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eric paul

Object Pronouns in French - 2 views

    Object Pronouns: Video here In English: me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them 1- THINGS it: le, la them: les I am reading an email: I am reading it Je lis un email: je le lis (the pronoun before the verb) Je lis une carte: je la lis J'ai reçu une lettre: je l'ai reçue J'ai reçu les le
Kevin Crouch

MAKE BELIEFS COMIX! Online Educational Comic Generator for Kids of All Ages - 6 views

    A simple comic strip builder with support for English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, or Latin. Finished strips can either be printed or sent via email to the teacher. Great for specific language or literacy activities.
Andrew Jeppesen

ShareTabs - The easy way to share your links as tabs - 0 views

    ShareTabs - The easy way to share your links as tabs Add a list of links to the form below and submit it to get a single link to them all, conveniently displayed in tabs. Great for sharing in Email, IM, Twitter, or SMS.
Joel Bennett

Diigo Educator Accounts - 0 views

    Allows teachers to create student accounts (even without email addresses) which are private, but shared to the rest of their class. Allowing students to communicate and share and markup web pages, without exposing their accounts to other Diigo users.
Isabelle Jones - free web application for brainstorming online - 0 views

    What is it? is a simple and free web application that lets you brainstorm online. Why use Because you can: Create colorful mind maps online Share and work with friends Embed your mind map in your blog or website Email and prin
Isabelle Jones

Picasa - 0 views

    Picasa is a free software download from Google that helps you: Locate and organise all the photos on your computer. Edit and add effects to your photos with a few simple clicks. Share your photos with others through email, prints and on the web: itâ
Maggie Verster

"Writing, Technology and Teens" a Pew report - 0 views

    Teens write a lot, but they do not think of their emails, instant and text messages as writing. This disconnect matters because teens believe good writing is an essential skill for success and that more writing instruction at school would help them.
Stéphane Métral

LinkBunch - Put multiple links into one - - 0 views

    LinkBunch lets you put multiple links into one small link which you can share over IM, Twitter, email or even a mobile phone SMS.

Google Plus, Chrome Apps and Tools gateway to knowledge in #education20: #googleplus is... - 2 views

    If you want a google plus invitation just leave a comment with your email and I will invite you to try this new semantic web tool and also I will invite you to join #edtech20 teachers circle to collaborate  with 150 teachers worldwide
Lauren Rosen

Online Stickies - lino - 5 views

    Alternative to wallwisher. Upload to embed photo, link to embed video. Can send postit to email or post to FB or twitter. Embed in website.
Michèle Drechsler

Socialbookmarking and Education. A survey that could interest you - 12 views

Hello About the survey :〈=en Please note that this survey is usually taken in 20 minutes, but you can save your partial answers with...

survey socialbookmarking

Lauren Rosen

Call to Record: Easy cell phone or landline recording - 2 views

    Alternative to google voice that allows up to 30 min. of call time.
Cathy Bouabre

Compréhension - Débutant a0 - Comprendre le courriel d'un ami - 3 views

    quiz pour comprendre un courriel
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