Publish and Search Relational DatabasesEnth blends database publishing and search to unlock the value of Internet-connected databases and dramatically increase the ease and speed of finding information. Our patented software platform allows you to easily share structured data online and provide users with a quick way to find information using plain text, achieving time savings, cost savings and increased productivity for your organization.
The semantic mapping of the English language is the key to making Natural Language Processing (NLP) effective. Cognition's unique Semantic Map, which it built over the past 24 years, is the most comprehensive and complete map of the English language available today. It can be used in support of the Semantic Web for semantic search, search tools, business analytics, machine translation, document search, context search, and much more.
NLMplus is an award winning Semantic Search Engine and Biomedical Knowledge Base application that showcases a variety of natural language processing tools to provide an improved level of access to the vast collection of biomedical data and services of the National Library of Medicine.
START, the world's first Web-based question answering system, has been on-line and continuously operating since December, 1993. It has been developed by Boris Katz and his associates of the InfoLab Group at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. Unlike information retrieval systems (e.g., search engines), START aims to supply users with "just the right information," instead of merely providing a list of hits. Currently, the system can answer millions of English questions about places (e.g., cities, countries, lakes, coordinates, weather, maps, demographics, political and economic systems), movies (e.g., titles, actors, directors), people (e.g., birth dates, biographies), dictionary definitions, and much, much more. Below is a list of some of the things START knows about, with example questions. You can type your question above or select from the following examples.
You can use the input field above to search through 4 million interconnected persons, organisations and places in the semantic web. Enter the name, e-mail, nick, homepage, openid, mbox-hash or URI of the person, organisation or place you are searching.
FactForge represents a reason-able view to the web of data. It aims to allow users to find resources and facts based on the semantics of the data, like web search engines index WWW pages and facilitate their usage.
Faceted Wikipedia Search allows users to ask complex queries against Wikipedia. The answers to these queries are not generated using key word matching as the answers of search engines like Google or Yahoo, but are generated based on structured information that has been extracted from many different Wikipedia articles.
A KBucket page is a place to organize and publish your research. The practice is known as content curation. You can curate for yourself and people like you, or you can curate to promote your ideas and knowledge. KBucket lets you manage the context of your information, which means the grouping, the tags and the meta tags. All KBucket pages are hosted on the KBucket search platform.
Real-Time Faceted Search is a journey; a journey that enables you to easily tell the internet what you're looking for and let the internet find it for you. It starts with the same key word everyone is familiar with, but then guides the user through a series of contextual prompts, or 'facets', that eventually build out a more 'complex query' more powerful than that of typical keyword search. Through the use of a number of GUI techniques, the user is able to either select or fill in elements of this query in intuitive ways with all the code crunching being hidden in the background. The query can then be run over mashed up linked data sources. This enables the everyday user to build out these deep queries over linked data and receive much more relevant results.