In this first episode of Study Hall: Data Literacy, Jessica Pucci talks us through some of the critical vocabulary we'll need to become great Data Analysts. And, she lays out the basic ideas behind what it means to be Data Literate and how we can start looking at information and the world a little differently.
English subtitles.
Duración 9:47.
We like to think of numbers as being pretty objective. 1 + 1 is 2. Always. But just like words or images, numbers are open to a whole smorgasbord of possible interpretations when it comes to data. Two people can take the same data set and end up with completely different results just based on how they decided to analyze it. In this episode of Study Hall: Data Literacy, Jessica Pucci walks us through misconceptions in Data!
English subtitles.
Duración 9:30.
Javier Fernández Panadero reflexiona sobre el azar y sus implicaciones en la ciencia con la ayuda de un truco muy sencillo que podemos hacer fácilmente en clase.
Ponchomán y Chotrón se enfrentan a la Raíz del mal, que utiliza las raíces cuadradas para eliminar a los mejores superhéroes de La Mancha. ¡El radicando, el resto y el radical serán los aliados de Troncho y Poncho en esta nueva aventura!
Duración 9:00.