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Contents contributed and discussions participated by David Wetzel

David Wetzel

7 Online Science Projects for All Grade Levels: Project Based Learning Science Activiti... - 52 views

    Projects in science are provided which take full advantage of Internet resources to help students develop a better understanding of the world in which they live.
David Wetzel

Three Project Based Learning Resources: Free Online Resources for Student Collaboration... - 56 views

    Project based learning using all or any of the three online resources offers a dynamic approach to teaching in which students explore real-world problems and challenges.
David Wetzel

Project Based Learning in Mathematics: Learning Activities in Math Designed to Extend C... - 30 views

    Six math projects that integrate real-world math problems are presented as a teaching strategy for helping students develop a greater understanding of math.
David Wetzel

7 Real Time Data Online Science Investigations: Project-Based Learning Designed to Deve... - 23 views

    Students learn how to conduct science investigations in the same manner as scientists, as they learn to analyze sets of online real time data to solve problems.
David Wetzel

7 Online Science Projects for All Grade Levels: Project Based Learning Science Activiti... - 19 views

    Projects in science are provided which take full advantage of Internet resources to help students develop a better understanding of the world in which they live.
David Wetzel

Teaching Science and Math Daily - 24 views

    Daily summary of the stories, articles, and resources for teaching K-12 science and math.
David Wetzel

Investigating the Impact of Artificial Reefs: Problem-Based Learning Study of Human Inf... - 15 views

    Students make connections with many science concepts and communicate their recommendations to officials and organizations regarding the future of artificial reefs.
David Wetzel

Why Use an iPod Touch in Science and Math Classrooms? - 14 views

    The iPod Touch brings a new dimension to teaching and learning in the science or math classroom - Mobile Learning! No longer are students required to only learn within the confines of their classroom when using this digital tool.
David Wetzel

6 Online Project Based Learning Resources for Science and Math - 27 views

    When students are engaged in learning science or math which is personal to them (real world problem solving), they become more engaged in the learning process. Project based learning situations in science and math increase opportunity for students to internalize and make connections.
David Wetzel

Creative Ways to Use Podcasts in the Classroom - 19 views

    Strategies and techniques are provided for integrating podcasts lessons to promote the benefits of greater student engagement and alternative assessment.
David Wetzel

Stimulating Critical Thinking through a Technological Lens - 19 views

    Stimulating critical thinking using technology has the potential to create more in depth understanding of science and math content by students when engaged in learning activities which integrate in-class and on-line technology resources. Technology tools support stimulation of both inquiry-based and critical thinking skills by engaging students in exploring, thinking, reading, writing, researching, inventing, problem-solving, and experiencing the world outside their classroom. This is accomplished through learning content through the lens of video to multimedia to the internet (Using Technology to Improve Student Achievement, NCREL, 2005).
David Wetzel

5 Creative Ways to Use Flip Cameras in Science and Math - 27 views

    The Flip camera is great for all types of projects in science and math - at any grade level. Flip cameras are small handheld video cameras that can record 30 or 60 minutes worth of video. They connect to a computer with a USB plug that "flips" out from the side of the camera. The benefits of these cameras include another means for assessing students understanding of concepts beyond worksheets and tests. Besides a teacher's record, the videos provide a digital record for parents and administrators to show a student's successes or areas which need improvement.
David Wetzel

Project Based Learning Viewed Through a Digital Lens - 19 views

    Often we search for meaningful ways to integrate digital technology in project based learning activities given to our students. We also would like our students to develop a thorough understanding of the concepts underlying the work - after all this is the purpose of the project. Giving students the opportunity to complete and present their project through a digital lens has one great advantage - student engagement. This in turn causes students to develop a more in depth understanding of concepts.
David Wetzel

5 Ways to Integrate Science Process Skills in Lessons - 14 views

    Integrating the science process skills within your teaching does not require drastic changes. It simply involves making the process of science more explicit in lessons, investigations, and activities you are already using in your curriculum. The science process skills are the methods used for helping our students understand how we know what we know about the world in which they live. This often means going beyond a science textbook and supplementing the core-content within textbooks. It also means using your course content as a means for exposing students to the real process of science.
David Wetzel

Saving the Sports Complex Algebra Project - 6 views

    An algebra project focusing on a theme which interests students is more likely to engage them in the project, so lets take a look at sports. Many students participate in sports at some level, whether as part of a school team or a community team. For the most part these same students do not understand the costs involved to host the sport. Also, they do not understand how much money is needed to ensure a profitable season so the sport can continue from year to year.
David Wetzel

Using the Web 2.0 WallWisher Tool in Science Classes - 14 views

    What is Wallwisher and why use it? Its a Web 2.0 application which allows students to express their thoughts or share information on a science concept.
David Wetzel

Investigating Natural Disasters Using Web 2.0 Tools - 14 views

    When word of a natural disaster is spreading from somewhere in the world or announced on the news, students can use Google Earth to conduct an investigation of the disaster's effect.
David Wetzel

Little Know Ways to Support Earth Day - 12 views

    Earth Day is around the corner - April 22nd - and every year teachers and students try to come up with new and innovative activities. Recycling is a popular activity to keep the idea recycling going strong. Classrooms often come up with ideas to recycle paper, ink cartridges, plastic bottles, metal cans, and newspapers. However, there are other recycling activities that students can get involved in to support Earth Day.
David Wetzel

7 Real Time Data Online Science Investigations: Project-Based Learning Designed to Deve... - 14 views

    Students learn how to conduct science investigations in the same manner as scientists, as they learn to analyze sets of online real time data to solve problems.
David Wetzel

7 Online Science Projects for All Grade Levels: Project Based Learning Science Activiti... - 20 views

    Projects in science are provided which take full advantage of Internet resources to help students develop a better understanding of the world in which they live.
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