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Phil Taylor

Struggling with educators' lack of technology fluency | Dangerously Irrelevant - 1 views

    "Struggling "
Phil Taylor

The More You Struggle with New Information the More Likely You Are to Learn It - 2 views

  • It's a healthy reminder that struggling through a difficult problem—whether it's learning Photoshop, getting used to a new webapp, or picking up a new skill—is a necessary part of the learning process.
Phil Taylor

Anne Murphy Paul: Why Floundering Makes Learning Better | TIME Ideas | - 0 views

  • Call it the “learning paradox”: the more you struggle and even fail while you’re trying to master new information, the better you’re likely to recall and apply that information later.
  • second group was directed to solve the same problems by collaborating with one another, absent any prompts from their instructor.
  • the second group “significantly outperformed” the first.
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  • ead people to understand the deep structure of problems,
    Call it the "learning paradox": the more you struggle and even fail while you're trying to master new information, the better you're likely to recall and apply that information later.
Phil Taylor

Google Docs Extension for ESL or Struggling Readers | David Lee EdTech - 0 views

    Chrome add on for Google Docs - looks very powerful
Phil Taylor

Study Hacks » Blog Archive » Intelligence is Irrelevant: An MIT Alum's Advice... - 0 views

  • The students who are successful, by contrast, look at that challenge, wrestle with feelings of inadequacy and stupidity, and then begin to take steps hiking that mountain
John Evans

Submit: Director's Cut Final in Cyberbullying on Vimeo - 0 views

    "Submit the Documentary exposes the most epic struggle in the digital, Internet age: cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is bullying by means of electronic technology committed through email, instant messaging, mobile applications, social media, chat rooms, and blogs or through messages and images sent through a cell phone. Because of the anonymity, kids who never thought of being a bully are becoming harassers. By exploring the complicated dynamics behind cyberbullying, Submit the Documentary describes the impact and outcomes of advanced technology and human nature in a lawless, new, social frontier."
Phil Taylor

5 Strategies to Demystify the Learning Process for Struggling Students | MindShift | KQ... - 0 views

  • The field of metacognition offers educators many techniques that are rooted in brain research, such as deliberate practice and interleaving. “But before you can even tackle these,” says Oakley, “you have to inoculate learners against the idea that they are stupid if they cannot figure things out first off. You have to teach them that faster is not always better.”
  • teachers can use in the classroom and share with students to help them demystify the learning process
  • 1. The Hiker Brain vs. The Race Car Brain
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  • 2. Chains and Chunks
  • 3. The Power of Metaphor
  • 4. The Problem of Procrastination
  • 5. Expanding Possibilities
Phil Taylor

What Will Education Look Like in 2020? | EdTech Magazine - 2 views

  • the idea that technology will save education (as opposed to the idea that relevance will).
  • The reason that so many schools are struggling with the change technology represents is because they haven’t adjusted to this shift, to the emergence of participatory, user-driven technologies and social media as viable communicative and collaborative tools.
Phil Taylor

Whether the digital era improves society is up to its users - that's us | Danah Boyd | ... - 4 views

  • a battle between those with utopian and dystopian viewpoints, over who can have a more extreme perspective on technology. So where's the middle ground?
  • With this complexity in mind, I would like to introduce a question that I have been struggling with for the past few years: what role does social media play in generating or spreading societal fear?
  • We fear the things – and people – that we do not understand far more than the things we do,
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  • The internet makes visible things that we want to see, but it also makes visible things that we don't want to see. It exposes us to people who are different. And this is the source of a great amount of fear.
  • Social media is here to stay. We need to get past the point in which we celebrate it or lament it in order to figure out how to live productively with it. We need people engaging critically with the dynamics that unfold as a result of a new structure of connecting people.
  • We all need to think critically about the information we create, consume and share. We all need to take responsibility for helping shape the world around us.
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Phil Taylor

Donald Clark Plan B: 21st Century Skills are so last century! - 1 views

  • There is no area of human endeavour that is less collaborative than education. Teaching and lecturing are largely lone wolf activities in classrooms.
  • Creative people tend to struggle somewhat at school where academic subjects and exams brand them as failures.
  • Surely it’s our schools and universities, not young people, who need to be dragged into the 21st century.
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  • I agree with the substantive point that many educators don't have skills to teach these things directly, but I do think we can create environments in which they can emerge and be developed.
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