#PSP2012 VIDEO - KK - 0 views
A leading voice in education for more than a decade, Ken Kay was the co-founder and President of the Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21).
The Partnership for 21st Century Skills - 0 views
Educators - P21 - 0 views
21st Century Learning is Not A Program - 0 views
The Partnership for 21st century skills (2011) identifies these specifically: creativity, collaboration, critical-thinking, and communication.
Pop Quiz: A Parent's Guide to 21st Century Learning - 0 views
Welcome to Route 21 - 1 views
Teaching the Essential Skills of the Mobile Classroom | Edutopia - 0 views
The Partnership for 21st Century Skills explicitly lists communication and collaboration together in their Framework for 21st Century Learning.
Greg Kulowiec (@gregkulowiec) reminded teachers, "Technology is not the emphasis. It's the tool to do thoughtful work." Apps will change. Operating systems, capabilities, and even devices change. However, if we focus on a core set of essential skills -- communication, collaboration, connection and creation -- and start to develop curricula that will benefit our students regardless of the technology, then we can truly embrace a mobile curriculum.
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