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Janos Haits

Semantic Search - CHAIN project - 5 views

    "Semantic Search on Linked Data Here you can search across more than 30 million resources contained in the thousands of semantically enriched Open Access Document Repositories and  Data Repositories included in the CHAIN Knowledge Base. Search results are ranked according to the Ranking Web or Repositories. Some exemplar keywords are: cardiology, cell, cornea, geology, linked data, natural gas."
Janos Haits - 1 views

    Real-Time Faceted Search is a journey; a journey that enables you to easily tell the internet what you're looking for and let the internet find it for you. It starts with the same key word everyone is familiar with, but then guides the user through a series of contextual prompts, or 'facets', that eventually build out a more 'complex query' more powerful than that of typical keyword search. Through the use of a number of GUI techniques, the user is able to either select or fill in elements of this query in intuitive ways with all the code crunching being hidden in the background. The query can then be run over mashed up linked data sources. This enables the everyday user to build out these deep queries over linked data and receive much more relevant results.
Janos Haits

CTRL-Follow - 0 views

    Our leading semantic engine, CTRL, tracks your subject of interest by fetching relevant news from the top news sources online saving you time by delivering only relevant articles (summary and original link) straight to your email.
Janos Haits

redlink - 0 views

    Redlink: a Platform for Semantic Enrichment, Linked Data and Information Discovery
Janos Haits »«» Eng « CHORUS+ - 0 views

  • is the hub where you will find all useful information related to events, technologies, resources… linked to audio-visual search.
Janos Haits

TaskForces/CommunityProjects/LinkingOpenData/SemanticWebSearchEngines - ESW Wiki - 0 views

    Semantic Web Search Engines\nThis page collects links to Semantic Web Search Engines. Semantic Web Search Engines use robots to crawl RDF data from the Web and provide search and navigation facilities over crawled data.The page is part of the community project [[SweoIG/TaskForces/CommunityProjects/LinkingOpenData|]]
Janos Haits

Linked Life Data - 0 views

  • Search and explore over 4 billion RDF statements from various sources including UniProt, PubMed, EntrezGene and 20 more... Perform complex SPARQL queries and retrieve more than 500 million RDF resources.
    Search and explore over 4 billion RDF statements from various sources including UniProt, PubMed, EntrezGene and 20 more...Perform complex SPARQL queries and retrieve more than 500 million RDF resources.
Janos Haits

Open Semantic Search: Your own search engine for documents, images, tables, files, intr... - 2 views

    "Free software for your own search engine, data explorer and research tools based on Apache Lucene / Solr or Elastic Search open-source enterprise-search and open standards for Linked Data and Semantic Web"
Janos Haits

CTSAsearch - 0 views

    "CTSAsearch is a federated search engine using Linked Open Data published by members of the CTSA Consortium and other interested parties. To try it out, use the form below or click on the "CTSA Search" entry in the menu on the left to see a ranked list of matching investigators. Check the "Display Map" box or click on the "CTSA Map" entry in the menu to visualize coauthorship amongst the matching investigators."
Janos Haits

Artificial intelligence applied to the semantic web - GAMCO, SL - 0 views

    "The semantic web or "internet of knowledge" is an extension of the current web. Unlike the latter, the semantic web is based on providing the web with defined and linked data, to which a specific meaning is attributed, thus allowing different applications to locate, integrate and take advantage of the information available on the web quickly and efficiently. In this sense, more and more semantic search engines are being integrated, mainly in social networks, blogs and customer services (chatbots)."
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