Semantic Web Patterns: A Guide to Semantic Technologies - ReadWriteWeb - 0 views
To some, the Semantic Web is the web of data, where information is represented in RDF and OWL. Some people replace RDF with Microformats. Others think that the Semantic Web is about web services, while for many it is about artificial intelligence - computer programs solving complex optimization problems that are out of our reach. And business people always redefine the problem in terms of end user value, saying that whatever it is, it needs to have simple and tangible applications for consumers and enterprises.
The bottom-up approach is focused on annotating information in pages, using RDF, so that it is machine readable. The top-down approach is focused on leveraging information in existing web pages, as-is, to derive meaning automatically.
Another recent win for the bottom-up approach was the announcement of the Semantify web service from Dapper
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