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Benjamin Jörissen

Putting people into the protocol | FactoryCity - 0 views

  • Here’s what I’ve come up with so far: I am me, wherever I go. I may have multiple personas, facets or identities that I use online, but fundamentally, I can manage them more effectively because services are oriented around me and not around the services that I use (it would be like logging into a new user account every time you want to switch applications!). I have access to my stuff, wherever I am. Even though I use lots of different web services, just like I use lots of desktop applications, I can always access my data, no matter where I created it or where it’s stored. And if I want to get all of my data out of a service into another one, I should be able to do so. My friends come with me, but continue to use only the services that they chose to. If I can send email from any domain to any domain, why can’t I join one network and then add friends from any other network? I am the master of my domain. Both literally and figuratively, I should be able to choose any identity provider to manage all my external connections to the world, including running my own, from my own domain. While remote service providers can certainly set the standards for who they allow access to their APIs, this should be done in a clear and transparent way, so that even people who host their own identity can have fair access.
Benjamin Jörissen

Das Web 2.0 für Senioren (Medien, NZZ Online) - 0 views

  • Plattformen wie Eons, Rezoom, Multiply, Boomj und TeeBeeDee verfolgen ähnliche Konzepte wie MySpace und Facebook, nur eben für ältere Menschen.
Benjamin Jörissen

Confessions of an Aca/Fan: The Official Weblog of Henry Jenkins: "Vernacular Creativity... - 0 views

  • You refer to this as the participation gap instead of the digital divide
  • I tried to use vernacular creativity as much as possible because it focuses on the practices of users in relation to their own lives;
  • some of the most interesting discussions of new labour theory in relation to network culture have been happening on the Institute for Distributed Creativity mailing list lately (
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • I found that the spaces that were most rich in examples of vernacular creativity were at the same time constrained in certain ways
  • the most active, intensive forms of participation seem to be taken up mainly by already-literate bloggers, gamers, and internet junkies
Benjamin Jörissen

Confessions of an Aca/Fan: The Official Weblog of Henry Jenkins: "Vernacular Creativity... - 0 views

  • vernacular creativity
  • everyday creative practices
  • Vernacular creativity is ordinary.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • The point is, culture doesn¹t have to be sublime or spectacular to be useful or significant or interesting to someone, somewhere. But what I find most interesting about vernacular creativity in the context of the new media generally and the Internet particularly is the potential to scale that immediate social context add up to social connectivity, and conversation, to individualistic self-expression.
  • focus on participation and creativity, rather than resistance
  • shifts the questions that we need to ask about the cultural politics of media slightly sideways from being only about power, exploitation and resistance to questions of voice, cultural inclusion, and so on and those questions seem to me to offer more hope for pragmatic interventions.
  • But I think some of the most interesting forms of civic engagement occur where the everyday and popular collide with the political
    • Benjamin Jörissen
      participation auf der Ebene der Mikropolitik
  • cultural citizenship
  • that cultural citizenship was not only constituted online, but through the articulation of the online social network with everyday, local experience.
  • The Uses of YouTube, which combines large-scale content analysis with fine-grained qualitative methods
Benjamin Jörissen

A History of the Social Web - Trebor Scholz 'journalisms' - - 0 views

  • The campaigns related to the establishment of protocols that run on the Internet were intense. The US government, for example, preferred another protocol but TCP/IP was non-proprietary and public domain and thus spread anarchically like a wild fire across small networks and in the end it would have been to expensive to switch to another standard.
  • "The Victorian Internet"
  • Vannevar Bush outlined the idea of hyperlinked pages and the “Memex
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • in his novel Heliopolis, the German author Ernst Jünger dreams up the communication medium "Phonophor,"
Benjamin Jörissen

Facebook überholt MySpace - 0 views

  • Facebook-User verbringen offenbar am meisten Zeit mit dem Social-Networking. Im August kamen diese auf insgesamt 991 Mio. Minuten online, Bebo-Nutzer verbrachten 600 Mio. Minuten auf der Webseite und MySpace-Nutzer 540 Mio. Minuten.
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