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Julie Noll

10 Reasons to use Diigo - 1 views

    Just in case you were wondering what the benefits of using Diigo are ;)

Best content in RSCC Occupational Therapy Assistant Program | Diigo - Groups - 2 views

    This article talks about reasons why elder patients may be at risk for falling as well as strategies and modern technology to help improve safety in hospitals and nursing homes.
    Group repository for online resources related to Theory and Treatment of Physical Disabilities

6 Exciting Wheelchair Accessible Theme Parks - 1 views

    Looking over my bookmarks to Diigo, I must enjoy recreation and leisure a lot, but I couldn't resist posting this blog about amusement parks and accessibility. The author identifies 6 amusement parks in the U.S. and briefly describes the unique perks of each. From Morgan's Wonderland in TX, built specifically for special needs children, to Cedar Fair Parks in NC and OH, which cater especially to children with autism, this is an interesting list of possibilities. Although this is just a blog, it provides quite a bit of information and photos.
    I am going to send this my friend who has ALS. What a great list. Thank you Beth!

new doc 4 (1).pdf - 2 views

shared by bellr-ota on 27 Jan 15 - No Cached
    Sleep Article

Nail Your Occupational Therapy Job Interview - 0 views

    I hope I'm not the only one freaking out about job hunting in the future. I found this article that will help prepare us for job interviews with some sample questions. It is always good to be prepared.
    This post comes from the same OT based blog from my last diigo posting, but with all of this resume/cover letter/job talk and coming up in the very near future, I wanted to share this post as well! It is very helpful. It goes into types of questions we may encounter in a job interview and how you should go about answering them! Very helpful info to add to our portfolio of info!
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