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Williams Scot

Monthly Loans For Bad Credit - Eradicate Your Unfavorable Credit Days With Manageable T... - 0 views

As the name depicts, monthly loans for bad credit are the best recipe to obtain external bucks in order to fulfill your cash sufficiency despite of worst credit records for short tenure. It facilit...

Instant Installment Loans Now No Credit Check Loans Monthly Loans For Bad Credit Instant Loans Installment Loans Monthly Loans Bad Credit Loans

started by Williams Scot on 18 Aug 15 no follow-up yet
Williams Scot

Instant Installment Loans Now - Maintain Financial Resource To Resolve Upcoming Fiscal ... - 0 views

Instant installment loans now are the prominent fiscal resource emerged for salary affected marginal victims whose financial position cannot able to afford their short term monetary challenges anym...

Instant Installment Loans Now No Credit Check Loans Monthly Loans For Bad Credit Instant Loans Installment Loans Monthly Loans Bad Credit Loans

started by Williams Scot on 07 Sep 15 no follow-up yet
thinkahol *

Lakoff: Why Conservative Lies Spread and What Progressives Can Do to Fight Them | Tea P... - 0 views

    When Democrats use conservative language to promote their agenda, it ultimately creates more support for Republicans.

Die religiöse Rechte hat einen Vogel (International, NZZ Online, Pinguine) - 0 views

  • Der Pinguin ist in dieser Debatte zum Reiz- und Codewort geworden - ganz entgegen der Absicht der Koproduzentin des Films. Sie hat das Thema längst satt: «Wissen Sie was?», sagt sie. «Es sind ganz einfach Vögel.»
  • P inguine sind Seevögel, die nicht fliegen können.
  • Wegen ihrer starren Kniegelenke watscheln sie ein bisschen.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Sie helfen auch mit, Kühlschränke und Glaces zu vermarkten, englische Taschenbücher oder das Computerbetriebssystem Linux.
  • In den USA sind sie diesen Sommer sogar zum Wappentier christlicher Fundamentalisten geworden. Zum schlagenden Beweis dafür, dass die Lehre von der Evolution eben doch eine Irrlehre sei und der liebe Gott die Welt in sechs Tagen erschaffen habe.
  • March of the Penguins
  • Anschliessend lobten die Gläubigen die monogame Lebensweise der Pinguine, ihre Aufopferung bei der Aufzucht der Jungen, ja ganz allgemein die traditionellen Familienwerte, welche die Tiere in der unwirtlichen Antarktis unverdrossen hochhielten.
  • Neben Pinguinen leben auf der Erde bekanntlich weitere Tiere, zum Beispiel die Bonobo-Schimpansen, die ein doch eher ausschweifendes Sexualleben pflegen. Wer zum Teufel hat denn die erschaffen?
  • Allerdings wurden die Tiere zünftig vermenschlicht, die Familie Pinguin spricht mit Schauspielerstimmen zum Publikum. In der amerikanischen Version wurden die Bilder zudem mit üppiger Musik überzuckert, der Schauspieler Morgan Freeman konnte als sonorer Erzähler gewonnen werden.
  • Im christlichen «World Magazine» feierte man den Film als Beweis dafür, dass das Leben eben doch zu komplex sei, als dass es nach Darwins Gesetzen habe entstehen können. Bemängelt wurde einzig, dass der Film die Rolle Gottes als Schöpfer ausspare. Aber: «Diese Lücke lässt sich ja in der familieninternen Diskussion nach dem Film leicht füllen.»

(Marketing Drugs With Sexy Sales Persons) CorpWatch : US: Gimme an Rx! Cheerleaders Pep... - 0 views

  • Still, women have an advantage with male doctors
  • a book lampooning the industry, "Hard Sell: The Evolution of a Viagra Salesman."
  • Stories abound about doctors who mistook a sales pitch as an invitation to more. A doctor in Washington pleaded guilty to assault last year and gave up his license after forcibly kissing a saleswoman on the lips.
  • ...17 more annotations...
  • "Exaggerated motions, exaggerated smiles, exaggerated enthusiasm - they learn those things, and they can get people to do what they want."
  • one saleswoman said she had been encouraged to exploit a personal relationship with a doctor to increase sales in her Montgomery, Ala., territory.
  • One informal survey, conducted by a urologist in Pittsburgh, Dr. James J. McCague, found that 12 of 13 medical saleswomen said they had been sexually harassed by physicians.
  • Ms. Napier, 26, was a star cheerleader on the national-champion University of Kentucky squad, which has been a springboard for many careers in pharmaceutical sales.
  • While there are no statistics on how many drug representatives are former or current cheerleaders, demand for them led to the formation of an employment firm, Spirited Sales Leaders, in Memphis. It maintains a database of thousands of potential candidates.
  • "The cheerleaders now are the top people in universities; these are really capable and high-profile people,"
  • "I've had people who are going right out, maybe they've been out of school for a year, and get a car and make up to $50,000, $60,000 with bonuses, if they do well."
  • Approximately two dozen Kentucky cheerleaders, mostly women but a few men, have become drug reps in recent years.
  • Anyone who has seen the parade of sales representatives through a doctor's waiting room has probably noticed that they are frequently female and invariably good looking.
  • Some industry critics view wholesomely sexy drug representatives as a variation on the seductive inducements like dinners, golf outings and speaking fees that pharmaceutical companies have dangled to sway doctors to their brands.
  • But now that federal crackdowns and the industry's self-policing have curtailed those gifts, simple one-on-one human rapport
  • has become more important
  • Many doctors say they privately joke about the appearance of saleswomen who come to their offices. Currently making the e-mail rounds is an anonymous parody of an X-rated "diary" of a cheerleader-turned-drug-saleswoman.
  • Federal law bans employment discrimination based on factors like race and gender, but it omits appearance from the list.
  • "There's a saying that you'll never meet an ugly drug rep,"
  • But that might be changing, he said, citing a recent ruling by the California Supreme Court, which agreed to hear an employment lawsuit brought by a former L'Oreal manager who ignored a supervisor's order to fire a cosmetics saleswoman and hire someone more attractive.
  • "Generally, discriminating in favor of attractive people is not against the law in the United States,"
Arabica Robusta

Mmm, mmm good -- at social responsibility | | The News Journal - 0 views

  • two global surveys conducted in 2008 by Mc- Kinsey. "How Virtue Creates Value for Business and Society" stated, among other conclusions, that while investors often see corporate responsibility as part of the company's long-term strategy, 50 percent of corporate responsibility officers surveyed view it primarily as avoiding trouble, rather than a positive force for change.

  • Campbell has a presence in 120 countries with such brands as V8, Pepperidge Farm, Goldfish crackers and Franco-American sauces. Last year, it ranked second among American companies perceived by the U.S. public as the most socially responsible, according to the Corporate Social Responsibility Index of the Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship and the Reputation Institute.
  • At Wharton, Stangis focused on an enduring challenge for corporate responsibility professionals: building and maintaining support within one's own company, especially in a recession, when indiscriminate do-gooding will invariably raise eyebrows among cost-conscious colleagues.
      "Campbell has a presence in 120 countries with such brands as V8, Pepperidge Farm, Goldfish crackers and Franco-American sauces. Last year, it ranked second among American companies perceived by the U.S. public as the most socially responsible, according to the Corporate Social Responsibility Index of the Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship and the Reputation Institute."
    Chris Rock

    Personal Loans with No Credit Check - Easy Approach To Cater Endless Financial Targerts... - 0 views

    Personal loans with no credit check are restricted free wonderful financial services to deal your endless monetary needs as per your convenience and ease with no delay. This loan is approved on the...

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    started by Chris Rock on 21 Nov 15 no follow-up yet
    Williams Scot

    Instant Installment Loans Now - Funds For Bad Creditors During Unexpected Financial Out... - 0 views

    When unplanned monetary expenditures imposed on you to fulfill on the same day then you may not be capable to deal due to poor credit position. At, instant installment loans now, lenders arrange on...

    Instant Installment Loans Now No Credit Check Loans Monthly Loans For Bad Credit Instant Loans Installment Loans Monthly Loans Bad Credit Loans

    started by Williams Scot on 17 Dec 15 no follow-up yet
    Chris Rock

    Bad Credit Payday Loans - An Unbiased Hand To Keep You At Right Position To Encounter W... - 0 views

    Bad credit payday loans are fruitful short term finances arrangement by lenders without concerning of previous credit flaws and errors. Since, these loans are for small time, it means you are press...

    bad credit payday loans short term cash loans cash till payday loans urgent cash loans same day loans

    started by Chris Rock on 12 Jan 16 no follow-up yet
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