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Michelle Krill

Digital Library Learning Resources Collection - 0 views

    The goal of the Exploratorium Digital Library is to provide access to high-quality teaching resources and learning activities that reflect the museum's foundation of playful exhibit-based inquiry in science, art, and human perception. The Learning Resources Collection includes teaching tips and related resources. This collection is suitable for educators in both classroom and out-of-school settings; for peer institutions, such as museums, science centers, and universities; and for individuals.
dean groom

The ALTC Exchange - 0 views

    The ALTC Exchange provides learning and teaching resources and functions to support communication and collaboration across the higher education sector. It does this through professional networking tools and search, discovery and repository functions for sharing resources, as well as portals to other learning resource websites and databases
David Wetzel

Three Project Based Learning Resources: Free Online Resources for Student Collaboration... - 56 views

    Project based learning using all or any of the three online resources offers a dynamic approach to teaching in which students explore real-world problems and challenges.
David Cosand

American Historical Association Blog: Slavery in America - Online Resources - 16 views

    A valuable collection of online resources focusing on slavery in America.
David Wetzel

Three Project Based Learning Resources: Free Online Resources for Student Collaboration... - 35 views

    Project based learning using all or any of the three online resources offers a dynamic approach to teaching in which students explore real-world problems and challenges.
Don Doehla

Resources for Getting Started With Project-Based Learning | Edutopia - 0 views

    Just getting started with project-based learning (PBL)? Our curated list of resources for educators new to PBL should help you. Before you get started, be sure to check out Edutopia's PBL page, including information about the research behind effective PBL practices. You can also connect with Edutopia's community to learn and share PBL tips.
Don Doehla

Resources for Assessment in Project-Based Learning | Edutopia - 1 views

    Project-based learning (PBL) demands excellent assessment practices to ensure that all learners are supported in the learning process. With good assessment practices, PBL can create a culture of excellence for all students. We've compiled some of the best resources from Edutopia and the web to support your use of assessment in PBL, including information about strategies, advice on how to address the demands of standardized tests, and summaries of the research.

Project-Based Learning: Resources for Parents | Edutopia - 0 views

    This is a great resource to send to parents at the beginning of the school year or a PBL project. Having parent involvement makes project even more authentic. #EduKateTech
Maryann Angeroth

Project Based Learning Resources - Technology Resources for Teachers - 0 views

    "If a question can be plagiarized is it worth asking?" Explore the differences between project based, problem based, and inquiry based learning, learn what makes a good question, and discover what will work best in your technology-rich classroom.

MentorMob - 0 views

    Curation of publicly available resources to build an unique resource on its own. Has applications as ways of showing understanding of learning and application of knowledge.
Debbie Nichols

Web Hosting » Educational Technology Tips - 0 views

    Resources for Creating Classroom Website
Don Doehla

PBL_Guide.pdf - 0 views

    This project-based learning resource, created as part of a partnership between the Pearson Foundation and the National Academy Foundation, focuses on digital storytelling as a tool and instructional best practice for Academies. The information included in this primer is designed to supplement thr ee exciting, project-based digital arts opportunities available to schools in the NAF network.
    This project-based learning resource, created as part of a partnership between the Pearson Foundation and the National Academy Foundation, focuses on digital storytelling as a tool and instructional best practice for Academies. The information included in this primer is designed to supplement thr ee exciting, project-based digital arts opportunities available to schools in the NAF network.
Don Doehla

A Hero's Journey for the 21st Century | Edutopia - 0 views

    "A New Hero's Journey in the Classroom Kids need to know the basics of story creation -- character, conflicts, resolutions etc. -- before they can write their own. Have them read, watch, and play video games with a critical eye towards identifying these basic story elements. Then you can use life timelines as way of uncovering their personal narratives. Have them identify heroes of their own from real life or fiction as inspiration. You can go as deep as you have time for here! There are myriad tools available for actual story creation (see Resources below). "
    A New Hero's Journey in the Classroom Kids need to know the basics of story creation -- character, conflicts, resolutions etc. -- before they can write their own. Have them read, watch, and play video games with a critical eye towards identifying these basic story elements. Then you can use life timelines as way of uncovering their personal narratives. Have them identify heroes of their own from real life or fiction as inspiration. You can go as deep as you have time for here! There are myriad tools available for actual story creation (see Resources below).
Walco Solutions

walcosolutions - careers - 0 views

shared by Walco Solutions on 09 Jun 15 - No Cached
    We believe that the most valuable resource of any organisation is the human resource. For more ...
dean groom

Mermaid Diaries: Natalia Zelmanov's Second Life Adventures: September 2007 - 1 views

    The mermaid diaries is a journey by day of Nalalia Zelmanov. It shows her travels in Second Life, but it is more of a journey of her development as a designer and programmer. It has some fantastic resources and links to templates and programming resources that will easily assist newbies in developing their own IP in Second Life
Michelle Krill

Resources for Project-Based Learning - 3 views

    "Last month we released Projects for all our education wikis. Our intention was to give you a better tool for group work, but, as many of you have pointed out, they're also great for project-based learning. Project-based learning, or PBL, grew out of early 20th century education reform, like the works of John Dewey. It generally involves directed, open-ended questions, real-life problem solving, and presentation to an authentic audience. And, of course, it's a great way for students to build collaboration and 21st-century skills while mastering content. We're really looking forward to hearing how you use PBL and the Projects feature in your classrooms. We're so excited, in fact, that we rounded up a few resources from around the web to help you out:"

What are the advantages of ERP Solution? - 0 views

    To begin with, let's understand what is ERP. Enterprise resource planning is a process of all the most important business processes management. It means that every company which tracks its major metrics uses ERP in one way or another. IT outsourcing services company. The other question is what software solutions are used for these tasks. If you use some machine learning consulting notebooks or google docs, you shouldn't expect some great results from applying ERP. Yet, if you chose a centralized, single platform, you can count on some improvements in the followings aspects: Human resource. A modern ERP solution can help your HR managers to improve several niches of their work. First of all, these are payrolls and staff performance estimation. Second of all, the system allows to advance the process of talent acquisition due to the information the platform provides recruits with. Planning. If you are applying a custom ERP solution which uses Big Data analytics, the planning issue won't bother you that much. Such analytics system tracks the history of every event that happened in any department. It can create a productivity chart based on the finished work and make a reasonable plan for every department and each person in detail. Better inventory management. Inventory issues are one of the most crucial in any company. A well adjusted ERP system helps to conduct a stable inventory level which is needed specifically for your company. Reports. If you choose an ERP system with the ability to create reports automatically, you can save up to 50% of all working time. That's right, this is the time needed to create all the reports manually. Trust me, the biggest part of your staff would say huge "thank you" if you provide them with an automotive solution for reporting. If I haven't persuaded you that ERP is a really cool system for your business, then look at this picture. Here are all the spheres which ERP platform concerns, optimises and improves, as a result.
Don Doehla

A Better List Of Ideas For Project-Based Learning - 0 views

    Great article for resources on PBL, links to other articles, project ideas, integration of edtech ideas...
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