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thinkahol *

Jon Stewart: Fox News Omits Facts to Further Its "Fear-Driven Narrative" - 0 views

    Tonight, Jon Stewart discussed Fox News and its reports about the funding sources of the "Ground Zero Mosque." Specifically, Saudi prince Al-Waleed bin Talal. But Fox never mentions his name... or that he's a part owner of its parent company.
thinkahol *

GRITtv » Blog Archive » Chris Hedges: The World As it Is - 0 views

    "You can't sustain a democracy in an oligarchic state. The writers on Athenian democracy understood that 2000 years ago," says Chris Hedges, whose new book The World As It Is: Dispatches on the Myth of Human Progress explores the problems of a crumbling empire, inside and out. Chris joins Laura in studio for a conversation about the death of Bin Laden and the continuing concern over terrorism, the end of empathy in the U.S., and what avenues are left for progressives to fight back.  "The elites are not going to help us," he warns, "We're going to have to help ourselves."
thinkahol *

The use and abuse of bar graphs - Brendan Nyhan - 0 views

    Ken Schultz, a political scientist at Stanford, was inspired by the misleading Wall Street Journal graphic and disappeared Tax Foundation blog post to illustrate just how easy it is to manipulate bar graphs by changing the boundaries of the bins:
thinkahol *

Speech on media propaganda - Glenn Greenwald - - 0 views

    The 30-minute speech I gave last month at the Symphony Space in New York is now available on video, and is posted below in three YouTube segments (the first segment also contains the 4-minute introduction of my speech). The speech pertains to the evolution of my views on media criticism, the nature of media propaganda and what drives it, and what can be done to combat it. A DVD of the entire event -- featuring the three other speeches: from Amy Goodman, Noam Chomsky and Michael Moore -- is available at FAIR's website. I want to note one example, from today, that vividly illustrates many of the themes I discussed in that speech.  It is found in the following passage from this Reuters article on Obama's escalation of the covert war in Yemen and his targeting of U.S. citizen Anwar Awlaki for assassination: A U.S. official confirmed to Reuters that a U.S. strike last Friday killed Abu Ali al-Harithi, a midlevel al Qaeda operative, which followed last month's attempted strike against Anwar al-Awlaki, the leader of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. Whether Awlaki has any operational role in Al Qaeda at all is a matter of intense controversy.  The U.S. Government has repeatedly asserted that he does, but has presented no verifiable evidence to support that accusation.  But what is not in dispute is the notion that Awlaki is "the leader of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula."  He unquestionably is not, and never has been, as multiple Yemen experts have repeatedly noted.  The Reuters claim is factually and entirely false. Whatever one's views are on Obama's assassination program, targeting U.S. citizens without due process obviously raises extraordinary and vitally important questions.  As The New York Times' Scott Shane put it when confirming Awlaki's inclusion on Obama's hit list: "The Obama administration has taken the extraordinary step of authorizing the targeted killing of an American citizen. . . . It is extremely rare, if not unprecedented, for an America

Killerspiele sind so schlimm wie Drogen und Kinderpornos, meint Joachim Herrmann (CSU) ... - 0 views

  • Eigentlich bin ich ziemlich stolz, dass ich aus dem wunderschönen Bundesland Bayern komme, aber nach der jüngsten Aussage von Innenminister Joachim Herrmann muss ich mir das wohl noch einmal gut überlegen. In der Pressemitteilung 127/09 von gestern greift der CSU-Mann anlässlich der ersten Verleihung des Computerspielpreises in München die deutsche Gaming-Industrie scharf an:
  • Killerspiele widersprechen dem Wertekonsens unserer auf einem friedlichen Miteinander beruhenden Gesellschaft und gehören geächtet. In ihren schädlichen Auswirkungen stehen sie auf einer Stufe mit Drogen und Kinderpornografie, deren Verbot zu Recht niemand in Frage stellt.
  • Dabei ist sein Statement nicht wirklich neu. Bereits vor zwei Wochen hat er sich zu diesem Thema ähnlich zu Wort gemeldet: Ich kann nicht nachvollziehen, wieso man sich im politischen Berlin weitgehend einig ist, Kinderpornographie im Internet zu verbieten und das mit allen Mitteln auch konsequent durchsetzen will, dies aber bei Gewalt verherrlichenden und extrem grausamen Killerspielen nicht möglich sein soll. […] Entweder der Staat versucht, das durchzusetzen oder er streicht völlig die Segel.
    "killerspiele = kinderporno"
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