Super Pupper Party -Time to unleash your pet dogs! - Gossip Ki Galliyan - 0 views
firozcosmolance on 02 Jun 19Ugghhh!! Summers are not just here but dreadfully taking a toll on all of us. We humans can at least choose to decide on our recreations to drive away our summer blues. But, what about your darling pet dogs? They too might be longing for some entertaining activities but can't express. I am sure you all must be deeply in love with your fur pals and already be doing anything and everything to keep them happy and healthy. But, just imagine those glaring eyes in your locality when you take your dog for a stroll. I am sure you must have come across such people because of whom you don't feel comfortable taking your dogs to public places. Also, if you do take your dog out, the poor thing must wear a leash. Can you imagine putting your pet in the community pool? Your pet might be clean and disciplined. But other people are not so considerate.