice

Google's Larry Page ties employee bonuses to social strategy - 0 views

    New Google CEO Larry Page, who stepped into the job this week, believes that Google needs to go "social" to compete.To that end, he sent out a company-wide memo last Friday, alerting employees that 25% of their annual bonus will be tied to the success or failure of Google's social strategy in 2011.
christian briggs

The Internet Has Always Been Social - 0 views

    For most people I meet, the phrase "social media" evokes post-2004 web technologies: Facebook, Flickr, Twitter, Foursquare, … (The phrase came into widespread use around this time.) But since its earliest days, the internet has been a very social place.
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