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Brian Wojcik

VoiceThread - Group conversations around images, documents, and videos - 0 views

    "A VoiceThread is a collaborative, multimedia slide show that holds images, documents, and videos and allows people to navigate slides and leave comments in 5 ways - using voice (with a mic or telephone), text, audio file, or video (via a webcam). Share a VoiceThread with friends, students, and colleagues for them to record comments too. Users can doodle while commenting, use multiple identities, and pick which comments are shown through moderation. VoiceThreads can even be embedded to show and receive comments on other websites and exported to MP3 players or DVDs to play as archival movies."
    A VoiceThread is a collaborative, multimedia slide show that holds images, documents, and videos and allows people to navigate slides and leave comments in 5 ways - using voice (with a mic or telephone), text, audio file, or video (via a webcam). Share a VoiceThread with friends, students, and colleagues for them to record comments too.
Mindy Johnson | mix it up. mash it out. - 0 views

    Online video editing.
Mindy Johnson

Diigo - Web Highlighter and Sticky Notes, Online Bookmarking and Annotation, Personal Learning Network. - 2 views

    Students can collect links, highlight text and collaborate with peers using Diigo. (*This is a great tool for research projects)
    Highlight, bookmark, and annotate the web. "Diigo is two services in one -- it is a research and collaborative research tool on the one hand, and a knowledge-sharing community and social content site on the other. "
Nicole Lakusta - 2 views

    Interesting article. I'm not so sure that Ian Jukes, quoted liberally throughout the article, would be a big fan of RTI but I could be wrong. "Drill and kill" has been around a long time. Whether this transfers to higher level thinking is debatable. Simply providing apps that replicate drill activities we do on paper won't, in my opinion, capture students used to video game quality action - at least not for very long. The reality is classroom time is limited. If we drill students this time has to be taken from somewhere - inevitably it comes from the "real" learning time. My greatest fear of mobile technology is that it will become modern day "flash cards'. If we are going to use mobile technology, let's use it to build in support (within an exciting cross-curricular, inquiry-based classroom) such as screen readers/word prediction, and use it to provide access to apps that help students analyze, synthesize, evaluate, collaborate and create - real 21zt century fluencies.
Mindy Johnson

MindMeister - think together - 1 views

    "MindMeister brings the concept of mind mapping to the web, using its facilities for real-time collaboration to allow truly global brainstorming sessions. Users can create, manage and share mind maps online and access them anytime, from anywhere. In brainstorming mode, fellow MindMeisters from around the world (or just in different rooms) can simultaneously work on the same mind map and see each other's changes as they happen."
Brian Wojcik | brainstorm and mind map online - 0 views

    Brainstorming and mindmapping collaboratively on the web.
Mindy Johnson

Scratch | Home | imagine, program, share - 0 views

    "Scratch is a programming language that makes it easy to create your own interactive stories, animations, games, music, and art -- and share your creations on the web. As young people create and share Scratch projects, they learn important mathematical and computational ideas, while also learning to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively."
Betsy Dalton

Great source iWrite - 0 views

    A variety of templates, tutorials, and graphic organizers introduce and explain the major forms of writing (narrative, persuasive, expository, research, response to literature) and help students develop practical writing skills - from coming up with a topic idea to publishing a polished work. Developed in collaboration with Microsoft for Learning Essentials, these tools offer solid instruction from the popular, research-based Write Source series of writing programs.
Mindy Johnson | Draw, Animate, and Collaborate - 0 views

    Create Flash-like animations using community art or your own.
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