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ARC :: Years 7-8 - 5 views

    This section aims to support teachers in using assessment to enhance learning in Years 7-8. It builds on the principles of assessment for learning in the Board's Years 7-10 syllabuses and the advice in subsequent support materials on implementing these principles. For each course listed below there are samples of student work aligned to the common grade scale, illustrating standards at the end of Stage 4. Samples of student work are also provided in English and Mathematics to illustrate standards mid-stage (end of Year 7). The common grade scale can be used to report student achievement in both primary and junior secondary years in all NSW schools.
Stéphane Métral

TooFAST VERSION 1.5 - 2 views

    TooFAST is a secure and free anonymous online assessment tool TooFAST allows anyone to develop an online assessment questionnaire that is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. TooFAST allows multiple question formats and allows an unlimited number of surveys to be completed. The software automatically summarizes and consolidates the comments, in real-time, on the web or as XML.
Beth O'Connor

AAPPL - 10 views

    "The ACTFL Assessment of Performance toward Proficiency in Languages (AAPPL) is unlike any other assessment. AAPPL Measure addresses the National Standards for Foreign Language Learning and uses today's communication media in which test takers perform tasks such as participating in a virtual video chat, creating wikis, e-mailing, and using apps to demonstrate language ability."
Lauren Rosen

Speak Everywhere - 12 views

    Online oral practice/instruction/assessment platform for foreign language teaching. Increases students' oral practice opportunities by making it possible to give speaking homework.
Lauren Rosen

Create a Mobile Language Lesson With QR Voice - 4 views

    QR voice will let you speak up to 100 characters and create a QRcode that will replay that voice recording. Nice for listening comprehension activities for discrete point assessment.

Technology & Assessment - 16 views

    Resources on E-Portfolios and Alternative Assessment
Isabelle Jones

Student portfolios for Language Learning: What They Are and How to Use Them «... - 11 views

    A brief overview of how student portfolios can be used for assessment and evaluation. Contains references
Lauren Rosen

Infographics - 3 views

    Very clear explanation of infographics in education as a tool for assessment
Martin Burrett

Edcanvas - 6 views

    Create an interactive online lesson with this brilliant site. Upload and curate all the resources for a lesson in one place and access them with one click. The site works with Office files, PDFs, flash files, small videos, images and internet links and even connects to Google Drive and Dropbox. Then simply share the link with anyone who need to use view it.
Barbara Lindsey

STARTALK Site Visit Guide - 13 views

    These are excellent resources to use for assessing language programs and teaching in general!
Sheryl A. McCoy

Center for Distance and Independent Study: Detailed Course Information - 0 views

    am looking for an online French class for high school students; available here
    online course in French available through University of Missouri; will record and send audio assessment online for 7 & 11th lesson; 12 lessons in first half
Tami Brass

MIMEA 2.0 - 0 views

    MIMEA is a series of interactive multimedia modules for language learning, practice, and assessment. The modules are based on video clips that show native speakers and nonnative speakers interacting in natural, unscripted situations. Interactive exercises
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