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Melissa Mijares

7 Reasons the 21st Century is Making You Miserable | - 5 views

    So while this *is* a humor article and not necessarily safe for work, I thought it would be good to share because it specifically talks about how social media and consumer computer technology affects people's sense of well-being.
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    :) In so many ways, so true!
    great find! This falls into the social/psychological category of technology that we will soon address.
    Love this. It made me think about this interview with Kurt Vonnegut: Starts connecting with this toward the end of the interview, specifically this part: DAVID BRANCACCIO: There's a little sweet moment, I've got to say, in a very intense book-- your latest-- in which you're heading out the door and your wife says what are you doing? I think you say-- I'm getting-- I'm going to buy an envelope. KURT VONNEGUT: Yeah. DAVID BRANCACCIO: What happens then? KURT VONNEGUT: Oh, she says well, you're not a poor man. You know, why don't you go online and buy a hundred envelopes and put them in the closet? And so I pretend not to hear her. And go out to get an envelope because I'm going to have a hell of a good time in the process of buying one envelope. I meet a lot of people. And, see some great looking babes. And a fire engine goes by. And I give them the thumbs up. And, and ask a woman what kind of dog that is. And, and I don't know. The moral of the story is, is we're here on Earth to fart around. And, of course, the computers will do us out of that. And, what the computer people don't realize, or they don't care, is we're dancing animals. You know, we love to move around. And, we're not supposed to dance at all anymore.
    Now I know why the 21st century was making me miserable! I sure could use some more annoying people in my life. This article really points out the downside of technology-enhanced socialization!
    I would have called it "7 reasons the 21st century is making us more xenophobic and intolerant."
Elisa Varon

Digital Privacy - 2 views

    I'm interested in the idea of digital privacy (or lack thereof). It seems nobody is particularly worried about their privacy online, and I'd like to learn a little more about this
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    After reading your article and thinking about my own opinions on digital privacy, I think that people aren't too concerned with their privacy because the virtual world seems so gigantic. I feel like a very tiny part of this world so I am more apathetic and unconcerned when it comes to my personal privacy than I should be. Sounds horrible, right? We, as a society, also tend to be very open about ourselves - even posting where we are at that second to everyone on our facebook!
    wow...scary stuff!! i think that's a great topic with a lot to explore. a lot of content and some interesting psychological implications...funny how a lot of people ignore the issue since the evidence is pretty terrifying. but good to be aware since it affects us all.
    Interesting to also consider the ways in which teens view privacy - particularly in comparison to the ways in which their parents view it: Glad I could bring danah boyd into the conversation here!
    Elisa, I actually just got an email from (an online knitting community) saying that their account database had been hacked and that I should change my password anywhere where I used the same email address and password to log in. I just went through this a few months ago when the Gawker Media servers were hacked! It's hard to rack my brain to remember every single website where I've signed up using my primary email address and go-to password. There are probably hundreds! God forbid I have accounts with that information that also have my credit card associated with it. It's scary to think about how much of me is spread all over the internet, and I can't even remember where in order to protect myself.
    I think I fall into that category of people who care about privacy but then contradict themselves with their behavior. From the personal to more organizational, this report on cyber hackers was on NPR today.
    Um, I can't think of a more bone-chilling phrase than "cyberwar."
    Steig Larsson made hacking look pretty cool. But it's interesting to think about how much is possible in the hacking world that we tend to forget about since our everyday use of technology has been so woven into our routines. Just saw this article and I found interesting to see the many sides of hacking: I always make fun of my dad for being a computer hypochondriac -- he always thinks that someone is hacking into his computer, so he has a million anti-virus and security programs (a combination which I think is actually destroying his computer). But it is a valid concern, though I think you have to just find a balance for your privacy since in extreme cases, your privacy can be a bit restricting.
Jerry Emanuel

Around the Web: Scholarship in the Public Eye: The Case for Social Media : Confessions ... - 0 views

    This site is just a little blurb itself, but it links to a number of other resources for presentations that I think may be of interest to the class, let me know what you think!
Qraig de Groot

We're (Lady) Gaga for Social Media - 3 views

    I am a big pop music/culture nut. Always have been...probably always will be. So, when I really started thinking about social media and all its uses, I began to wonder...who out there uses social media to it's fullest potential. The answer was obvious. Lady Gaga! When I did a quick search on Lady Gaga and social media, I got a lot of hits. But I wasn't surprised. She is the master when it comes to sites like Facebook and Twitter. Yes, she is out there wearing meat dresses and making fun songs, but it's her presence on social networking sites that I feel has really catapulted her to super stardom. What do you all think?
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    Here's a little video about Lady Gaga's online presence:
    I'm not that familiar with entertainment and social media, but I do realize the powerful influence it has within that culture. After reading the article you posted, I was even more surprised! I like that fact that someone no one knows anything about has a chance to live their dream by these social sites. It almost makes it more fair instead of someone with just money becoming famous.
    i'm a pop music/culture nut, too! i love the contradiction of how gaga tries have such a detached, robotic stage presence (for example i read somewhere that she doesn't even want to be seen drinking water on stage so she doesn't appear human), yet she is so accessible through facebook and twitter, and makes her anti-bullying campaign relatable with personal examples. she definitely found ways to use facebook and twitter to her advantage, and has dedicated followers all over the world because of it. there's so shortage of content for fans to obsess over.
  • For your perusal. Gaga compares herself to librarianship.
    that's amusing. but naturally, not everyone would agree: actually this article^ should annoy librarians more than gaga's piece, in my opinion. also, this is the video the article references.....i highly suggest watching it if you haven't seen it already. a friend sent it to me when i got accepted into the program...i didn't know whether to be excited or frightened about what i'd just gotten myself into...
    hmm. is it gaga or her p/r team creating the image? Is her voice really hers? How do we know?
    I am sure it is more her "team" then her herself. But,'s rather impressive.
Mary McNamara

"Don't Believe Facebook; You Only Have 150 Friends" - 1 views

    I thought this was an interesting article after all of our discussions this past week. Is there a limit to our growing networks?
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    That is a really interesting article!
    I think that this idea is fascinating. I may have to do a bit more research about relationships and social media for our project.
    I liked this article, too. I think the reason some of my friends on Facebook have an excessively high number of friends is for business. I wonder how many people with a high number of friends actually communicate with their "friends". It makes me think about Qraig's post "It's all about me". People with that many friends can't possibly be connecting with all of those people; rather, I think it is more likely they post updates on themselves.
    Yup, after Qraig's post I realized how much of facebook is about "me." I know that this is a good avenue of connection, but really the majority of what I see from my "friends" is all about themselves!

Biblion NYPL App - 2 views

    Another way to take the library away from the library. I'm interested to learn more about that "entire library experience" to launch soon.
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    The "Find the Future Game" looks cool too.
    I got to play with the Biblion app a couple of weeks ago at work; the developers, Potion ( have created a whole slew of incredible educational exhibits/experiences. I think overall mobile apps are a really interesting direction for digital libraries - making them increasingly portable and interactive. I remember feeling a bit of excitement in my interaction with the materials from the Biblion app in which my own fingers, rather than an extension of them in the form of a mouse, turned pages, rotated objects, pressed buttons, etc. - a stark difference from interacting with digital libraries that contain similar types of artifacts. I'm interested to see how the web-version of the Biblion app compares - in physical presentation and affective impact.
    Wow! I'm so glad that you posted this! This makes history so accessible and interesting, and I'm looking forward to installing it asap on my ipad right now! I wish I knew about it this past semester for my junior high American history class I taught; they would have loved this.

Influence of Media - 2 views

    This is a short clip by Nicholas Negroponte, who is the founder of One Laptop per Child. He talks about how technology has made a way to mesh together our work and home life. It's interesting how opposite the views are for this topic.
    I like how he describes this meshing of technology and daily life as an omelet. The idea behind One Laptop per Child also draws attention to the topic of the digital divide. I was trying to find some other commentary from mr negroponte and I came across a clip from the Colbert report that highlights the paradox in a funny, yet serious way
Ilyssa Wesche

Mind Tap - 0 views

    Cengage announced their "Personal Learning Experience" - an integrated e-learning experience that has video, audio, annotations, and other source materials embedded in the application. No Shelf Required did a write-up here: This is the kind of thing that looks really cool, but unless they can get course adoption, I don't see how it would gain a wide enough audience to be accepted.

Social Media Controversy - 0 views

    This is an interesting article which highlights how large companies failed in the social media world. Because Web 2.0 is a fairly new concept, there are new "rules" for businesses to follow, or they may face damaging results.
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    I wonder sometimes how much this is "there are new rules" or is this rather "companies have forgotten everything about consumer relations," regardless of the medium in which they are communicating. Social media can be dangerous in that it can communicate instantaneously how someone is feeling, possibly in a negative light, unless that person is careful to project the "right persona."
    I think part of it is that the mistakes are made more glaring because they spread so quickly. That Motrin campaign might not have caused such as backlash if it appeared in women's magazines - even though it might have angered the moms, the response isn't as instantaneous and it doesn't build momentum in quite the same way. This was an excellent collection of articles, in my opinion, from the Economist last year. Most of the pieces came down on the side of social media as an opportunity, but it did talk a little about the loss of control, and worry about unforseen instances like the Domino employees.
    I can't believe we're fourth on the list of facebook "hours." I would have definitely thought Americans were first!
Rebecca Martin

Berkman Center for the Internet & Society - 2 views

    The Berkman Center often conducts great, free webcasts on its many different research focuses and produces an incredible number of research reports. Lots to digest on the site, but I wanted to share for everyone's perusal. I'd really recommend subscribing to its blog as well.
    This site is chock-full a great information!
Mary Beth Davis

The older user - 1 views

    I often get frustrated by my 77 year old mother, who recently got a nice new computer (under much pressure from her daughters), but has a lot of reluctance about using it. This journal (iJETS) had many articles such as this one, that I believe could shed light on tactics to motivate this segment of society.
    I really enjoyed this article, because my 63 year old mother in law is very computer-resistant, and I find it very frustrating. She wants to talk to me on the phone, but I really only want to use email. A generation difference really can make a technology difference.
    My mom is also not online and no interest in the iPad. She often comments how the newspaper in her city is getting thinner and thinner so I often wonder if her view of the world and events if filtered by the fact that she's not online, and so much news and opinion is. Conversely, I met up with an old friend from high school last week who told me he refuses to really activate his Facebook account because his 70-something mom is on it and very active. I also know 30 year olds who only use computers and email at work because they have to and eschew everything else. Generalizations aside, I'm not convinced it's physical age, but more of a state of mind when it comes to new technology.
Cynthia Tavlin

Socialnomics - 1 views

    Always fun to watch even if you've seen it before. The first time I saw this was at a SLA event on social media last fall - even though it wasn't that long ago, it's surprising to me that in that time social media has pervaded our lives even more. The speaker at that event was making the case for social media, whereas now, I'd think the expectation from SLA participants would be, how can we make the most of social media.

iCloud Info - 0 views

shared by michelleamills on 07 Jun 11 - No Cached
    This is an interesting concept about storing not just your music but all your personal information as well. I think it will probably catch on quickly, but privacy is still a main concern.
Qraig de Groot

Facebook in Real Life - 0 views

shared by Qraig de Groot on 07 Jun 11 - Cached
    This is a few years old, but still makes me chuckle. Just an FYI: It's sorta NSFW...lewd words and such.
Jeanine Finn

Do you know Jessamyn West? - 3 views

    You should! :) She's a librarian and advocate who's been writing and blogging about the social effects of technology for years. I've been reading her blog since 1998. This link is to one her recent talks about the digital divide...its history and what it means now.
Qraig de Groot

Instant Celebrity: Just Add Social Media - 1 views

    Another product of social media - insta-internet star! BTW, Rebecca's Black's video is now up to over 159 million views and the song was covered on Glee!
    Now I see how people on youtube make money...I didn't know they paid per view...makes sense.
    I think that this is one of the great benefits of social media. People have a chance to make something of themselves without spending millions of dollars in advertisements. It's not just about celebrity status, but more importantly, people can create businesses or help causes using these cheaper tools.
Amanda Riegel

Didactics and student engagement in social informatics - 1 views

    I've been looking at a lot of articles discussing how social informatics is taught in higher education...this was one of the more interesting applications. Student crimefighters!
    Wow! That's definitely an interesting way to engage students. I think it's excellent that they collaborated with another organization to really show the usefulness of social informatics. It could really be taught in conjunction with so many other issues and organizations.
Suzanne W.

CMRC 2012 Conference: Digital Religion - 1 views

    what happens when organized religion and technology intersect? (or maybe not-so organized, i.e. the flying spaghetti monster). the article sites "dating service[s]" based on religion, as well as "virtual pilgrimage." the article is about a conference titled digital religion. came across this article and i think this topic is extremely interesting...might end up using it for my final project.
    This is really interesting to me, too! I didn't even know such a concept was developing.
Ilyssa Wesche

Mr. Splashy Pants - 2 views

    I like this whole (relatively new) blog, written by a graduate student whose academic focus is on social media and traditional news media, and how the this sharing of information affects the media channels and the audience. He's got another post about the digital divide, but I couldn't pass up Mr. Splashy Pants.
    I love that example. This is a worry/conversation we have all the time with your clients about loss of control with social media but what a great outcome in this instance.
    I like that we pick up a lot of good terms and concepts from such blogs. One of his posts using the term "media convergence." That's a good one to add to the list.
Maggie Murphy

Why Has France Banned Facebook and Twitter from TV? - 1 views

    The Time Magazine Techland blog reports on theories behind why France banned mentions of Facebook and Twitter on French TV (unless the companies are being reported on specifically). Following French blogger Benoit Raphael (whose French-language blog is linked to in the article), they argue that "both social networks are so ubiquitious as to essentially count as public space."
    This seems to parallel (perhaps even extend?) Sarkozy's recent support for building up intellectual property rights and digital rights management on the Internet. Interesting to see what sort of opposition might grow from your example (if any) in light of petitions and other fallout from many civic organizations in his calls for action at the e-G8 summit a couple weeks back:
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