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Teachers and Tech - 4 views

    Here is the link to a Pew Research survey about teachers and tech use. You can read the summary at this page, and/or download the pdf from there to read later. The document is pretty long, but has some interesting data, even given the fairly narrow survey sample.
Jason Finley

re-mediating assessment: Digital Badges as Transformative Assessment - 0 views

    Traditional summative functions. This is using badges to indicate that the earner previously did something or knows something. This is what the educational assessment community calls assessment of learning. Newer formative functions. This is where badges are used to enhance motivation, feedback, and discourse for individual badge earners and broader communities of earners. This is what is often labeled assessment for learning. Groundbreaking transformative functions. This is where badges transform existing learning ecosystems or allow new ones to be created. These assessment functions impact both badge earners and badge issuers, and may be intentional or incidental. I believe we should label this assessment as learning
Jason Finley

Well, Duh! Ten Obvious Truths That We Shouldn't Be Ignoring - 2 views

    "The field of education bubbles over with controversies. It's not unusual for intelligent people of good will to disagree passionately about what should happen in schools. But there are certain precepts that aren't debatable..."
    Expanded conversation around the following: "1. Much of the material students are required to memorize is soon forgotten 2. Just knowing a lot of facts doesn't mean you're smart 3. Students are more likely to learn what they find interesting 4. Students are less interested in whatever they're forced to do and more enthusiastic when they have some say 5. Just because doing x raises standardized test scores doesn't mean x should be done 6. Students are more likely to succeed in a place where they feel known and cared about 7. We want children to develop in many ways, not just academically 8. Just because a lesson (or book, or class, or test) is harder doesn't mean it's better 9. Kids aren't just short adults 10. Substance matters more than labels"
Jason Finley

The 2013 WISE Awards | WISE - World Innovation Summit for Education - 1 views

    Here is a challenge to my fellow fellows...let's continue to move our work forward by sharing it beyond the #VTed borders. "The 2013 WISE Awards Submission period now open until March 31, 2013 The 2013 WISE Awards will celebrate six innovative educational projects for their positive contribution within a community or society. WISE seeks to share best practices world over and inspire others to spark change in education. The WISE Awards thus highlight today's most innovative solutions and approaches that are addressing educational challenges confronting the world at large. Project holders from any region, educational sector or level are encouraged to submit applications which demonstrate the quality and impact of their activities in accordance with the criteria.  Whether you are involved in a project that provides access to quality education, creates new opportunities for lifelong learning or develops innovative educational technologies, WISE invites you to apply for the 2013 WISE Awards."
Jason Finley

7 Qualities of Uber-Productive People - 1 views

    1. They do the work in spite of disapproval or ridicule. 2. They see fear the same way other people view lunch. 3. They can still do their best on their worst day. 4. They see creativity as the result of effort, not inspiration. 5. They see help as essential, not weakness. 6. They start... 7. ...And they finish.
Jason Finley

Why K-12 school districts need a PR strategy and how to build one - 4 views

    As school choice evolves in Vermont having a PR strategy and "brand" recognition will be a necessity. If a school doesn't define its will be defined for it. What is yours?
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    "A public relations program must incorporate public engagement, website content development, crisis communication, community partnerships and strategic PR counsel," ... "That's in addition to news media relations and regular publications." I'd add the need for at least one or two Social Media streams. (Twitter, Facebook)
    "While that sounds like a lot to manage, a good PR program can help you gain support for your district initiatives in some key ways: *Taxpayer support: ... *Demonstrate economic impact: ... *Ensure public engagement: ..."
    Districts must manage their own PR and push out information through channels it can control, such as websites, direct mail, social media and email." "Social media has enabled anyone to become a 'citizen journalist' with the ability to sway public opinion - regardless of accuracy or intent," said Nichols. "Not only do we need to embrace these new technologies and opportunities, but we must master them to ensure that we can successfully operate our PR programs in all situations." Kleinz adds that today's mobile technology means that school districts must be prepared to respond immediately in a crisis to help manage the situation and ensure that the community receives accurate and timely information."
Jason Finley

Education Lessons From Top-Ranked Finland And South Korea - 1 views

    Via Alison Bromage, Vermont Adult Learning "Finland and South Korea top the charts in a new global education ranking. But with very different philosophies. We're looking at what the US - ranked number 17 - can learn."
Jason Finley

7 Things Schools Of The Future Will Do Well - 3 views

    1. Set Important Goals 2. Create Powerful Learning Experiences. 3. Manage Productive Learning Environments.  4. Know Students. 5. Promote Growth.  6. Leverage Teacher Talent. 7. Build Community.
Jason Finley

How Online Learning is Saving and Improving Rural High Schools - Getting Smart by Tom V... - 3 views

    Great ideas here and very relevant to #VTed Schools. Not just article about online learning,but 1:1, blended instruction, and "flex" model schools.   
    Yes indeed. IF we build out infrastructure. IF teachers train themselves to teach accordingly.
Jason Finley

Badges for Lifelong Learning - 0 views

    "A badge is a validated indicator of accomplishment, skill, quality or interest that can be earned in any of these learning environments. Badges can support learning, validate education, help build reputation, and confirm the acquisition of knowledge. They can signal traditional academic attainment or the acquisition of skills such collaboration, teamwork, leadership, and other 21st century skills."
    Great exploration of types/kinds of badges and badge characteristics/skill set indicators.
Jason Finley

The Future Of Education Eliminates The Classroom, Because The World Is Your Class - 0 views

    "We are moving away from the model in which learning is organized around stable, usually hierarchical institutions (schools, colleges, universities) that, for better and worse, have served as the main gateways to education and social mobility. Replacing that model is a new system in which learning is best conceived of as a flow, where learning resources are not scarce but widely available, opportunities for learning are abundant, and learners increasingly have the ability to autonomously dip into and out of continuous learning flows."
Karen Budde

Learning Creative Learning - 4 views

    This is my second MOOC; I am already addicted to learning this way. I have been taking ideas on how to move the platform for advisory discussions onto a Google+ Community.
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    Very cool, Karen! I'd love to hear more about what you thought of the experience. Lots of conversations about "blended" learning taking place right now... Also check out these MOOC articles if you haven't already:
    I am completely energized by the MOOC experience. One of my seniors tried it: a human physiology course out of Yale. She was overwhelmed, but grateful to experience the caliber of a "university" course. She ended up dropping after a few months. The pace and rigor were beyond her horizons, but she tried it. We had a conversation about when is it okay to fail. She was finally in a place where she hit the wall. How many of our students hit the wall when they are in a college and paying for it? How many discover only too late that they are in the wrong major?
    I can't wait to hear about your experience at our meeting. (Maybe with the extra time I have on my hands now I will give one a try...I've signed up for two, but never got started.) You have my gears spinning about MOOCs and the VTed community. First, I wonder how many schools would be willing to allow students, with oversight and guidance, to participate in a MOOC for credit? Second, what could a Rowland led VTed School Transformation MOOC look like? I see different fellows leading separate sections, sharing ideas and school transformation experiences with class participants who in turn share their own thoughts, inspirations, and challenges. Could have real potential to bring voices together from across the state.

Recent comments by Tom Friedman about Tony Wagner - 2 views

Our 2012 keynote speaker, Tony Wagner, quoted frequently in recent column by Thomas Friedman

innovation school change

started by chuckscranton on 04 Apr 13 no follow-up yet
Jason Finley

A Year at Mission Hill - Chapter 5: The Eye of the Dragon - 0 views

    "...valuing each child's sense of imagination and curiosity."
Jason Finley

Leading School Transformation - 0 views

    Leading School Transformation (EDLP 380) is a graduate-level course that brings together educators who are leading transformation efforts in Vermont schools. The course will build on the Rowland Foundation Transformation Conference at the University of Vermont through professional dialogue, personal refelection, and related readings. EDLP 380 will help participants develop school-based projects based on the latest research related to school transformation. Participants will read The Big Picture by Dennis Littky and Drive by Daniel Pink and develop strategies to lead change at their schools.
Michael Martin

The Millennials - 0 views

    This is the slideshow from my session at the 2012 Rowland Conference on School Transformation at UVM. Even with the minimalist zen presentation style, there are still some concepts, quotes & statistics which may be useful if you're making the case for change at your school.
Michael Martin

Authentic Assessment - 1 views

    Charlie MacFadyen & Robin Fawcett, two very talented colleagues, gave this presentation at the CVU School Transformation in 2010 with support from the Rowland Foundation. While you need Charlie & Robin to get the full effect, the slides alone provide one of the best explanations of authentic assessment I know of. It's also a terrific example of "zen presentation".
Jason Finley

A Year at Mission Hill Wrap: Chapters 2 and 3 - 0 views

    "Charting a new path forward in education by sharing positive stories of change, providing perspective on key issues, and giving you the news and analysis you need to take action."
Jason Finley

Internships become the new job requirement - 1 views

    "Internships came back as the most important thing that employers look for when evaluating a recent college graduate," says Dan Berrett, senior reporter at the Chronicle. "More important than where they went to college, the major they pursued, and even their grade point average."
    What does this mean for high school students? If colleges are looking at putting more students in internships themselves...will they recruit students who already have some level of experience in an internship during high school?
Jason Finley

Experimenting and Innovating: How to Find the Best Tools and Tactics | MindShift - 2 views

    "New York City is experimenting with new tools and tactics with its Innovation Zone, a devoted unit for trying out new approaches to learning and sharing best practices with like-minded educators." "Schools across the system are trying out different learning approaches, including blended learning, online courses and project-based teaching. As with the most lofty aspirations of educators, the iZone's goals are to personalize learning, provide real-world experience, change the ways staff and students view their roles and take advantage of the vast number of tools available to students and teachers."
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