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Istanbul-Blog » Blog Archive » Ikea, seine Köfte, seine Muslime - 0 views

  • Istanbul ist vor einem Jahr eröffnet und liegt auf der asiatischen Seite bei Ümraniye, das heißt am ärmlichen Stadtrand.
  • Das wievielte Einkaufsparadies in Istanbul? Carrefours aus Frankreich, Bauhaus, Praktiker, Migros - alles ist hier versammelt, zum Unmut der türkischen Kleinhändler, die am laufenden Band pleite gehen.
  • Das Istanbuler Ikea macht einen Riesenumsatz - auch mit Köfte. Mit den kleinen runden schwedischen Hackfleischbällchen.
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  • “Im Vergeich zu anderen Ländern ist der Restaurant-Betrieb hier in Istanbul schon extrem rege. Wir machen 7 Prozent unseres hiesigen Umsatzes im Gastronomie-Bereich.”
  • Es schoben sich unheimlich viele Muslime durch Ikeas Gänge und kauften Sesselgarnituren, Vorhänge, Bilder, Besteck, Küchenzeilen und Behälter in jeder Form, Größe und aus jedem Material. Es gab viele modern gekleidete Menschen, Mädchen in engen Jeans, im Minirock und in diesen aberwitzigen kurzen Bolerajäckchen, die diesen Winter so in sind. 
  • Was sollen wir tun - überall Muslime, getarnt als friedliche Ikea-Käufer.
  • Ikea-Hackfleischbällchensüchtige Muslime in Istanbul, die an einem sonnigen Sonntag scharenweise Billy-Regale kaufen gehen, eine ganz neue Ethnie zu untersuchen, ja, eine echte Herausforderung. Zumal es heute Ramadan war und das Restaurant zur Mittagszeit trotzdem rammelvoll. Nichts stimmt mehr. Wir sind wirklich verloren. Aber wer sind “wir” denn eigentlich? Muslime oder Nichtmuslime? Aufhören!
thinkahol *

The omnipotence of Al Qaeda and meaninglessness of "Terrorism" - Glenn Greenwald - Salo... - 0 views

    That Terrorism means nothing more than violence committed by Muslims whom the West dislikes has been proven repeatedly.  When an airplane was flown into an IRS building in Austin, Texas, it was immediately proclaimed to be Terrorism, until it was revealed that the attacker was a white, non-Muslim, American anti-tax advocate with a series of domestic political grievances.  The U.S. and its allies can, by definition, never commit Terrorism even when it is beyond question that the purpose of their violence is to terrorize civilian populations into submission.  Conversely, Muslims who attack purely military targets  -- even if the target is an invading army in their own countries -- are, by definition, Terrorists.  That is why, as NYU's Remi Brulin has extensively documented, Terrorism is the most meaningless, and therefore the most manipulated, word in the English language.  Yesterday provided yet another sterling example.
thinkahol *

Why some Americans believe Obama is a Muslim - 0 views

    "ScienceDaily (Aug. 31, 2010) - There's something beyond plain old ignorance that motivates Americans to believe President Obama is a Muslim, according to a first-of-its-kind study of smear campaigns led by a Michigan State University psychologist."
thinkahol *

The real danger from NPR's firing of Juan Williams - Glenn Greenwald - - 0 views

    Above all else, the mythology of Muslim as Scary Menace must be preserved
thinkahol *

Those irrational, misled, conspiratorial Muslims - Glenn Greenwald - - 0 views

    The New York Times this morning has a particularly lush installment of one of the American media's most favored, reliable, and self-affirming rituals -- it's time to mock and pity Those Crazy, Primitive, Irrational, Propagandized Muslims and their Wild Conspiracy Theories, which their reckless media and extremists maliciously disseminate in order to generate unfair and unfounded hostility toward the U.S.:

Radical Islam stirs in China's remote west - 0 views

  • In a backstreet of the old Silk Road city of Kashgar, Chinese authorities have been spray-painting signs on dusty mud brick walls to warn against what it says is a new enemy -- the Islamic Liberation Party.
  • China says Hizb ut-Tahrir are terrorists operating in the far western region of Xinjiang, home to some 8 million Muslim, Turkic-speaking Uighurs, many of whom chafe under Chinese rule.
  • As in another strife-hit Chinese region, Tibet, many Uighurs resent the growing economic and cultural impact of Han Chinese who have in some cases been encouraged by the government to move to far-flung and under-populated parts of the country. Beijing accuses militant Uighurs of working with al Qaeda to use terror to bring about an independent state called East Turkestan.
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  • But it seems unlikely they represent the threat to Xinjiang that China likes to portray, said Dru Gladney, a Uighur expert and president of the Pacific Basin Institute at Pomona College, California. "For most Uighurs who are activists, though some of them are very religious in their Islam, their main goal is sovereignty for Xinjiang. Hizb ut-Tahrir doesn't support that. They support a worldwide Caliphate, not any one independent region," he said.
  • In Kashgar, a city close to the Pakistan and Afghan borders, some women not only cover their heads, but also veil their faces. In some cases, dark brown cloths envelope the whole head. Clocks in many mosques, restaurants, cafes and shops are set to Xinjiang time. This is two hours behind Beijing time, the official standard for the entire country, which means China's sun does not set until after 10 p.m. in Kashgar in the summer.
  • Many are not convinced Hizb ut-Tahrir is the threat the Chinese government says it is in Xinjiang. "This does not exist. They have come up with this group's name themselves," said Dilxat Raxit, spokesman for the exiled World Uyghur Congress. "They are trying to mislead the world and deflect from concern for the Uighur people."
  • China maintains the threat is real. Hizb ut-Tahrir is likewise banned in countries such as Uzbekistan, where it has also been blamed for violence.
  • In November, China's Xinhua news agency announced sentences ranging from death to life in jail for six Uighurs accused of "splittism and organising and leading terrorist groups", and implicated Hizb ut-Tahrir.
  • "What we want is simple -- freedom," said a Uighur resident of Xinjiang's regional capital, Urumqi, who asked not be identified, fearing repercussions with the authorities. "But there are too many Han and too few of us."
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