The top 10 tips for pursuing lifelong learning focus on ways you can continue education through informal learning experiences, as opposed to attending formal class settings. Why this approach? Enrolling in formal continuing education courses and classes is difficult at times, considering life's tugs and pulls by everyday commitments. These obligations are why informal learning methods offer a viable option for continuing your education.
Lifelong learning is process that everyone is involved with in some manner and is referred to as continuing education. Learning requires effort on your part to achieve career goals or to satisfy a personal quest or goal in life.
Integrating Technology for Active Lifelong Learning (IT4ALL) is a non-profit
educational organization that offers free or low cost professional development
workshops on how to integrate technology for active lifelong learners (IT4ALL)
via blended (BL) and blended online learning (BOL) courses, workshops,
communities of learning, international collaborative projects, and live online
The book 'Non Obvious' by Rohit Bhargava present an intriguing exploration of how careful observation and thought can reveal emerging trends and as the subtitle suggest 'predict the future'. For educators the ability to identify the trends which will deliver the best outcomes for our students from the noise of fads is alluring. While the talk of new technologies, of learner centric pedagogies and teaching for lifelong learning play the part of the obvious trends in education identifying the non-obvious trend is a more challenging endeavour.
Based on the premise that formal education is confined to the first two decades or so of a person's life and cannot possibly prepare one for the constancy and rapidity of change, lifelong learning becomes an imperative if each person is to cope with the explosion of knowledge, understand societal differences as they evolve, and adapt to the aging process.
Blueback is a beautiful metaphor for life and particularly of the life we live in schools. When looked at close up, with an eye on the details, the experience of school is one of passing and recurring cycles. When looked at from a distance, with an eye on the whole, there are elements of constancy, the throughlines which bring meaning to our experience and which have as their consequence the residuals of education.
The availability of free open textbooks, Webinars, Podcasts, and open source content college courses are described as to how they support and influence adult learning.
"The way people obtain their education is changing on a daily basis. These changes are all based on the fact you and I expect to be able to work, learn, and study whenever and wherever we want."