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Phil Taylor

Back to School: 10 Privacy Tips for the Connected Student - 0 views

  • We share and transmit a lot of personal information online. This is especially true for students, who not only use academic online tools that require personal information, but who are also incredibly active social network users. Whether a ninth grader, college senior or parent, these privacy tips can help you and your family stay safe this school year.
Phil Taylor

Dialogue 2011 New Literacies: In Pursuit of Privacy in a Digital World - 0 views

  • To a B.C. (before computers) generation, today’s students are courageous thinkers, innovators and fearless warriors.
  • The Teacher’s Role in the New World of Blurred Boundaries
  • The Value of Private Space
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Students need to learn how to differentiate personal thoughts from those that should be shared within the public space of technology.
Phil Taylor

BELLTONES: An Open Letter to Teachers Who do Not Prefer Technology - Internet@Schools M... - 0 views

  • You are a good teacher. Your students do succeed. But pressure is increasing for you to use more and more technology even though you would rather not.
  • 1. You are not going to break the computer or other device.
  • 2. Start small.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • the best training is one on one
  • For most people, finding a buddy is a great idea
  • 5. Put aside reluctance to get help from students.
  • 7. Don’t be intimidated by superstars
  • 8. Reconsider privacy.
  • 9. Communication is a great starting point.
  • 11. Read!
  • 12. Have fun!
  • 1. You are not alone.
  • 2. This does not reflect on you.
Phil Taylor

Social Media Guidelines | Edutopia - 0 views

  • looked deeper into our policies, we realized that we didn't need anything policy-wise. Why create something that might handcuff the ability of teachers to do their job effectively? We had Standards of Professional Conduct. We had policies on student communication and communication using school-owned devices. We saw these and decided what we needed were some simple best practices. These included things like: Protecting your own privacy Being honest Respecting copyright laws Disclaimers Thinking about consequences
Phil Taylor

The Social You vs The Professional You - 0 views

  • But that blurry part…that’s the tough part. That’s where decisions have to be made. Where students at the age of 13 need to start making decisions that we never had to make. We never had a professional side at 13….we didn’t need one. But if you are going to have a social side on the Internet then you better also start building your professional side.
Phil Taylor

10 Ideas to Consider Before Using an Internet Resource: The Web in the Classr... - 0 views

  • While the internet and technology provide some amazing educational possibilities, educators must do the proper preparation to ensure student privacy and safety when using these tools.
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