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Mindy Johnson

Wiffiti - 0 views

    "Wiffiti publishes real time messages to screens in thousands of locations from jumbotrons to jukeboxes, bars to bowling alleys and cafes to colleges. You can interact with Wiffiti from your mobile phone or the web."
Mindy Johnson

Weebly - Create a free website and a free blog - 0 views

    * Easily create a classroom website & blog * Manage your students' accounts * Accept homework assignments online * Keep your parents up to date
Christine Southard

Free Maths Learning Clips - 0 views

    Learning Clip is an online resource for teaching primary maths. There are hundreds of interactive activities, video clips and worksheets covering a huge range of mathematical topics, concepts and methods. Registration is free and registered users can access a great selection of free resources, and for the first time, from January 2011, we are offering online resources adapted for Promethean Activexpression and Activote learner response systems.
Christine Southard

Cyberkidz educational games - free PK5 resources for elementary schools math topography... - 0 views

    Cyberkidz is an educational platform for boys and girls in the age of 4 till 12 years. By playing the educational games, children will practice subjects they learn in elementary school (Preschool, Kindergarten, Grades 1-5).
Christine Southard

Animal and Nature Learning Games For Kids | Learning Games For Kids - 0 views

    With Animal games and Nature games kids are able to gain academic knowledge while having fun playing with wild animals and exploring nature.
Christine Southard

Everyday Mathematics - eToolkit - 0 views

    Math virtual math manipulatives for elementary children.
Mindy Johnson

Draw on any webpage. Share thoughts. Move ideas. - Markup - 0 views

    "Markup lets you draw on any webpage with a variety of tools to express your thoughts, make a point or just simply edit." This is a bookmarklet -- no download required!
Brian Wojcik

Voki Home - 0 views

    "Voki is a free service that allows you to create personalized speaking avatars and use them on your blog, profile, and in email messages."
Mindy Johnson

Welcome to Aviary - 0 views

    Free online creation tools, including an image editor, music creator, audio editor, image markup, and screen capture.
Mindy Johnson - Blogs for Teachers and Students - 0 views

    Safe and simple blogs for your students.
Mindy Johnson | Draw, Animate, and Collaborate - 0 views

    Create Flash-like animations using community art or your own.
Christine Southard


    An Online Educational Comic Generator for Kids of All Ages
Christine Southard

UDL Book Builder - 0 views

    Use this site to create, share, publish, and read digital books that engage and support diverse learners according to their individual needs, interests, and skills.
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