What the Best Online Teachers Should Do - 0 views
we explore methods of fostering student engagement, stimulating intellectual development, and building rapport with students when teaching online
What the Best College Teachers Do, Ken Bain (2004) identified a set of core characteristics of exemplary college teachers
The FLC was supported by funds provided by the Academic Affairs Division, and its members received a stipend of $500 for their participation.
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most of the literature deals with the “science” of online teaching rather than the “art” of online teaching. In this paper, we attempt to remedy this state of affairs
The program typically includes a curriculum about enhancing teaching and learning with regularly-scheduled meetings and activities that provide participants with opportunities pertaining to the FLC’s major focus. An important component of an FLC is an emphasis on the scholarship of teaching and learning
Its general goal was to increase faculty interest in learning and teaching with instructional technologies
Peers are viewed as important in the learning process by creating an environment where “students can reason together and challenge each other” (p. 53) and grapple with the content together while building a sense of community
participants attended monthly meetings that included teaching and learning activities, development and training opportunities, and community building
participants read the literature on the scholarship of teaching and designed individual projects that allowed the assessment and evaluation of their instructional changes, suitable for presentation or publication in a professional journal
At the start of our FLC, we read Bain’s book, with the goal of discussing it in terms of its implications for teaching online
during these discussions, each FLC member listed out the major and most interesting points from Bain’s book
we analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of what the best teachers studied by Bain did in terms of online teaching
confronting intriguing, beautiful or important problems, authentic tasks that will challenge [students] to grapple with ideas, rethink assumptions and examine mental models of reality
behaviors such as demonstrating and encouraging trust and potential in students, flexibility, self-directed learning, communicating learning and success intentions to students, and conveying realistic goals and expectations.
see the potential in every student, demonstrate a strong trust in their students, encourage them to be reflective and candid, and foster intrinsic motivation moving students toward learning goals
The best teachers want students to learn, regularly assess their efforts and make adjustments as needed, and accommodate diversity with sensitivity to student needs and issues
we summarized the major categories of behaviors shown by Bain’s best teachers that are most applicable to online teaching and learning
Class content – through its design, lectures, discussions, and assignments – supports the student learning objectives
Accordingly, the best teachers use meaningful examples, stimulating assignments, and thought provoking questions to motivate students to know more about their discipline
creating a community of learners where the quantity and quality of interactions with peers and faculty foster student engagement
student-to-student interaction is equally important as the quality and quantity of exchanges are predictors of success
students should “feel a personal and emotional connection to the subject, their professor, and their peers
In the online environment, lecture need not and should not be the primary teaching strategy because it leads to learner isolation and attrition
This is achieved by means of greater student-to-faculty contact, participation in class discussions, and a more reflective learning style