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Rhondda Powling

Free Technology for Teachers: Teach Your Monster to Read - 1 views

    Teach Your Monster to Read is a great series of online games designed to help students improve the speed and accuracy with which they recognize letters and sounds. The website gets its name from the friendly monster avatars that students help learn to read through the course of the games.
Rhondda Powling

The Question Game: A Playful Way To Teach Critical Thinking - 0 views

    An interesting article that looks at teaching critical thinking but in a way that shifts the ownership for the questioning to the students. The ap[proach empowers them to think at higher levels but at the same time there is support provided with the question stems
Rhondda Powling

Common Sense Digital Compass | Educational games for kids to help teach digital citizen... - 0 views

    "Digital Compass is a choose-your-own adventure, interactive game developed with 6th to 9th graders in mind, in which students step into the shoes of one of eight characters to experience the twists and turns of daily digital life. Invite students to explore digital dilemmas, make good (and not-so-good) decisions, and try out possible solutions through stories and mini-games â€" all without risking their real-world reputations. Discover how Common Sense Educational's award-winning digital literacy and citizenship curriculum seamlessly integrates into blended-learning environments."
Rhondda Powling

Free Technology for Teachers: Factitious 2020 - Can You Spot Fake News Stories? - 1 views

    Factitious is a game that is designed to help students practice identifying real and fake news stories. It has been around fro a little while but the 2020 version of the game features stories about COVID-19.
Rhondda Powling

PBS LearningMedia Hits 100,000 Digital Resources for Teachers - Teaching Now - Educatio... - 1 views

    "PBS LearningMedia now offers more than 100,000 digital resources, including common core-aligned videos, interactive learning games, and tools for teachers. The site is a partnership between PBS and WGBH Educational Foundation and includes tools to help teachers make storyboards, build lessons, and create quizzes using PBS's digital content. There's also a student view, which teachers can set up so that students can access class materials from their own devices. Many resources are also labeled with standards information so that teachers can determine how a potential lesson might line up with the common core. Though some parts of the site are available only to paid users, the majority are free."
Rhondda Powling

Global Digital Citizenship-in 15 Minutes! (Solution Fluency) - 1 views

    "By focusing on Global Digital Citizenship every day for 15 minutes, you can instil in your students a strong basis for Internet-savvy skills for the 21st Century. This is the first in a series of templates for lesson plans on the 21st Century Fluencies. You take this lesson in parts; one part each day. You can spread this out over a couple weeks time or however you wish. The premise for our 15 minutes comes in the form of flipped videos or material that students will examine at home, or at the very least to be highlighted and watched in class for 15 minutes or less. So it all begins with your PBL plan. We here at the Global Digital Citizen Foundation believe that PBL is one of the best ways to get students engaged in their own learning. PBL is the name-Solution Fluency is the game."
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