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Gloria Becker

Understanding Projects in Project-based Learning: A Student's Perspective - 0 views

    Project-based learning offers promise as an instructional method that affords authentic learning tasks grounded in the personal interests of learners. While previous research has presented results of learning gains, motivations and teacher experiences, still limited empirical research has presented the student perspective in project-based learning. This research sought to explore how learners created projects. Using a case study design and five purposively selected participants from eighth grade geography, five themes emerged: (1) internal influences, (2) external influences, (3) beliefs about projects, (4) tools for technology-rich environments, and (5) learning outcomes and products. The first four themes describe influences to shape the fifth theme, learning products. The term learning products was used to describe both the learning garnered by the participants and the learning artifacts the participants produced as part of the instructional unit. Implications for practice and future research are considered.
Gloria Becker

Personalized PBL: Student-Designed Learning | Edutopia - 0 views

    "I wrote a blog about one of the pitfalls of personalization for the ASCD Whole Child Blog. Specifically, that pitfall is the lack of engagement. With all the focus on personalization through time, pacing, and place, it can be easy to forget about the importance of engagement. No matter where students learn, when they learn, and the timing of the learning, engagement drives them to learn. When we factor all the pieces of personalization together, we can truly meet students where they are and set them on a path of learning that truly meets their needs and desires. Project-based learning can be an effective engagement framework to engage students in personalized learning."
Maryann Angeroth

11 Essential Tools For Better Project-Based Learning - 68 views

    The rise of technology used in classrooms has made learning much more interactive. The emergence of iPads to browser-based tools in project-based learning, take teaching to a new level in the 21st century. Even the current trends in education include the use of new technology, from collaborative projects to blending traditional textbook teaching with innovative tools. - See more at:

Selenium 3.0 Certification Training - IQ Online Training - 0 views

    IQ Online Selenium Certification Training makes you understand the various concepts of Selenium from scratch. It helps you to understand the various concepts such as TestNG, Selenium IDE, Selenium Grid, XPath and Waits, IFrames and Alerts in Selenium WebDriver, POM Frameworks and so on. This Certification is also a gateway towards your Automation testing career. The course has been curated by industry experts. What is Selenium? Selenium is a framework that is used for testing web simple words, it is testing software for doing functional tests on applications without the need for learning scripting language. What you will learn in Selenium Certification Training? Upon completion of this course, one gains the knowledge on: * Understand about Selenium and its evolution * Learn about the Regression testing and Functional testing * Learn to Set - up JAVA, Eclipse, and Selenium Environment and configure them * About to list the components of Selenium such as Selenium IDE, Selenium WebDriver, and Selenium Grid * How to create Test Cases in Selenium WebDriver * Understand about Waits (Page Synchronization) and various other Selenium WebDriver functions * Know how to handle different controls on a Webpage * Learn to Implement TestNG * What is Page Object Modelling * Describe the Parametrization and different frameworks * Learn to implement some of the Third-Party Tools such as Jenkins, AutoIT, Sikuli, and Maven Who can join this course? * Suits for the professionals who aim to become Automation Testers * For the application Testers who aim to explore Automation * Also for the QA Engineers Learn Best Selenium Online Training Step by Step with Real-Time Industry-Leading IT Experts. Join our training now!
edutopia .org

Summer PD: Want Better Project-Based Learning? Use Social and Emotional Learning | Edut... - 0 views

    Thom Markham is a psychologist, educator, and president of Global Redesigns, an international consulting organization focused on project-based learning, social-emotional learning, youth development, and 21st-century school design.  He discusses the connection between Project-based learning and social and emotional learning.  
Gloria Becker

Jump Right In: Teaching Jewish Values via Project Based Learning - 0 views

    Project Based Learning has made a splash in the secular education world, and it can be a powerful tool for Jewish classrooms, too. In fact, project based learning can be a dynamic technique for teaching a wide range of Judaic topics, especially Jewish values. Why? Because we want students to live Jewish values, not just study them, and PBL is all about learning in the context of real life: Project based learning is hands-on, student-driven, and involves projects designed around real-world activities. Students build life skills while researching and tackling issues that are meaningful to them, resulting in learning that can be deeper and more lasting.
Don Doehla

Why It's Time To Build A Powerful Personal Learning Network | Edudemic - 0 views

    Many educators refer to the connections made via Twitter as their PLN or Professional Learning Network. I have recently decided my PLN is now my PPLN - Powerful Personal Learning Network. When you connect with the right people your learning network can become the most powerful part of your learning 24/7/365.
Don Doehla

Project Based Learning and the One to One Classroom - Home - 0 views

    You are about to discover some amazing ways you can amplify your PBL experience in the 1 to 1 classroom. This workshop has been designed to meet the needs across the multiple device classrooms that are found all across the educational setting. For this reason there will be a lot of emphasis on pedagogy and integration of the tools in PBL. Because of the wide range of devices there will not be an emphasis on any one device. Please enjoy our journey into creating that One to One classroom that allows technology to transparently bring together the student centered learning, editing engagement, and authentic learning that Project Based Learning makes possible. Remember that there is so much wisdom in the crowd and this workshop has been designed for all of us to learn from each other. Please enjoy the journey!
dean groom

Applying Learning Design concepts to problem-based learning - 20 views

    Problem-Based Learning (PBL) seeks to produce learners who not only remember the theory, they know how and when to apply it. However, providing a problem to a group of students is not a guarantee that they will be able to solve it. Even more uncertain is whether the solution the students offer and the journey they undertook to arrive at it resulted in them learning the intended underlying concepts and theories. As students become increasingly time poor, they are less inclined towards a learning approach which requires them to be self-directed and motivated. This paper reports on a learning design which seeks to scaffold and accelerate the PBL process by providing a balance of facts and concepts to be remembered and tested via an online quiz, followed by an activity-based tutorial session that focussed on the application of those concepts to new problems in conjunction with the use of resource material and memory aids
    Thanks!. Is very intersting.
Maryann Angeroth

Research-Supported PBL Practices | Edutopia - 0 views

    Collaborative Project-Based Learning When implemented well, PBL has been shown to develop students' critical thinking skills, improve long-term retention of content learned, and increase students' and teachers' satisfaction with learning experiences (see Ravitz, 2009, for a review). Students at Manor New Tech typically complete nearly 200 projects over the course of their high school experience, with each project lasting about two to four weeks.
Don Doehla - 0 views

    A research paper on the benefits of inquiry based learning/PBL
    A Review of Research on Inquiry-Based and Cooperative Learning By Dr. Brigid Barron and Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond, Stanford University "Decades of research illustrate the benefits of inquiry-based and cooperative learning to help students develop the knowledge and skills necessary to be successful in a rapidly changing world."
Ginger Lewman

Sample PBL Cards - 61 views

    These "recipe cards" for Project/Problem Based Learning are intended for teachers to use with K12 students in groups, as well as individual students. Each card creates student learning categorized as TimeTravelers, Artists & Inventors, Historian Challenges, StoryTellers, ProblemSolvers, Scientist Challenges, Career & Tech Ed. The cards are meant to help teachers integrate core content and deeply embed creativity, problem-solving, and collaborative learning in each student, with or without the use of technology tools. The core content pieces are the basic ingredients with which teachers can cook delicious content for their hungry learners. Teachers are able to customize the driving questions in each of the content areas to fit the unique needs of their learners. The cards guide teachers through the basic steps of the project, with ideas and suggestions for best practice. The tips & tricks help establish a safe and respectful learning environment every single day of the year.
David Wetzel

6 Online Project Based Learning Resources for Science and Math - 27 views

    When students are engaged in learning science or math which is personal to them (real world problem solving), they become more engaged in the learning process. Project based learning situations in science and math increase opportunity for students to internalize and make connections.
David Wetzel

See How Easily You can Create a Project Based Learning Activity - 8 views

    Project Based Learning is an instructional approach built upon authentic learning activities that engage student interest and motivation. These activities are designed to answer a question or solve a problem and generally reflect the types of learning and work people do in the everyday world outside the science or math classroom.
Maryann Angeroth

Project Based Learning Resources - Technology Resources for Teachers - 0 views

    "If a question can be plagiarized is it worth asking?" Explore the differences between project based, problem based, and inquiry based learning, learn what makes a good question, and discover what will work best in your technology-rich classroom.
Wanda Terral

10 Reasons to Try Project-Based Learning | Thoughtful Learning: Curriculum for 21st Cen... - 0 views

    You may have never tried project-based learning, or you may teach in a purely PBL environment. Whatever your background, you'll find that PBL can be a powerful instructional approach. Here are ten reasons why.
Syed Amjad Ali

Why E-Learning - A simple analysis - 0 views

    E-Learning industry is witnessing tremendous growth in terms of revenue and application. It has become a synonym for many of the learning requirements in corporates, academics and government institutions. To provide most suitable learning solutions, industry experts exploring and inventing creative methods and approaches such as Custom Learning Solutions, Rapid Learning Solutions, Gamifications, Instructor Led Training programs and blend of these methods and approaches.
Jeff Johnson

Project Based Learning - Explained: A Custom Video Project with BIE - Common Craft - Ou... - 7 views

    When people ask about the inspiration for our style of videos, I often say that our videos reflect the way that I wish I had learned in school. My learning style wasn't a good match for the way I was taught. Recently we completed a custom video project with the Buck Institute for Education (BIE) that focuses on a Project Based Learning or "PBL", and boy did it open my eyes. I can now see that I needed teachers who put PBL to work. I needed to get up from my desk and engage. I needed to work on a real-world issue and use creativity and problem solving - what are known as 21st century skills these days. This video is an introduction to PBL and how it impacted a science teacher's students and helped their community.
Gloria Becker

Five Keys to Rigorous Project-Based Learning | Edutopia - 0 views

    "Well-designed project-based learning (PBL) has been shown to result in deeper learning and engaged, self-directed learners. Learn more about the five core elements of successful PBL. "
Don Doehla

The 8 Elements of Project Based Learning: A Model Project | Bianca Hewes - 0 views

  • The students were confronted with a number of opportunties to engage in critical thinking and problem-solving during this project.
  • open-ended
  • use of a KWL table
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • considering cliche, stereotypes and prejudice in relation to the ‘emo’ sub-culture
  • collaborated online via edmodo and face-to-face in class
  • collaborate on the podcast
  • Lots of problem-solving went into this part of the project!
    As most of you know, the uber gods of PBL are BIE. I was first introduced to the BIE PBL 'model' from mate Dean Groom who handed me over what I still refer to as my 'PBL Bible' - a ring-binder full of the BIE Freebies that help teachers plan effective projects and keep students on track as they move through the different phases of each project. The cool thing is that you can use as much or as little as you want … PBL is a very personal process that (like all good teaching) should be tailored to the expertise and needs of the teacher and students. However, there are 8 Elements of Project Based Learning that can be called the 'essential elements' of PBL … keeping an eye on these and 'testing' your project design based on them can help you determine if what you're creating isn't just a 'project'. I really like this statement from BIE contrasting PBL and traditional 'projects':

    A typical unit with a "project" add-on begins by presenting students with knowledge and concepts and then, once gained, giving students the opportunity to apply them. Project Based Learning begins with the vision of an end product or presentation. This creates a context and reason to learn and understand the information and concepts.
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