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Terry Elliott

So now I am in Diigo, what do I do with Diigo? - 7 views

I love the autoblogging tool. I use it to post links to my blog. Come join us in annotating Dave's post here:

help diigo bookmark topic

Jaap Bosman

presentation - Google Drive - 2 views

    Like the old flap over board this are some results of the discussions with more than 40 persons in the life event over 16-17 januari
    the slides are note of the discussion groups in this weeks life party of Rhizo14. Some good ideas and point in them.
Terry Elliott

Hacking Four Corners « Kevin's Meandering Mind - 0 views

  • our morning meeting
    • Terry Elliott
      The operative word is 'our'--rooting the class in tribal consciousness.  Growing a network of connections-known and unknown--in a emergent ecosystem.
  • Responsive Classroom
  • some of the activities start getting a little old, so I encourage my students to mess around with the rules once we’ve learned them and hack the activities as they see fit
    • Terry Elliott
      This fits in beautifully with the discussion of cheating  this week in #rhizo14.  Fake/make/hack/unmake--seems like the normal pattern of mastery.  Once you have mastered the rules it seems as if one of the unwritten rules is to break them in order to see if they are still worth following.  Cheating is stress testing the system.  Seems almost biological.
    • Jaap Bosman
      Always try to touch and watch what happens, all children do it, could be biology indeed. Trying to see what would happen if we do this?
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • new terrain
    • Terry Elliott
      New terrain = common ground of play = ground rules?
Jaap Bosman

Self-assessment and self-remediation | Dave's Educational Blog - 0 views

  • Overcoming isolation
  • Active learning
  • Controlling learning behaviours
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Diagnosis and remediation
  • Student responsibility for learning
  • Teaching students how to make good questions for themselves, to ask them in ways that are going to lead to effective searching and learning,
    So i'm basically trying to give people something they can work with… a strategy rather than content… that can get them 'in the know' so that they can participate in the community effectively.
Vanessa Vaile

Making the community the curriculum | Simple Book Production - 1 views

    Dave Cormier's eBook
Vanessa Vaile

The Amazing Story of Kudzu | Max Shores - 1 views

    There's so much of this fast-growing vine in the Southeastern U.S., you might think it was a native plant. Actually, it took a lot of hard work to help kudzu spread so widely. Now that it covers over seven million acres of the deep South, there are a lot of people working hard to get rid of it! But kudzu is used in ways which might surprise you…plus Kudzu's history
Vanessa Vaile

Webs,nets, rhizomes; - 1 views

    "This board is in support of the web essay incorporating ideas based on the Rhizome chapter in the book by Deleuze and Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus. Check the web essay here: NOTE: The chapter of the book is available online:"
Vanessa Vaile

rhizome (plant anatomy) -- Encyclopedia Britannica - 0 views

    "rhizome,  in botany, horizontal, underground plant stem capable of producing the shoot and root systems of a new plant. This capability allows the parent plant to propagate vegetatively (asexually) and also enables a plant to perennate (survive an annual unfavourable season) underground. In some plants (e.g., water lilies, many ferns and forest herbs), the rhizome is the only stem of the plant. In such cases, only the leaves and flowers are readily visible."
Vanessa Vaile

Rhizome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    "In botany,[dendrology], a rhizome (from Ancient Greek: rhízōma "mass of roots",[1] from rhizóō "cause to strike root")[2] is a modified subterranean stem of a plant that is usually found underground, often sending out roots and shoots from its nodes. Rhizomes may also be referred to as creeping rootstalks or rootstocks."
Vanessa Vaile

Rhizome (philosophy) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    "Rhizome is a philosophical concept developed by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari in their Capitalism and Schizophrenia (1972-1980) project. It is what Deleuze calls an "image of thought", based on the botanical rhizome, that apprehends multiplicities."
Jaap Bosman

No! You should not do DS106 | doublemirror - 0 views

  • What have you changed you mind about recently and why?
  • the greater the tension, the greater is the potential. Great energy springs from a correspondingly great tension of opposites
  • DS106 subscribes to what Cormier calls ‘community as curriculum’
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • depending on one’s pedagogical position, one can argue about feasibility and validity of knowledge created within a community
  • Yes, it takes a particular kind of learner to engage with the mythology of DS106 and understand that the learning is in the engagement.
  • The psychology of creativity involves a great deal and as the new self appointed DS106 Headless Shrink I hope to bring some of that capability into the collective.
  • Some see this interactional pattern and have accused DS106 of being cult. I
  • [but] the vast majority of the rest of them will just keep blindly following one superprofessor messiah after another, thinking that they’re learning something important about life when in fact what they’re really doing is helping the enemies of higher education keep more people from ever becoming enlightened at all. ‘
    the real headless mooc
Jaap Bosman

Neil Postman - Bullshit and the Art of Crap-Detection | Critical Thinking Snippets - 5 views

  • by people who use fancy titles, words, phrases, and sentences to obscure their own insufficiencies.
    • Jaap Bosman
      Lots of people do suspect Deleuze of this kind of Crap, I have a feeling they could be right.
  • But with the development of the mass media, inanity has suddenly emerged as a major form of language in public matters.
  • all human communications have deeply embedded and profound hidden agendas
    "Postman's Third Law: "At any given time, the chief source of bullshit with which you have to contend is yourself." Postman's Fourth Law: "Almost nothing is about what you think it is about-including you."
  • ...2 more comments...
    Premise: books is making us stupid #Rhizo14 Jim's reply: not if we employ good crap detectors and keep other conversations going
    Qualify: books without talking about them, having conversations. Then there are certain categories of academic writing...
    I am somebody who like to go back to sources. Here is the original speech in case some of you may find it useful"
    much thanks for the full article -- I like Postman and to go back to sources too
Vanessa Vaile

Mediated Cultures: Digital Ethnography - 2 views

    Michael Wesch's NetVibes aggregation page: links, feeds, Padlet message wall, resources, etc for digital ethnography/webculture courses, Kansas State University. Wesch's network - aggregation page, personal and course blogs, YouTube channel, etc is (in my opinion) a rhizome ~ with the caveat that my own understanding of the term is continually shifting
Terry Elliott

Down the Rabbit Hole | Exploring Digital Culture - 0 views

  • “the reader is invited to move among plateaux in any order.”
    • Terry Elliott
      In the #clmooc I helped to facilitate last summer one of the principles that we reiterated in welcoming posts was that of invitation. Not just any invitation, but invitation anywhere and any time. The course/collaboration had no beginning in that all who came to it brought with them a history that powered them like an artesian well. The cMOOC has also had no end either. It still exists and is used and is bring those who are and were a part of it into other worlds like #rhizo14.
  • A rhizome has no beginning or end; it is always in the middle, between things, interbeing, intermezzo.  (Deleuze & Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus.  P. 25)
    • Terry Elliott
      Sometimes my familiarity with the the fact of real rhizomes saps the metaphor's usefulness. I understand that D & G are talking about power relationships, but in a way that makes no sense at all when discussing 'whole things'. There are power relationships in biological beings, but all the parts are pulling toward the imperative of surviving. So...I have been working through the uncertainty of applying this vague theoretical scaffold into the learning space of the classroom. Now that is where the idea of being always in the middle makes sense, suspended across to learners as a bridge and at the same time walking across other's bridges.
  • forever in flux.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Lines of Flight:  Deleuze and Nomadic Creativity,
  • Maureen Maher
  • Knowmadic thinking is “exposing metaspaces in between each, opening new opportunities for new blends of formal, informal, non-formal and serendipitous learning. As in the Invisible learning project, we focus on educating for personal knowledge creation that cannot be measured easily.”
    • Terry Elliott
      As a practicing teacher working under the constraints and affordances that make modern pedagogy such an act of hypocrisy, I find that these generic observations are 'unhandy'. In fact, I get visceral with them. I get pissed off and feel a certain amount of 'how dare you'.
  • Rhizomatic Learning
    • Terry Elliott
      This is what I asked about last week, too. What makes learning different from rhizomatic or deep or knowmadic learning. I think the modifiers (deep, rhizomatic, knowmadic) have a purpose. They allow us to filter learning differently very like having a variety of critical stances. It is, however, like the story of the blind men and the elephant. Which description is correct? All of them--in part.
  • “how do we bring this concept of embracing uncertainty into our classrooms?”
    • Terry Elliott
      I tried to address this in my blog post this week: I don't think I used the word 'uncertainty' once in that post, but the tone is, I think, one of taking that leap.
  • the leap into the unknown is the learning process.
    • Terry Elliott
      It is unnatural to leap into the total darkness of the unknown. In fact I think that by definition it is impossible. Instead I think we leap into the partly known. My analogy is the Kentucky pioneer Daniel Boone. Some might say that he worked his way into virgin, unknown territory. I would say yes and no. He did blaze trails into places no Euro-American had ever been, but the territory itelf shared lots of known traits with where he had already been. For example, water flows downhill to larger streams. The sun rises in the east. And the thousand other 'knowns' that come from a lifetime of living close to ground. And, of course, he really did blaze the trails he made by walking. He emblazened trees with marks for others to follow. Now that must've been an ego trip and a half! The other half of the analogy is that we too have general knowledge that we take with us into the knowmadic life and the rhizomatic wilderness of learning. We have theoretical knowledge. I would include the whole baggage of ed school in that. But we have to dump most of that when we move into the partly known territory of deep, rhizomatic knowmadicism. You need to travel light when you are blazing the trail. You need the practical stuff in your backpack. All week and every week I will be bringing back news as I light out into the territories. I expect to get well and truly turned around on occasion, but I don't plan on backtracking much except to send back reports. Boone wasn't much good at this part, but Lewis and Clark were, but I daresay I call more on the Kentuckian than I do the Virginian. All I know is that every one who reads this could be my Sacajewia, a real guide to the undiscovered country. Amen.
Jaap Bosman

Introduction | Making the community the curriculum - 1 views

    Dave Cormier book
Vanessa Vaile

Oral Tradition - 0 views

    Founded in 1986, the Center for Studies in Oral Tradition stands as a national and international focus for interdisciplinary research and scholarship on the world's oral traditions. Our long-term mission is to facilitate communication across disciplinary boundaries by creating linkages among specialists in different fields. Through our various activities we try to foster conversations and exchanges about oral tradition that would not otherwise take place. CSOT publications include the journal Oral Tradition (, 1986-) and three series of books: the Albert Bates Lord Studies in Oral Tradition (1987-96; 17 volumes); Voices in Performance and Text (1995-97; 3 volumes); and, Poetics of Orality and Literacy (2 volumes to date; 2004-). CSOT projects include: ISSOT, International Society for Studies in Oral Tradition,, and The Pathways Project, Pathways

A Personal Learning Framework - 2 views

    46:48 "It's funny: in our courses we say "There is no content." The content is the message that one person says to another. And that's not the important thing. The important thing is the totality of all the messages whether it's the official content or not. The content, we call it the McGuffin. And it's the thing that brings the people together, because they're interested in that subject. You know, they gather around you know like people stare at an accident where the accident is a thing not everybody wants to go to but it attracts. 47:35 The McGuffin is a concept that comes from Alfred Hitchcock. It's the thing in a movie that all the plot evolves around. And it can be anything at all. In the Maltese Falcon, the Mcguffin is the falcon, the statue of the falcon. In The Birds, it's birds. In The Treasure of the Sierra Madre it's the treasure. There's always a map with an X on it and, it's funny, it does not matter what it is because what's interesting about the movie isn't what everybody's chasing after. It's what they do during the chase. It's how they interact with each other, it's what we learn about their characters, about what motivates them. 48:22 So, the content of a course is just a plot device to get people together, to communicate, to interact, to take part in this common exercise. And in this common exercise our connection between each other and our connections inside ourselves will be exercised, will be increased, augmented, developed -- and we learn. "
Vanessa Vaile

Trebor Scholz (ed.): Digital Labor: The Internet as Playground and Factory (2012) - Mon... - 0 views

    "Digital Labor calls on the reader to examine the shifting sites of labor markets to the Internet through the lens of their political, technological, and historical making. Internet users currently create most of the content that makes up the web: they search, link, tweet, and post updates-leaving their "deep" data exposed. Meanwhile, governments listen in, and big corporations track, analyze, and predict users' interests and habits. A collection of essays offering a wide-ranging account of the dark side of the Internet. "
Vanessa Vaile

About | Simply Elfje - 2 views

  • An ‘Elfje’ counts as five sentences. Line 1. One word. This word symbolizes a colour or feature. The word symbolizes the atmosphere. Line 2. Two words. These are something or someone with this colour or feature. Line 3. Three words. Giving more information about the person or the object. You describe where the person or the object is, who the person or what the object is, or what the person or object is doing. This sentence usually starts with the word ‘he’, ‘she’ or ‘it.’ Line 4. Four words. Here you are writing something about yourself in relation to the person or the object. This sentence is your conclusion. Line 5. One word. This word is called the ‘Bomb.’ It is the essence of the poem.
Vanessa Vaile

The Medium Is The Meaning We Consume and Create ... Together | Wirearchy - 0 views

    "Subsequently, the presence of electronic media for creating, distributing and communicating information, knowledge and meaning has grown more widely and more dramatically than perhaps even he could have foreseen. Within this context, I want to try to stitch together a few concepts, perspectives and examples with which I am more or less familiar and perhaps update the core implication of McLuhan's famous phrase."
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