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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Ed Webb

Ed Webb

Russian Arms for Syria No Threat to Protesters - Lavrov | World | RIA Novosti - 0 views

  • in contrast to Moscow “our U.S. colleagues are supplying countries of the Persian Gulf region with the very type of arms that could be used against peaceful demonstrators."
Ed Webb

Rachid Ghannouchi: I Have No Wish of Running for President of Ennahda Again : Tunisia Live - 0 views

  • I have no wish to stand for President of Ennahda in the next congress of the party, but the next Congress will have the final word on who will be the leader of Ennahda
  • Ghannouchi also told Shems FM that he would welcome Abdelfattah Mourou, a previous leader of Ennahda back into the fold of the party
Ed Webb

Egypt Elections: Setback for the Transition - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace - 0 views

  • This was the worst possible outcome of the elections: it is the prelude to the direct confrontation between the old regime and the Muslim Brotherhood that Mubarak warned about and used to justify—and win tacit international acceptance for—his authoritarian policies.
  • there is no constitution yet and nobody knows how much power the new president will have or how responsibilities will be shared between him and the parliament. The SCAF, expected to step down at the end of June after the president is elected, is now trying to issue a new, last-minute constitutional declaration to define the powers of the president, preempting the decision of the constituent assembly and the prerogatives of the elected parliament to choose who will write the constitution
  • in the middle will stand over 50 percent of Egyptians who did not vote for either Morsi or Shafiq, but for three candidates that represent, in their own very different fashion, an alternative
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  • there are no established voting patterns to base predictions
  • On one side of the battle will be the military, state institutions including the courts that are still controlled by Mubarak-era personnel, the business community, other people who thrived under the old regime, and ordinary Egyptians who want order restored. On the other side will be the Muslim Brothers, most Islamists, and the Egyptians who rose up in January 2011 and do not want to see the regime they thought they had defeated make a comeback.
  • The Supreme Constitutional Court (whose president, not incidentally, is also the head of the presidential election commission) will soon rule whether the election law used in the parliamentary election was constitutional. If it decides it was not, it is possible the court will disband the parliament, depriving the Muslim Brotherhood of the only center of power it, rather than the old regime, controls
  • Should Ahmed Shafiq win the presidential vote and the court finds the parliament was unconstitutionally elected, Islamists will have lost the battle with the old regime
  • In the short run, these are the battles that will determine the winners, and the old regime appears to be better armed, controlling the institutions and the security forces. In the long run, the outcome is much less predictable because the majority of Egyptians have rejected both the Islamist candidate and the one from the old regime
Ed Webb

Alexandria bucks national trends and Islamist reputation | Egypt Independent - 0 views

  • Behind Sabbahi, Abdel Moniem Abouel Fotouh, a moderate Islamist independent candidate followed with 387,497, or 22 percent, of the votes, while former foreign minister Amr Moussa won 291,000 votes in third place, followed by Mohamed Morsy, the Muslim Brotherhood’s candidate with 269,455. Ahmed Shafiq, former prime minister under Mubarak, who is leading the poll nationally, only won 212,275 votes in Egypt’s second largest city.
  • It was clear by now that people had lost trust and hope in both the ultraconservative Salafi Nour Party, as well as the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party
  • “Now, the split within the Salafis has been apparent these days, there are some who want to leave the political scene and go back to preaching and their religious roots, which was their main concern before,”
Ed Webb

Salafists Burn Down Bars, Liquor Stores While Police are Passive in Sidi Bouzid : Tunis... - 0 views

  • “We were listening to the gun shots and we were asking the police officers to interfere but they had no clue. We are not secure in Sidi Bouzid, the police officers and the army are not accomplishing their duties here,”
  • “I know someone who was attacked by a salafist and when he went to the police office to complain, he was told to pray to God and ask for revenge,”
  • “We are living in ‘Bouzid-Stan!’ While I Am a practicing Muslim, what is happening here is not consistent with Islam at all. I know these salafist people, some of them were drunkards a week ago and now they are pretending to be the voice of God in Sidi Bouzid. Every mosque is preaching according to different extremist strands of Islam that in the past were foreign to here, we have a Wahabi mosque, a Salafi mosque, etc.”
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  • ”Townspeople in Sidi Bou Zid contributed to what happened because initially they were welcoming of the salafists but they did not expect the level of violence this took on the town,”
Ed Webb

Tunisie : Le groupe OpenGov compte porter plainte contre l'Assemblée constitu... - 0 views

  • quelques uns de ses collègues trichaient durant le vote électronique en appuyant sur les boutons de vote des sièges vides d’à côtés. Le président du bloc Ennahdha à l’ANC, Sahbi Atig, a confirmé les déclarations de M. Badi : «J’ai honte d’en parler. Hier on était 120 députés, or on aura compté 170 voix. Est-ce normal que les uns trichent et que les autres copient sur leurs collègues ? Serions-nous dans une école primaire ?».
  • Soutenu par plusieurs associations, le groupe OpenGov va adresser, le 16 mai, une missive à M. Ben Jaafer dans laquelle il lui demande solennellement la diffusion sur le site de l’ANC des rapports des commissions internes. Il va également lui demander de fournir automatiquement les PV des réunions ainsi que la liste d’absence des députés depuis leur prise de fonction. En cas de retard de réponse, le groupe va passer à l'action en déposant une plainte devant le tribunal administratif vers le 31 mai prochain.
    Extraordinary tale!
Ed Webb

BBC News - Scores injured and arrested in fresh Egypt clashes - 0 views

  • Later the health ministry said one soldier had been killed and about 300 people wounded. It says about 130 are being treated in hospital. The army says proceedings against those arrested have already started in military courts.
  • At one point, soldiers broadcast a message on loud-hailers saying the defence ministry would only be stormed over their dead bodies, and that reinforcements were on the way. A senior general later appeared on television to announce a night-time curfew around the defence ministry.
  • State television blamed the Muslim Brotherhood for the trouble, despite the fact that the Islamist movement has been urging its supporters to stay away.
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  • Clashes also happened between protesters and security forces in Egypt's second city of Alexandria
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