Ready for the ultimate kicker? We still haven’t learned! We got thirsty again, and are drinking the same ten-year-old Kool-Aid without so much as asking for ice. Rather than embracing this new technology and merging it with what we’ve learned already, we’re throwing off our clothes and running naked in the rain, waving our hands in the air, sure that this time it’ll be different, because this time it’s better!
“It’s not about building a website anymore! It’s so much cooler! It’s about Facebook, and fans, and followers, and engagement, and influence, and…”Will you please shut up before you make me vomit on your shoes?
YouTube - Apple - Introducing iOS 5 - 0 views
Afraid of Technology - YouTube - 3 views
Built-in video editor for Team Fortress 2 - 0 views
Kind of wild...TF2 now has the ability to not only record your in-game footage, but now edit it as well with some custom tech. Even more interesting, you can toggle the camera from FPS view, to 3rd person view, to a 'free roam' view, allowing you to get different angles out of replay. Figures they also have direct links to YouTube, tied the video making/editing to achievements, as well as offering special in-game items if youtube vids hit certain view thresholds.
Why I Will Never, Ever Hire A "Social Media Expert" - 4 views
This is quite the rant. I know World Campus had a social media expert and Liberal Arts has a this trend on the upswing of the downswing in terms of hiring personnel specifically for this at PSU?
There are some good points in this article. It seems that as social media has become the norm for online interaction, it has ceased to become something that people can specialize in. I was talking to some students and they asked what Web 2.0 was and I explained that it was everything they use online: Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Google Docs, blogs, user forums, etc... So while "social media expert" used to be a label of innovation, it has almost become a limiting label - just part of the picture. In contrast, I see people like Robin Smail who are moving beyond "just" social media and into areas like community engagement. Sure, some of that involves social media, but it's more about building relationships, ownership, and buy-in through openness and transparency. The other points of the article - like knowing your audience and not having inflated expectations about social media's impact on your business and customer relationships are right on target.
Chomp, chomp chomp! Welcome ScreenChomp and TechSmith Labs! (Visual Lounge) - 5 views
ScreenChomp is a digital whiteboard that users can write and draw on with the touch of a finger. You can draw using twelve different pen colors. All activity on ScreenChomp can be easily recorded and then if you want, edited through Camtasia for Mac or Camtasia Studio. The videos produced in ScreenChomp can be downloaded as MP4 files, making them easy to share on, Facebook, YouTube, iTunes, Blackboard and other video hosting platforms.
another ipad app for screencasting. as far as I know, this is the first example of an app from one of the big established screen capture software companies.
I downloaded it (for free). It's very nice. I tried ShowMe before, which also lets you write and record what you're saying, but there is too much of a time delay between your drawing and it showing up on the iPad. ScreenChomp is much faster. Another advantage is that you can see your recording before posting it.
we had the same delay complaint with showme. also didn't like that there were no export options outside of posting to their site.
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