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Mitch Weisburgh Search Results: Virtual Lab - 0 views

    Virtual science labs at Howard Huges Medical Institute: neuroscience, cardiology, etc.
Desiree Noland

Technology lab resources - 2 views

    Various websites and lab rules
Mitch Weisburgh

Virtual Labs : Siemens We Can Change The World Challenge - 0 views

    virtual labs in earth science and ecology for elementary students

Simple methods for English language teaching - English lab - 0 views

    To become a fluent English speaker, one must be master in reading and speaking. Take the assitance of english lab to improve your english speaking
Mitch Weisburgh

Interactive-Math-Science-Notebooks - home - 6 views

    wiki on the uses of lab and science notebooks
Mitch Weisburgh

Mount Vernon Elementary Tech Lab Resources - 5 views

    resources of a school's tech lab fo rgrades k-6
Mitch Weisburgh

The ChemCollective - 0 views

    Virtual Chemistry labs, also online stoichiometry course
Mitch Weisburgh

Access Excellence:Virtual Field Trips and Labs - 4 views

    Links to science museums and virtual labs, like the heart, bicrobial zoo, and British Museum of Natural History
Mitch Weisburgh

The ChemCollective: Virtual Lab Simulation - 0 views

    The Virtual Laboratory allows students to select from hundreds of standard reagents and manipulate them in a manner that resembles that of a real lab. It allows students to design and perform diverse experiments in acid-base chemistry, thermochemistry, solubility, and redox chemistry.
Neill Kramer

19Pencils - 23 views

shared by Neill Kramer on 11 Jan 12 - No Cached
  • No more wading through endless search results for content for your students. With 19Pencils you can easily discover, save, and manage educational based web content, quizzes and more! Easily discover content that teachers just like you are already using in their class, saving hours and hours throughout the school year. Make the most of computer lab sessions for your K-8 class by creating a collection of web resources perfect for your students.
    No more wading through endless search results for content for your students. With 19Pencils you can easily discover, save, and manage educational based web content, quizzes and more! Easily discover content that teachers just like you are already using in their class, saving hours and hours throughout the school year. Make the most of computer lab sessions for your K-8 class by creating a collection of web resources perfect for your students. 
steps kochi

iOS & iPhone Development Training Kochi - STEPS - 0 views

    iOS training at STEPS will enable you to take a cakewalk through those hurdles and provide you with unmatched training environment with classroom, video and lab training sessions with appropriate hardware simulations further enhanced by hands on experience with the latest Apple devices that include iPhone and the iPad.
    iOS training at STEPS will enable you to take a cakewalk through those hurdles and provide you with unmatched training environment with classroom, video and lab training sessions with appropriate hardware simulations further enhanced by hands on experience with the latest Apple devices that include iPhone and the iPad.
Mitch Weisburgh

University of Chicago Laboratory Schools: News » Detail - 1 views

    address from the director of the U of Chicago Lab school to incoming teachers in 2010
Mitch Weisburgh - 9 views

    use your iPad as a whiteboard, and then share the presentation as a video
Mitch Weisburgh

Reeko's Mad Scientist Lab - Educational Science Experiments for Children of all ages (F... - 0 views

    lesson plans for experiments (not virtual) to teach: flotation, hover craft, capillary action, air pressure, making gas, chemical reaction, light refraction, light spectrum, gravity, inertia. Probably 4th grade and above
Mitch Weisburgh

PBS KIDS Lab - 3 views

    kids education games from PBS
Hurray Software Academy

SAP-PS|SAP Training in Bangalore-HURRAY Software Academy - 0 views

    SAP|ERP:Learn SAP-PS classroom/on-line training from corporate trainers with real-time project and unlimited lab facility.For more details visit:
Mitch Weisburgh

Documentary Games | MIT - Docubase - 2 views

    These are "documentary" games curated by MIT Game Lab. They document historical periods.

Which institute is best for Java coaching in Pune - 0 views

    Which Institute is best for Java Technology . Technogeeks provides Best Java and core java Training in Pune by experienced industry professional with well equipped with advanced labs. Read more for More Queries
academichelpa - 1 views

This website helps you in writing your lab report .

education science learning math resources training ms k6 hs IWB

started by academichelpa on 29 Apr 20 no follow-up yet
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