"PopuLLar is a European Union, funded, innovative, education project designed to harness music, the primary social interest of secondary school students, in to their language learning.
There is a huge need to motivate secondary school students, in particular, to learn languages, focus digital competencies and be creative; and music is the key.
The project will ask students to write their own lyrics to songs of their choice. They will then translate their songs in to the target language they are learning, The students will then record their song (audio or video) and share it with students all over Europe.
Students will be able to combine their love of music, with creativity, literacy, digital competencies, group collaboration and, most importantly, use LWULT languages.
PopuLLar is a project that is 'Owned' by the students, they work autonomously and collaboratively, teachers are guides to the project process."
peut pas vraiment dire qu'on choisit son lieu de naissance
Ce que vont
découvrir petit à petit les cinq sens
Moi, un jour mes parents ont posé leurs
valises, alors voilà
Ce sont ces trottoirs qu'ont vu mes premiers
Je viens de là où les mecs traînent en bande pour tromper
Je viens de là où, en bas, ça joue au foot au milieu de la nuit
viens de là où on fait attention à la marque de ses textiles
Et même si on
les achète au marché, on plaisante pas avec le style
Je viens de là où le
langage est en permanente évolution
Verlan, rebeu, argot, gros processus de
Chez nous, les chercheurs, les linguistes viennent prendre des
On n'a pas tout le temps le même dictionnaire mais on a plus de
mots que vous
Je viens de là où les jeunes ont tous une maîtrise de
Un D.E.A. de chambrettes, une répartie jamais en panne
de la rue, de la démerde ou du quotidien
Appelle ça comme tu veux mais pour
nous carotter, tiens-toi bien
On jure sur la tête de sa mère à l'âge de neuf
On a l'insulte facile mais un vocabulaire innovant
Je viens de là
où, dans les premières soirées, ça danse déjà le break
Je viens de là où nos
premiers rendez-vous se passent autour d'un grec
Je viens de là où on aime le
rap, cette musique qui transpire
Qui sent le vrai, qui transmet, qui
témoigne, qui respire
Je viens de là où y a du gros son et pas mal de rimes
Je viens de là où ça choque personne qu'un groupe s'appelle "Nique Ta
Je viens de là et je kiffe ça, malgré tout ce qu'on en pense
chacun son territoire, à chacun sa France
Si j' rends hommage à ces lieux, à
chaque expiration
C'est qu' c'est ici qu' j'ai puisé toute mon
Je viens de là et je kiffe ça, malgré tout ce qu'on en
A chacun son territoire, à chacun sa France
Si j' rends hommage à
ces lieux, à chaque expiration
Adding an alternative accessible version just for blind people is discriminatory. According to accessibility guidelines - and common sense - alternative access for people with disabilities should only be used when there is no other way to make web content accessible. Besides, access to the text version would also simplify life for scholars - and for people using portable devices with a small screen: text can be resized far better than a puzzle of images with fixed width and height
Have you ever wanted to learn French but didn't have the time or money to do so? Now you can take advantage of an opportunity to learn it from the comfort of your own home with dexway, the most innovative, interactive and affordable online language learning method on the market.
Plagium is an innovative, fast, and easy-to-use means to check text against possible plagiarism or possible sources of origination. Simply enter text that you would like to analyze into the text box and let Plagium do the rest of the work. You can also check the contents of an entered URL for its sources
This web page is intended to provide an extra resource for students in Eng 404. You will find a link to the SAC (Studies in the Age of Chaucer) online bibliography of Chaucer studies published from 1975-to the present. This is the best resource to use to find essays about Chaucer and his works, including individual Canterbury Tales. You can find citations for essays on individual tales and pilgrims either by doing a keyword search or a subject search. You will also find links here to three different versions of the Canterbury Tales, one in Middle English with glosses, one in Middle English, and a Modern English translation. In addition there are links to resources on other servers that provide information about Chaucer's literary context as well as the Medieval Sourcebook that has a vast collection of primary sources.
Published in 1385, Troilus and Criseyde is Geoffrey Chaucer's poem in rhyme royal (rime royale) re-telling the tragic love story of Troilus, a Trojan prince, and Criseyde. Many Chaucer scholars regard this as his best work, even including the better known but incomplete Canterbury Tales.- Excerpted from Troilus and Criseyde on Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Published in 1385, Troilus and Criseyde is Geoffrey Chaucer's poem in rhyme royal (rime royale) re-telling the tragic love story of Troilus, a Trojan prince, and Criseyde. Many Chaucer scholars regard this as his best work, even including the better known but incomplete Canterbury Tales.- Excerpted from Troilus and Criseyde on Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
The systems works a lot like close captioning does for television. The company will piggy-back a data stream on the standard audio signal. The text can then be read on radio fitted with a display. The system will only work with digital broadcasts, but the company says an Internet-based solution is possible. Currently more than 1,500 radio stations are currently broadcasting in HD Radio in the United States.