Web 2.0 and Cloud Computing - O'Reilly Radar - 0 views
Any web application is a cloud application in the sense that it resides in the cloud. Google, Amazon, Facebook, twitter, flickr, and virtually every other Web 2.0 application is a cloud application in this sense.
Web as Culture - 0 views
'Google Generation' is a myth, says new research : JISC - 0 views
A new report, commissioned by JISC and the British Library, counters the common assumption that the ‘Google Generation’ – young people born or brought up in the Internet age – is the most adept at using the web.
young people are dangerously lacking information skills
Similarities and Differences in Online Social Network Use Between Teens and Adults - 0 views
LfM NRW-Studie "Heranwachsen mit dem Social Web" (Kurzfassung) - 0 views
Emotionale Ansteckung in Online-Netzwerken: "Glück verbreitet sich viral" - 0 views
Wie ansteckend das Glück des Einzelnen auf die Umgebung wirkt, erforschten James Fowler (University of California) und Nicholas Christakis (Harvard Medical School) auf der Grundlage der Langzeitstudie "Framing Heart Study". Die Wissenschaftler extrahierten daraus standardisierte Daten aus 20 Jahren und analysierten auf diesem Weg retrospektiv das Befinden von 4.739 Probanden. Das Ergebnis: Glück verbreitet sich in sozialen Netzwerken viral. Und: Je glücklicher das Umfeld, desto glücklicher das Individuum und vice versa. Es zeigte sich außerdem, dass besonders glückliche Menschen meist im Mittelpunkt eines sozialen Netzwerks stehen und dass sich in sozialen Gefügen glückliche und unglückliche Menschen in Clustern gruppieren. So finden sich im Umfeld von zufriedenen Menschen hauptsächlich Gleichgesinnte. Das eigene Glück kann sich bis zum dritten Kontaktgrad auswirken und ist demnach ein Netzwerk-Phänomen par excellence.
Putting a Price on Social Connections - BusinessWeek - 0 views
Workers who have strong communication ties with their managers tend to bring in more money than those who steer clear of the boss, according to a new analysis of social networks in the workplace by IBM (IBM) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
a dollar value to e-mail interaction with an employee's managers
average of $588 of revenue per month over the norm
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Maintained Relationships on Facebook | overstated - 0 views
We were asked a simple question: is Facebook increasing the size of people’s personal networks?
On Facebook, the average number of friends that a person has is currently 120[2]
As a subset of the people you know, there are some individuals with whom you communicate on an ongoing basis. The number of individuals that represent a person’s core support network has been found to be much, much smaller than their entire network. Peter Marsden found the number of people with whom individuals “can discuss important matters” numbers only 3 for Americans[3].
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Empirical Study: Twitter is not a Social Network « iRevolution - 0 views
Repräsentativumfrage „Kommunikationsverhalten deutscher Internet-Nutzer": 58%... - 0 views
Repräsentativumfrage „Kommunikationsverhalten deutscher Internet-Nutzer", die die Universität Augsburg und die Convios Consulting GmbH im Auftrag von Web.de erstellt haben
Studi VZ, Schüler VZ und MySpace vor allem bei jungen Menschen sehr bekannt, während Wer-kennt-wen, Xing und Stayfriends eher bei älteren Menschen (über 24 Jahre)
Den höchsten Bekanntheitsgrad weist jedoch Stayfriends mit 48 Prozent auf.
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Facebook Photos Pulls Away From The Pack - 0 views
If Facebook has one standout application it has to be Photos. Measured on its own, it is the largest photo site on the Web. A full 69 percent of Facebook’s monthly visitors worldwide either look at or upload photos, based on comScore data. And more than 10 billion photos have been uploaded to the site.
The Science of ReTweets - 0 views
Complexity and Social Networks Blog - 0 views
SOCIAL NETWORKS ARE LIKE THE EYE: A Talk with Nicholas A. Christakis (Edge 238) - 0 views
Christakis notes that he is "interested not in biological contagion, but in social contagion. One possible mechanism is that I observe you and you begin to display certain behaviors that I then copy. For example, you might start running and then I might start running. Or you might invite me to go running with you. Or you might start eating certain fatty foods and I might start copying that behavior and eat fatty foods. Or you might take me with you to restaurants where I might eat fatty foods. What spreads from person to person is a behavior, and it is the behavior that we both might exhibit that then contributes to our changes in body size. So, the spread of behaviors from person to person might cause or underlie the spread of obesity.
with respect to how networks arise, we imagine that the formation of networks obeys certain fundamental biological, genetic, physiological, sociological, and technological rules
The amazing thing about social networks, unlike other networks that are almost as interesting — networks of neurons or genes or stars or computers or all kinds of other things one can imagine — is that the nodes of a social network — the entities, the components — are themselves sentient, acting individuals who can respond to the network and actually form it themselves.
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Berkman Center-Studie "Enhancing Child Safety and Online Technologies": Fachl... - 0 views
Veröffentlichung einer aktuellen, von hochkarätigen Experten unter Führung des Berkman Centers der Harvard Universität verfassten Studie
Die Antworten der Studie schmecken weder manchen der Auftraggeber, noch dem nach Sensationen lüsternden Teil der Presse: In Wahrheit, konstatiert das 278-Seiten-Papier, sei das Problem gar nicht so groß wie immer wieder behauptet wird. Es werde auch in den Medien aufgeblasen.
Beteiligt an der Erarbeitung durch die nur zu diesem Zweck gegründete "Internet Safety Technical Task Force" waren neben Thinktanks, Akademischen Instituten und Industrievertretern auch Jugendschutzorganisationen wie das National Center for Missing & Exploited Children.
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New Study Shows Time Spent Online Important for Teen Development - MacArthur Foundation - 0 views
Results from the most extensive U.S. study on teens and their use of digital media show that America’s youth are developing important social and technical skills online – often in ways adults do not understand or value.
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