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Deana Ratnala

Janet S. Wong - Author of Acclaimed Children's Books - 0 views

    " Welcome! Thank you for visiting my Web site. Here you can get "the inside scoop" on each of my books, and hear me read my stories and poems. You can learn about my approach to poetry - how I use props to make it fun - and find out about my school visits and performances. Enjoy!"
Deana Ratnala

Poetry of America (The Poetry and Literature Center at the Library of Congress) - 0 views

    "The "Poetry of America" initiative is part of the Poetry and Literature Center's 75th Anniversary celebration. Through two features, "Poetry of American Identity" and "Poetry of American History," this initiative explores how poetry connects to the following themes: immigration and migration, work and industry, social change, and peace and war."
Sara Wilkie

Why You Need to Fail - Peter Bregman - Harvard Business Review - 0 views

    A growth mindset is the secret to maximizing potential. Want to grow your staff? Give them tasks above their ability. They don't think they could do it? Tell them you expect them to work at it for a while, struggle with it. That it will take more time than the tasks they're used to doing. That you expect they'll make some mistakes along the way. But you know they could do it.
Sara Wilkie

Teach Kids to Use the Four-Letter Word | Edutopia - 0 views

    "Grit." A four-letter word that every teacher and student should know and use. 3 Steps: Powerful Words, Weekly Reflection Journals, Community Meetings
Sara Wilkie

OET-Draft-Grit-Report-2-17-13.pdf - 0 views

    US Dept of Ed - draft report
Sara Wilkie

Project-Based Learning vs. Problem-Based Learning vs. X-BL | Edutopia - 0 views

    "At the Buck Institute for Education (BIE), we've been keeping a list of the many types of "_____- based learning" we've run across over the years: Case-based learning Challenge-based learning Community-based learning Design-based learning Game-based learning Inquiry-based learning Land-based learning Passion-based learning Place-based learning Problem-based learning Proficiency-based learning Service-based learning Studio-based learning Team-based learning Work-based learning . . . and our new fave . . . "
Sara Wilkie

Technology in the Hands of a Great Teacher | Greg Schwanbeck - 0 views

    "those teachers were the ones who engaged you in discussion, squeezing ideas out of you in a manner that forced you to think in new and challenging ways."
Sara Wilkie

Connected Learning: 'ESSENCE' on Vimeo - 0 views

    "This film introduces the story of connected learning, the outcome of a six-year research effort supported by the MacArthur Foundation into how learning, education, and schooling could be reimagined for a networked world. The film asks: 'Might the information age have presented us with the opportunity for a fundamental reimagining of the way we educate our children?' 'How might education come to life if children were to possess a burning need to know?' 'Might we each have a part to play?' 'Might this digital age hold the possibility of bringing us closer together?'"

Personalize Learning: 10 Trends for Personalized Learning in 2014 - 1 views

  • Change the Language to Learner NOT Student
  • Learning is part of us. We were not born students -- we were born learners. Our first experiences of learning were through play and discovery. 
  • It is all about focusing on the learner -- starting with the learner, not technology.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • When you change teacher and learner roles, so the focus is on the learner and the learner drives their learning, everything changes (see post on teacher and learner roles].
  • when you personalize learning, what happens to grades? How will we learn how to drive our own learning?
  • The main questions to ask and research... How do we change teacher and learner roles? How do we support teachers as they change their roles? Will this technology support new teacher and learner roles? How will learners acquire the skills to choose and use the appropriate resources?
  • Technology does make it easier to personalize learning, but learners can take control of their learning with or without it. You see, it is all about changing teacher and learner roles.
  • Learner voice gives learners a chance to share their opinions about something they believe in. There are so many aspects of "school" and "learning" where learners have not been given the opportunity to be active participants. Giving them voice encourages them to participate in their own learning.
  • The best thing we can do for our learners is to teach them to learn how to learn and how to think about their thinking. Now with anytime and anywhere learning, learners will need to acquire the skills to choose the most appropriate resources and tools for any task.
  •  A personal connection or a real-world issue that means something to the learner can make all the difference to whether we care about an academic task. Offering a choice on some aspect of the work also sends its value up, and so does the chance to work on things with friends. 
  • Consider... Taking one lesson at a time. Adding more time to a specific activity that engages your learners so you do not stop the flow of learning. Asking for your learners' ideas on how they would like to express what they know. Encouraging your learners to reflect on their learning.
    Great information on personalized learning. This site is really packed with good reads!

2020 Vision: Outlook for online learning in 2014 and way beyond - 0 views

  • Learning will increasingly be delivered through student-owned devices, and learners will increasingly integrate social life, work and study in a seamless manner.
    • anonymous
      How can we use taxpayer $ to fund devices for our students? Can we invest in them?
  • As a result it will become increasingly difficult for institutions to protect student data and their privacy. This may turn out to be the biggest challenge for students, institutions, and government in the next 20 years and could seriously inhibit the development of online learning in the future, if students or faculty lose trust in the system.
  • Students and learners at this point in my life, what are my learning goals? What is the best way to meet these? Where can I get advice for this?
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • what kind of learning support do I need?
  • Faculty and instructors why do students need to come to campus? What am I offering on-campus that they couldn’t get online? Have I looked up the research on this?
    • anonymous
      How do we support students who want to learn online but need a place to do it? Can we be more than "babysitters"? How can we restructure our current learning spaces (classrooms) to better meet the needs of our learners?
  • what teaching methods will lead to the kind of learning outcomes that students will need in life?
  • what kind of teaching spaces do I need for what I want to offer on campus?
    • anonymous
      We need to be designing more flexible spaces on our campuses. While we may feel that we were "burned" with open concept classrooms from our past experience, we should be looking to similar spaces.
  • what training or professional development do I need to ensure that I can meet the learning needs of my students?
  • what kind of campus will we need in 10 years time?
  • what partnerships or strategies should we adopt to protect our enrollment base?
  • how do we ensure that faculty have the skills necessary for teaching in a digital age? how can we best reward innovation and high quality teaching? what kind of organization and staff do we need to support faculty in their teaching?

Around the Plurality of Diversity @gcouros @timholt2007 #txeduchat ... - 1 views

    Miguel asks the right questions!
Kenneth Jones

What Americans Keep Ignoring About Finland's School Success - 0 views

    Occupy Wall Street and US Education: The BIG point America misses with regard to the Finnish system: Equity! An old article but brings up some interesting aspects of's actually going to take societal reform...oops my left wing is showing again!
Rebecca Singley

How Do We Define and Measure "Deeper Learning"? | MindShift - 2 views

  • and interpersonal refers to expressing ideas and communicating and working with others.
    • Rebecca Singley
      Again, key. However, in thinking abou the book "Quiet" by Susan Cain, this might look and feel very different, depending upon the kid.
  • They must encourage questioning and discussion, challenge them and offer support and guidance. They must use carefully selected curriculum and use formative assessments to measure and support students’ progress.
    • Rebecca Singley
      Again, this MUST be done overtly, and kids must have a chance to practice these skills in the classroom setting. Where else will they be "social" in their learning?
Sara Wilkie

Action Research Projects | Powerful Learning Practice - 1 views

    Powerful Learning Projects - networked sharing and learning
    Ahh, Canada! Evil Socialists! But take a look at the project and the ONE thing that stands out is the willingness to and effectiveness in challenging and re-configuring the school structure!
Sara Wilkie

Using Action Research in Online Communities to Effect Building-Level Change | Connected... - 0 views

    "We want a team to think about action research as a collaborative endeavor, where principals and teachers work together to improve something over time. It's not just about gathering data, it's about working hard to improve something. Maybe you see a need to improve writing in the building, and you're going to figure out whether there's a way to take a techno-constructivist approach to strengthening students' writing skills. Maybe you feel the culture of your school is very mired in antiquated approaches to teaching and learning, and you want to build a new culture of innovation and collaboration, so you're going to develop your project around that goal."
    "where principals and teachers work together to improve something over time" HA! Techno-constructivist? Could this term be applicable to the age of chalkboard and chalk innovation? I just don't think research resultant data is going to lead the way to anything but more "initiatives". As learning facilitators, we are drowning in them and the learner targets are confused beyond measure. Maybe, the answer is as simple as priority setting AND the genuine wherewithal to put those priorities in place. If I were an instructional leader, rather than a innovative pariah or low tech Luddite, I might say that my campus community is going to tackle a learning fundamental, close reading. I form a committee, we plan activities, we isolated boxes of 41 minutes x 7, while filing out reams of busy work paper & electronic documentation, while building character, fostering the whole child, honoring the best spitters of knowledge with assembly recognition and the rounds and rounds of testing - not a measure of learning, but a measure of the course and scope delivery of bloated curricula....all on a schedule determined and unchangeable by the number of buses owned and operated...that developed project is actually doomed to ineffectiveness not because of its inherent flaws, but because that leader is both structurally and functionally prevented from making it a reality. Study and Commission and White Paper away, the results are predetermined! The really sadness here is that we KNOW how to pull this off - High Tech High and New Tech Network Schools and others I can't think of that have freed themselves from structural inertia...but we wring our hands and continue to fashion work-around initiatives....that we know in advance simply will not work.

Why Videos Aren't the Best Way for Kids to Learn | - 4 views

    How does this finding impact our work with blended/flipped learning? How does this finding impact our conversations in the classroom?
    This fosters the idea that classroom discussions and activities are necessary when a blended/flipped environment is practiced. The face to face interactions are were the true learning and connections are made.
    One of my students described the flipped class as his "Reverse class, the one where we teach ourselves by watching videos and then doing the work in class" He viewed it as a teacher replacement. Video is cool, but a moving screen is not the draw, if it is a boring teacher, talking about boring stuff on a moving screen - I can't see how we magically think that is more engaging than a stand and deliver, sit and get lecture.
Sara Wilkie

iTunes - Books - The iPad Is Not a PC by Jonathan Nalder - 3 views

    "The iPad is not a PC. As obvious as that sounds, if the only computer you've ever used was mainly a box on a desk, or ran a desktop operating system with a physical keyboard attached, its only natural that the ways you attempt to use a new device will be dictated by the old paradigm. Instead of just sticking with such an approach, this book looks at the different ways that the PC and iPad have been designed to work, and then detail new ways that the iPad can be used for workflows not work. "
    Reading it is one of my most significant failures...the "proper" or effective use of the iPad as a creative workflow device in my practice. I have to admit that I have, and perhaps to a large extent still do, view it as a cooler PC. Only just recently have I been able to envision the possibilities via app smashing. A few dollars spent to provide some smashing possibilities, but not the vehicle or the time allocated to let students experience it for themselves. Onward, we endeavor to persevere!

OPINION: How to Move PD Forward | EdSurge News - 1 views

  • The goal should be helping them to develop the profession themselves.
  • And this hints at the deeper reality: teachers--in the classrooms and in the Twitter chats--are the ones with the firsthand knowledge of what’s really going on. It’s time to engage them and bring them into the process.
    How do we engage more teachers in the conversation? We are doing it one by that the only way? How do we get teachers to see themselves as professionals that need to be interested in not only their content but in their pedagogy as well?
    You give me the chance and I will take it! Essential Quote: "If you want teacher buy-in, let the teachers buy!" - Damn straight, better-believe-it-buddy! What is this really saying? Give educators the chance to determine their own needs and allow them to create their own PD - WOW, democracy in the work place, professional autonomy, release of control...Stop right there Mister Radical Man! All this student centered, student owning the learning may be the cool buzz words of the day, and we may wave its flag high and proud, but we ain't goin' to apply it to the employee serfs charged with implementing that pith! Pahleese, teachers in control - teachers deciding how best to teach and facilitate learning? Chaos, Anarchy, Socialism! Dog and Cats living together, mass hysteria...Ain't happenin'...not now, not ever! I actually know this to be true. I designed, proposed, pleaded for a number of programs incorporating this approach and was rebuffed (vehemently and sternly) in two districts, ignored in two others in favor of completely top down, admin centered, and strictly dictated, carrot and stick approach of standard seat time, nothing required but attention or comment, 11, 23, (whatever) Tools! Shocking that we have the PD results we have? Hardly - Continuing to do the same things we have always done and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity - A. Einstein - what an idiot!
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