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Sara Wilkie

always learning - teaching technology abroad - 0 views

    "Established Goals (ISTE NETS Standards) 2. Communication and Collaboration: Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. Students: a. interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts or others employing a variety of digital environments and media. b. communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats. 4. Critical Thinking, Problem-Solving & Decision-Making: Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources. Students: b. plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project. 5. Digital Citizenship: Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior. Students: d. exhibit leadership for digital citizenship. 6. Technology Operations and Concepts: Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems and operations. Students: b. select and use applications effectively and productively. d. transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies. Enduring Understandings: Students will understand that: Responsible digital citizens demonstrated shared characteristics, habits and attitudes. We can work together to teach others what we have learned. We can use web 2.0 tools to collaborate and communicate with a global audience. Essential Questions: What are the characteristics, habits and attitudes of a responsible digital citizen? How can we work together to teach others about responsible digital citizenship? How can we collaborate and communicate with others online? Assessment Evidence GRASPS Task Goal: Your goal is to produce a multimedia handbook about basic technology tools and digital citizenship for ISB
Sara Wilkie

8 Big Ideas of the Constructionist Learning Lab | Generation YES Blog - 0 views

    "The first big idea is learning by doing. We all learn better when learning is part of doing something we find really interesting. We learn best of all when we use what we learn to make something we really want. The second big idea is technology as building material. If you can use technology to make things you can make a lot more interesting things. And you can learn a lot more by making them. This is especially true of digital technology: computers of all sorts including the computer-controlled Lego in our Lab. The third big idea is hard fun. We learn best and we work best if we enjoy what we are doing. But fun and enjoying doesn't mean "easy." The best fun is hard fun. Our sports heroes work very hard at getting better at their sports. The most successful carpenter enjoys doing carpentry. The successful businessman enjoys working hard at making deals. The fourth big idea is learning to learn. Many students get the idea that "the only way to learn is by being taught." This is what makes them fail in school and in life. Nobody can teach you everything you need to know. You have to take charge of your own learning. The fifth big idea is taking time - the proper time for the job. Many students at school get used to being told every five minutes or every hour: do this, then do that, now do the next thing. If someone isn't telling them what to do they get bored. Life is not like that. To do anything important you have to learn to manage time for yourself. This is the hardest lesson for many of our students. The sixth big idea is the biggest of all: you can't get it right without getting it wrong. Nothing important works the first time. The only way to get it right is to look carefully at what happened when it went wrong. To succeed you need the freedom to goof on the way. The seventh big idea is do unto ourselves what we do unto our students. We are learning all the time. We have a lot of experience of other similar projects but each one is differ
Sara Wilkie

Making time for Reflection! & Reflection for Lower Elementary Students | Lang... - 0 views

    "As teachers, we all know that we should create time to reflect on our professional practices… we need to experience the process of reflecting, in order to be able to guide our students… ….but what get's cut the easiest from our schedule if there is little time available? How can we see reflection as a high priority item on our never ending list of things to do? How can we get into the habit of making reflection time?"
Sara Wilkie

The challenge of responding to off-the-mark comments | Granted, and... - 1 views

    I have been thinking a lot lately about the challenge we face as educators when well-intentioned learners make incorrect, inscrutable, thoughtless, or otherwise off-the-mark comments. It's a crucial moment in teaching: how do you respond to an unhelpful remark in a way that 1) dignifies the attempt while 2) making sure that no one leaves thinking that the remark is true or useful? Summer is a great time to think about the challenge of developing new routines and habits in class, and this is a vital issue that gets precious little attention in training and staff development. Here is a famous Saturday Night Live skit, with Jerry Seinfeld as a HS history teacher, that painfully demonstrates the challenge and a less than exemplary response. Don't misunderstand me: I am not saying that we are always correct in our judgment about participant remarks. Sometimes a seemingly dumb comment turns out to be quite insightful. Nor am I talking about merely inchoate or poorly-worded contributions. That is a separate teaching challenge: how to unpack or invite others to unpack a potentially-useful but poorly articulated idea. No, I am talking about those comments that are just clunkers in some way; seemingly dead-end offerings that tempt us to drop our jaws or make some snarky remark back. My favorite example of the challenge and how to meet it comes from watching my old mentor Ted Sizer in action in front of 360 educators in Louisville 25 years ago. We had travelled as the staff of the Coalition of Essential Schools from Providence to Louisville to pitch the emerging Coalition reform effort locally. Ted gave a rousing speech about the need to transform the American high school. After a long round of applause, Ted took questions. The first questioner asked, and I quote: "Mr Sizer, what do you think about these girls and their skimpy halter tops in school?" (You have to also imagine the voice: very good-ol'-boy). Without missing a beat or making a face, Ted said "Deco

Promoting a growth mindset for all students SmartBlogs - 1 views

  • Someone with a growth mindset thinks, “no matter how long it takes or how hard it is, I will learn what I want or need to learn.” Many school practices, however, interfere with this mindset by penalizing students for taking longer to learn something. Students who pass a course in ten months are considered successful. Students who go to summer school (take twelve months to learn it) are considered to have failed with the added consequence of losing their summer break.
  • All of this happens despite that fact that there is no research indicating that people learn in ten months segments of time. Research reveals just the opposite: people naturally take different amounts of time to learn things and learn best when they are not evaluated, nor penalized on the length of time it takes to learn them.
  • For example, if the goal and purpose of school was success for all students, a strong case, as Dweck has suggested, could be made for only having two grades: Mastery and Not Yet. All the resources and efforts of educators should be directed towards helping students persist until they learned what they needed or wanted to learn. School improvement efforts should focus on changing school practices so that students can believe that their efforts will lead to success rather than failure defined by time limits.
    Standardilzed tests and growth mindset... 
    Great argument on why we place so much emphasis and credibility on letter grades. All of my students need more time, so this is a great article I will share with all my inclusion teachers.
Sara Wilkie

BalancEdTech - Imagined Interviews - 1 views

    "What would you have asked? Imagined Interviews Subject: Social Studies - American History Grade: 4th-8th Time Frame: Depends on prior tech experiences, but about four class periods, plus homework. [1 class period for research (and homework). 1 class period to draft questions and responses and script their interview. 1 class period to tape interviews. 1 class period to edit interviews.] Summary: Students will imagine they have traveled back in time to the civil war as a reporter. They will have the opportunity of a lifetime to interview an important historical figure of their choice. As their interview will run on a local news broadcast, their edited questions and answers can take no more than 2 minutes to show. (This could obviously be modified to any period in history, American or otherwise.)"
Sara Wilkie

Literacy-in-Content-Areas - Frameworks for Teaching and Learning - 0 views

    "The learning model that supports artists and inventors, scientists and musicians is a powerful framework that can support the work of readers and writers in our classrooms. When you hear the word workshop, what do you think about? What space do you envision? What tools would you expect to be surrounded with? How do you see the time being used? How would that image change when you put the word "reading" in front of it? The day to day routine of Reader's and Writers Workshop can be broken down to a number of activities, which can be arranged according to your own time table and students. Lessons will vary, depending on your grade, your class needs, but the workshop structure remains the same across grade and content areas."
Sara Wilkie

N Ways to Apply Algebra to the New York Times - - 1 views

    Response to Andrew Hacker's New York Times Op-Ed essay "Is Algebra Necessary?" Includes examples and links to CCSS

What Does Digital Leadership Mean? - Finding Common Ground - Education Week - 0 views

  • As important as technology is, and it is an important tool, so is our need to have human interaction and digital leaders need to promote that too.
    This post really struck a cord with me. I agree that we need to have a balance of digital and non-digital experiences/interactions, and that we need to model the "art of human conversation" with students. Digital conversations can be powerful, and at times, that is the only way we can get together and hold the conversation! This summer, we are working in a blended environment with teachers for PD and I am so extremely proud of them. They are responding online to blog posts with such thoughtful comments and voice. When people take the time to craft their thoughts, I do feel their presence with me! 
Richard Fanning

Time management - 1 views

    One goal is to help yourself become aware of how you use your time as one resource in organizing, prioritizing, and succeeding in your studies in the context of competing activities of friends, work, family, etc.
Sara Wilkie

'The Objective of Education Is Learning, Not Teaching' - Knowledge@Wharton - 0 views

    "In their book, Turning Learning Right Side Up: Putting Education Back on Track, authors Russell L. Ackoff and Daniel Greenberg point out that today's education system is seriously flawed -- it focuses on teaching rather than learning. "Why should children -- or adults -- be asked to do something computers and related equipment can do much better than they can?" the authors ask in the following excerpt from the book. "Why doesn't education focus on what humans can do better than the machines and instruments they create?" "Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth learning can be taught." -- Oscar Wilde"
Sara Wilkie

21st Century Skills: Learning for Life in Our Times: Bernie Trilling, Charles Fadel: 97... - 0 views

    "The new building blocks for learning in a complex world This important resource introduces a framework for 21st Century learning that maps out the skills needed to survive and thrive in a complex and connected world. 21st Century content includes the basic core subjects of reading, writing, and arithmetic-but also emphasizes global awareness, financial/economic literacy, and health issues. The skills fall into three categories: learning and innovations skills; digital literacy skills; and life and career skills. This book is filled with vignettes, international examples, and classroom samples that help illustrate the framework and provide an exciting view of twenty-first century teaching and learning. Explores the three main categories of 21st Century Skills: learning and innovations skills; digital literacy skills; and life and career skills Addresses timely issues such as the rapid advance of technology and increased economic competition Based on a framework developed by the Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21) The book contains a DVD with video clips of classroom teaching. For more information on the book visit"
Sara Wilkie

Using Action Research in Online Communities to Effect Building-Level Change | Connected... - 0 views

    "We want a team to think about action research as a collaborative endeavor, where principals and teachers work together to improve something over time. It's not just about gathering data, it's about working hard to improve something. Maybe you see a need to improve writing in the building, and you're going to figure out whether there's a way to take a techno-constructivist approach to strengthening students' writing skills. Maybe you feel the culture of your school is very mired in antiquated approaches to teaching and learning, and you want to build a new culture of innovation and collaboration, so you're going to develop your project around that goal."
    "where principals and teachers work together to improve something over time" HA! Techno-constructivist? Could this term be applicable to the age of chalkboard and chalk innovation? I just don't think research resultant data is going to lead the way to anything but more "initiatives". As learning facilitators, we are drowning in them and the learner targets are confused beyond measure. Maybe, the answer is as simple as priority setting AND the genuine wherewithal to put those priorities in place. If I were an instructional leader, rather than a innovative pariah or low tech Luddite, I might say that my campus community is going to tackle a learning fundamental, close reading. I form a committee, we plan activities, we isolated boxes of 41 minutes x 7, while filing out reams of busy work paper & electronic documentation, while building character, fostering the whole child, honoring the best spitters of knowledge with assembly recognition and the rounds and rounds of testing - not a measure of learning, but a measure of the course and scope delivery of bloated curricula....all on a schedule determined and unchangeable by the number of buses owned and operated...that developed project is actually doomed to ineffectiveness not because of its inherent flaws, but because that leader is both structurally and functionally prevented from making it a reality. Study and Commission and White Paper away, the results are predetermined! The really sadness here is that we KNOW how to pull this off - High Tech High and New Tech Network Schools and others I can't think of that have freed themselves from structural inertia...but we wring our hands and continue to fashion work-around initiatives....that we know in advance simply will not work.

Co-inventing the Curriculum | DMLcentral - 2 views

  • students look for problems, ask questions, collect data, try to make sense of the data they have collected, test their hypotheses, apply and integrate what they’ve learned about co-discovering, co-inquiring, and co-learning to all their subject matter. The digital tools make it possible for the data collection to be more extensive and more minutely labeled than overly-simplified toy versions of student data collection. 
  • “the digital tools enable us to capture a large amount of data, dump it on the table, explore it, examine it, roll it around in ways we were never able to do before. Like archeologists out in the field, we need to label everything we find in order to make sense of it when we remove it from the place we found it: go out with your phones, take pictures, write notes, capture video, but also tag it for time and location and other attributes, so when you bring it back to the classroom you can see each piece of data in multiple contexts.
    "But the best educational outcomes grow from a well thought out program of student empowerment - made both possible and attractive by adopting, adapting and mashing-up digital media."
    I think I have a convergence of two (+) very important vectors that might actually make something along these lines be realized: (1) I have a three level green light - on one, my "real" boss actually wants me to step out and really do something different, my evaluator likes to see interesting things and realizes a certain challenge to ANY poor evaluation is not in anyone's best interest, and I have friends/support in higher places (Milk it as long as it lasts!); (2) I am too dang old and tired (saying I am tired is akin to referring to the Great Wall of China as a fence!) of making excuses for why I can't and this may actually be my last real opportunity! (BONUS Vector: No one, and I mean NO ONE that might object is paying attention!) Let's set a time - a good long block of time - to map out something SPECIAL!

Why I Gave Up Flipped Instruction - 2 views

  • my brief love affair with the flip has ended. It simply didn’t produce the tranformative learning experience I knew I wanted for my students .
  • I helped them learn to learn. I prompted them to reflect on their thinking and learning, while at the same time I shared my own journey as a learner. I helped them develop skills such as using research tools, finding and evaluating sources, and collaborating with their peers. My goal as a teacher shifted from information-giver and gatekeeper to someone who was determined to work myself out of a job by the time my students graduated.
  • In our classroom, we sit down with the curriculum, and students actually see what the outcomes and objectives are. We then have a dialogue about what my students’ learning might look like. They have a choice over what order they are going to work on outcomes, how they are going to learn and reach those outcomes, and how they are going to show me what they have learned.
    Students doing their own research! Students teaching each other! Shelley Wright now focuses on helping her students learn to learn. She models her journey and helps them develop their own skills. Reminds me of our work together!

Khan Academy Is Not The Progressive Model You Are Looking For | - 0 views

  • We have a cultural fascination with grades
  • Perhaps we need to spend less time learning new tools and more time using them.”
Sara Wilkie

Challenging the Model of 1:1 with BYOD | Edutopia - 1 views

    "By engaging teachers and the technology integrationist in conversations about the curriculum, specific class dynamics and capabilities of the technology, we are now able to talk about what we would like to do, the tools best suited for that purpose, ways to tweak units or lessons, and what is not working. This collaborative, co-teaching model has allowed for us to find connections across content areas, classes and our district. We all recognize how much is gained when we are allowed to really talk about our curriculum and our students, and this model allows for that creative, collaborative time to work through complex and interesting questions and ideas about integrating technology effectively. "
Sara Wilkie

Educational Leadership:Common Core: Now What?:Nonfiction Reading Promotes Student Success - 0 views

    " it's not just how much students read that matters, but also what they read. In particular, students need to read and comprehend informational texts as often-and as fluently-as they do narrative texts." "we should ask what the research says about the benefits of reading nonfiction. Is it really worth tearing kids away from The Hunger Games, the Harry Potter books, or Diary of a Wimpy Kid? After all, with multimedia consuming so much of students' time, shouldn't we be happy they're reading at all?"
Sara Wilkie

Why Won't You Just Tell Us the Answer? | Wired Science | - 0 views

    "This discussion comes up all the time in my physics for education majors. I have previously described the course and the curriculum that I use (Physics and Everyday Thinking) - oh, which is awesome. Let me set the scene. This is near the beginning of the semester."
Sara Wilkie

Guest Post | Three Starting Points for Thinking Differently About Learning - - 0 views

    "It is a different time for teaching and learning. The unfortunate reality is that much of what we do in schools and in our own teaching practice is still grounded in thinking that has ruled the day for more than a century. " So what can we be sure of? Well, we can be sure that abundance brings a host of opportunities for learning, and we can be sure that if we are going to make sense of those opportunities in ways that benefit our students, we're going to have to unlearn and relearn much of our own practice. In short, it has to start with a willingness to reflect on what the larger changes mean in our own learning.
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