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John Evans

Submit: Director's Cut Final in Cyberbullying on Vimeo - 0 views

    "Submit the Documentary exposes the most epic struggle in the digital, Internet age: cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is bullying by means of electronic technology committed through email, instant messaging, mobile applications, social media, chat rooms, and blogs or through messages and images sent through a cell phone. Because of the anonymity, kids who never thought of being a bully are becoming harassers. By exploring the complicated dynamics behind cyberbullying, Submit the Documentary describes the impact and outcomes of advanced technology and human nature in a lawless, new, social frontier."
Phil Taylor

YouTube - Sir Ken Robinson, March 2011, Learning Without Frontiers - 0 views

    30 minute video Learning Without Frontiers recorded March 16th, 2011, London. Heart of education - a learner and a teacher
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