Best Practices: Implementing an Online Course Development & Delivery Model - 2 views
" Instructional design is generally executed by instructional designers. According to scholars, instructional designers are typically educators, trained in emerging technologies and pedagogy, who possess specialized skills (Steven, 2013). They must be able to conduct needs assessments, write objectives, and choose content, method, instructional strategies, and best practices (Schwier & Wilson, 2010). Professionally, instructional designers should be able to build interpersonal and trust-worthy relationships, communicate clearly, motivate, solve problems, manage projects and deadlines, outsource, train, and adapt. In addition, instructional designers should be intuitive, supportive, encouraging, organized, persuasive, flexible (Schwier & Wilson, 2010), capable, energetic, pragmatic, and helpful (Stevens, 2013). "
Action mapping: A visual approach to training design - 2 views - 0 views
Suze's Training Blog - 0 views
C. M. Rubin: The Global Search for Education: Is Your Child an Innovator? - 0 views
"How do you train an Innovator? We are born curious. We are born with imagination. The first challenge is to ensure that these very human qualities are not schooled out of us, as Sir Ken Robinson says. Beyond that, in my research, I identified five essential education and parenting practices that develop young people's capacities to innovate: 1. Learning to work collaboratively (innovation is a team sport!). 2. Learning to understand problems from a multi-disciplinary perspective. 3. Learning to take risks and learn from mistakes. 4. Focusing on creating versus consuming. 5. Reinforcing the intrinsic motivations of play, passion, and purpose versus the extrinsic carrots and sticks."
3 Types Of Online Training Course Certificates - eLearning Industry - 3 views
Webinars and Live Training | Edublogs Help and Support - 0 views
Benefits of eCredentials for Training | Don Presant | LinkedIn - 0 views
Training versus Learning - KATIE MARTIN - 0 views
Training versus Learning: Changing the Paradigm of Educator Development - KATIE MARTIN - 1 views
Blogs - Training Journal - 0 views
Rubrics for Assessments of Online Activities | Effective Online Teaching & Training - 1 views
1. Macro environment - EM - University-wide Academic Programs - Welcome to Confluence - 0 views
Macro environment (trends in demographics, technology, the economy, political issues) Summary of the overall financial picture for SUNY and plans for funding university-wide programs (status of potential changes in campus recharges) – Gerard/Carey Update on plans for campus budgeting – Gerard/Carey How is funding flowing to campuses and is that changing? What is the initiative for shared services amongst campuses in a region Academic/Higher Ed Landscape – Kim/Alex SUNY Enrollment Capacity Planning initiative Accreditation issues Policies and regulations that affect academic programs Demographics – info about SUNY Technology scan for education, training, and library services – Maureen/Alex (with input from Doug) Reports/info from Educause, NMC (New Horizon Report), Gartner, Eduventures, POD Network, ACRL, RLG, OCLC, and Sloan Consortium Topics – Social media, educational technology/technology enhanced instruction, cloud computing, digital publishing, information security, technology support services, content management, and others TBD