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Sean Dagony-Clark

ALEKS -- Assessment and Learning - 0 views

    Online learning system used by High Tech High. Seems similar to Carnegie Learning. "Assessment and LEarning in Knowledge Spaces is a Web-based, artificially intelligent assessment and learning system. ALEKS uses adaptive questioning to quickly and accurately determine exactly what a student knows and doesn't know in a course. ALEKS then instructs the student on the topics she is most ready to learn. As a student works through a course, ALEKS periodically reassesses the student to ensure that topics learned are also retained. ALEKS courses are very complete in their topic coverage and ALEKS avoids multiple-choice questions. A student who shows a high level of mastery of an ALEKS course will be successful in the actual course she is taking."
Sean Dagony-Clark

The Rise of K-12 Blended Learning (Michael B. Horn and Heather Staker) - 0 views

    "Online learning is sweeping across America. In the year 2000, roughly 45,000 K-12 students took an online course. In 2009, more than 3 million K-12 students did. What was originally a distance learning phenomenon no longer is. Most of the growth is occurring in blended-learning environments, in which students learn online in an adult-supervised environment at least part of the time. As this happens, online learning has the potential to transform America's education system..."
Sean Dagony-Clark

Blended learning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 1 views

  • Blended learning in educational research refers to a mixing of different learning environments. It combines traditional face-to-face classroom methods with more modern computer-mediated activities.
  • Whether a course should be proposed as a face-to-face interaction, an online course or a blended course depends on the analysis of the competencies at stake, the nature and location of the audience, and the resources available.
  • The facilitator’s role can be broken down into the following four categories: 1. developing online course content and structure 2. communication 3. guiding and individualizing learning 4. assessing, grading, and promoting
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Teachers need to be educated in both traditional classroom methods, but also enhanced training to develop skills targeted to online education.
  • The elements of teacher preparation for online learning fall into two categories. First, they need to be trained to use the available tools and technology. Secondly, they need to be trained in online pedagogy; particularly, how to communicate content without the use of contextual cues.
  • Fischer, Michael. [ "The Use of Online Learning Methods in the Traditional Classroom"]. Retrieved 5 July 2011.
  • Horn, Michael B., and Heather C. Staker. The Rise of K12 Blended Learning. Chapel Hill, NC: Innosight Institute, Jan. 2011. PDF.
    Good background information on blended learning. Pay particular attention to the footnotes.
Sean Dagony-Clark

Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning - US Dept of Ed - 0 views

    "The meta-analysis found that, on average, students in online learning  conditions performed modestly better than those receiving face-to-face instruction.... Analysts noted that these blended conditions often included additional learning time and instructional elements not received by students in control conditions. This finding suggests that the positive effects associated with blended learning should not be attributed to the media, per se."
Sean Dagony-Clark

What is Blended Learning? - Penn State - 0 views

    "A blended learning approach combines face to face classroom methods with computer-mediated activities to form an integrated instructional approach." Leads to more links about blended learning as well.
Sean Dagony-Clark

Experiential Learning Cycles - 0 views

    Valuable reading, as understanding how these cycles reinforce learning leads to better planning for blended learning. The Pedagogy and Technology Workshop employs a cycle much like the first few diagrams. 
Sean Dagony-Clark Marketplace - 0 views

    "Browse and use standards-aligned curriculum." Some free, some paid.
Sean Dagony-Clark

Carnegie Learning - Math curricula - Software Demos - 0 views

    The 800-lb gorilla of online math learning. Carnegie Learning's Cognitive Tutor is an adaptive, differentiated learning system in which student understanding is assessed and individually addressed as part of the learning process. It's truly an amazing system, but it's not modular -- in other words, you won't get the best use of it pulling out items for use in your curriculum, because the system's curriculum is intended to be used in full. But it might be worth considering -- results show huge results from this system. See
Sean Dagony-Clark

E-Learning for Educators | Diigo - Groups - 0 views

    "Resources and Annotations from UW-Stout's E-Learning and Online Teaching Graduate Certificate Program. Contributors are mainly from the E-Learning for Educators Course & the E-Learning Practicum Course."
Sean Dagony-Clark

Blended Learning infographic - 1 views

    "Blended learning is a disruptive innovation in education that can take many forms. Here, we look at what blended learning is, why it's spreading, and how it works in real and virtual classrooms. Join the conversation on blended learning below."
Sean Dagony-Clark

Blended Learning Models - 2002 - ASTD - 1 views

  • skill-driven mixes interaction with a facilitator through email, discussion forums, and face-to-face meetings with self-paced learning, such as Web-based courses and books.
  • Behavior-driven model
  • Skill-driven model
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • blends traditional classroom-based learning with online collaborative learning events
  • Developers should use this approach to teach content that requires learners to try out new behaviors in a risk-free environment
  • Competency-driven model
    Information on approaches to blended learning. Summary of the three NIIT models: Skill-Driven, Attitude-Driven, Competency-Driven.
Sean Dagony-Clark

How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School: Expanded Edition - 0 views

    Amazing compendium of what we've learned about learning.
Sean Dagony-Clark

Khan Academy and the Effectiveness of Science Videos - YouTube - 0 views

    Describes why teaching just the correct answers is insufficient for learning. You must address and eradicate misconceptions in order for the learning to take hold. This is ESSENTIAL for flipped teaching models.
    Derek Muller describes why teaching just the correct answers is insufficient for learning. You must address and eradicate misconceptions in order for the learning to take hold. This is ESSENTIAL for flipped teaching models.
Sean Dagony-Clark

CMU Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence - 0 views

    Great resources for teaching and learning.  "We strive to empower instructors by helping them develop a deep understanding of how students learn, so that they can effectively apply and adapt teaching strategies to meet their own goals and their students' needs.  The purpose of the following materials is to present current research and theory on student learning in a way that can inform and guide effective teaching practices."
Sean Dagony-Clark

Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning Domains - 1 views

    Great resource for learning about Bloom. "There is more than one type of learning. A committee of colleges, led by Benjamin Bloom (1956), identified three domains of educational activities: Cognitive: mental skills (Knowledge) Affective: growth in feelings or emotional areas (Attitude) Psychomotor: manual or physical skills (Skills)"
Sean Dagony-Clark

Salman Khan Describes Future Classrooms with Blended Learning - Edutopia - 2 views

    A great explanation of the power of blended learning, whether or not you think Khan's Academy is the pinnacle of the practice. "Educational technology pioneer Salman Khan maps how online learning tools can help physical classrooms evolve to become hubs for creativity and hands-on experiences, and how Khan Academy and the Discovery Lab summer camp fit into that big picture."
Sean Dagony-Clark

Blended Learning - Educause - 0 views

    "Seven years of research at the University of Central Florida (UCF) has found that blended courses--those that combine face-to-face instruction with online learning and reduced classroom contact hours--have the potential to increase student learning while lowering attrition rates compared to equivalent, fully online courses. This research bulletin reports the results of a disciplined UCF program that has led to a fundamental redesign of the instructional model."
Sean Dagony-Clark

Personal Learning Networks for Educators - YouTube - 0 views

    Skip Via explains personal learning networks, or PLNs. Slightly out of date at this point (e.g. Google Wave is gone) but a great explanation of how differentiated learning can happen online.
Sean Dagony-Clark

Digital Learning | Diigo - Groups - 0 views

    "Digital learning resources, tips, research, and teaching and learning resources. Feel free to join this group to share related resources."
Sean Dagony-Clark

An Incredible Way To Teach Music Using iPads In The Classroom | Edudemic - 0 views

    A classroom music experience in which 24 kids (many on iPads) and several professional musicians collaborated on a piece of digital music. The piece they created may not shatter any sales records (though it is actually on sale in the iTunes store), but it's certainly not bad for student work. It's unclear how long they worked on this piece, or how many takes were involved, but the resulting music and video are good. And the students are left with a downloadable song that they created. So here are my questions: - are these students learning music? - is their learning transferable to real instruments? - to tweak Sting's words: is technology a legitimate teacher in this case?
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