Contents contributed and discussions participated by Christine Southard
Wikipedia - 0 views
Bookmarklets | Readability - 0 views
css Zen Garden: The Beauty in CSS Design - 0 views
Text Content Analyser - - 0 views
USDA's MyPlate - Home page - 0 views
WebAnywhere: A Screen Reader On the Go - 0 views
"WebAnywhere is a web-based screen reader for the web. It requires no special software to be installed on the client machine and, therefore, enables blind people to access the web from any computer they happen to have access to that has a sound card. Visit to access WebAnywhere directly. And, it's completely FREE to use! " - 1 views
The Children's University of Manchester - 0 views
Free Maths Learning Clips - 0 views
Learning Clip is an online resource for teaching primary maths. There are hundreds of interactive activities, video clips and worksheets covering a huge range of mathematical topics, concepts and methods. Registration is free and registered users can access a great selection of free resources, and for the first time, from January 2011, we are offering online resources adapted for Promethean Activexpression and Activote learner response systems.