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Janos Haits

Artificial intelligence applied to the semantic web - GAMCO, SL - 0 views

    "The semantic web or "internet of knowledge" is an extension of the current web. Unlike the latter, the semantic web is based on providing the web with defined and linked data, to which a specific meaning is attributed, thus allowing different applications to locate, integrate and take advantage of the information available on the web quickly and efficiently. In this sense, more and more semantic search engines are being integrated, mainly in social networks, blogs and customer services (chatbots)."
Janos Haits

TaskForces/CommunityProjects/LinkingOpenData/SemanticWebSearchEngines - ESW Wiki - 0 views

    Semantic Web Search Engines\nThis page collects links to Semantic Web Search Engines. Semantic Web Search Engines use robots to crawl RDF data from the Web and provide search and navigation facilities over crawled data.The page is part of the community project [[SweoIG/TaskForces/CommunityProjects/LinkingOpenData|]]
Janos Haits : Ontology and Resource Browser - 0 views

    SOBOLEO is a system for web-based collaborative engineering of SKOS ontologies and annotation of web resources. Users collaboratively create a taxonomy, use it to annotate web resources and use it as background knowledge during search.
Janos Haits

Jena Semantic Web Framework - 0 views

    Jena is a Java framework for building Semantic Web applications. It provides a programmatic environment for RDF, RDFS and OWL, SPARQL and includes a rule-based inference engine. Jena is open source and grown out of work with the HP Labs Semantic Web Programme.
Janos Haits

Watson Semantic Web Search - 1 views

    exploring the semantic web
Janos Haits

Freebase API - Google Developers - 0 views

    Build intelligent apps with Freebase data Explore a free, open knowledge graph of 36 million people, places, and things.
Janos Haits

BinPad - 2 views

    "BinPad Editor is a tool that helps you organize and publish content in BinPad. Visualize your own content in an intuitive, amazing way. The public version is coming soon. Examples of a Curriculum Vitae and travel log created by BinPad Editor are provided."
    "BinPad Editor is a tool that helps you organize and publish content in BinPad. Visualize your own content in an intuitive, amazing way. The public version is coming soon. Examples of a Curriculum Vitae and travel log created by BinPad Editor are provided."
Janos Haits

ctrl - 0 views

    The ctrl semantic engine is the first product of the Research and Development group at PRAGMATECH. The main functionality of ctrl's API is to identify the set of (disambiguated) key topics. In ctrl we have moved from words to concepts, then from simple concepts to topics (which are not phrases, but complex 'disambiguated' concepts), and, subsequently, to key topics that represent what a certain document is about.
Janos Haits

Welcome to (Private Beta) - 1 views

    Semantic Information Discovery, browsing and sharing
Janos Haits

Thingyy - 2 views

    "Keep track of all the things you have interacted with or would like to interact."
Janos Haits

Talk to Books - 2 views

    "Browse passages from books using experimental AI"
Janos Haits

redlink - 0 views

    Redlink: a Platform for Semantic Enrichment, Linked Data and Information Discovery
Janos Haits

Precision Search & Find - 2 views

    Precision Search & Find
Janos Haits

Q&D RDF Browser - 2 views

    Quick and Dirty RDF browser
Janos Haits

ProductDB - ProductDB - 0 views

    ProductDB aims to be the World's most comprehensive and open source of product data. Not only do we want to create a page for every product in the world, we want to connect the underlying structured data together into one huge interlinked dataset... read more
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