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Chris Jobling

Screenr - @hrheingold: How I use Twitter, search, Diigo Delicious, DEVONthink, Scrivene... - 0 views

    How Howard Rheingold uses online tools Twitter, and Twitter search, Diigo and Delicious, and desktop (MAC) tools DEVONthink, and Scrivener to find, refine, and organize information -->knowledge
Cris Crissman

Twitter Content Classification - 0 views

    Twitter research -- meta-analysis of 16 studies
Ian Woods

PLENK2010 - Twitter Clusters « OUseful.Info, the blog… - 0 views

    tony hirst
    applying GELPHI networking diagnostic to measure influences within a PLN
Chris Jobling

Adventurous Learning: Information Overload or Filter Failure - I get it. - 0 views

    Clay Shirky does it again!
    As [Kimberley] was drowning Wednesday in #PLENK2010 feeds, someone threw [her] a lifeline (Clay Shirkey -- "It's not information overload, it's filter failure") -- via Twitter. There are so many really well versed Meta-brainiacs in this course (and [she uses] the term with great reverence and affection) that it is very easy to feel like something is bad wrong with you if you cannot keep up with everything. ... How is it possible to make so many connection so quickly? How is everyone wrapping their heads around this stuff?"
paul lowe

PLEs are an Operating System for Learning « Viplav Baxi's Meanderings - 0 views

    "I think of PLEs as Operating Systems just like regular operating systems are for computer users. In fact, I call the PLE a LearnOS. Thinking of a PLE as a LearnOS helps me also get by the initial comprehension of what it can contain, such as tools, resources and connections, as also how it is deployed - PC, mobile and cloud. I can then move on to think about how learning will occur in this LearnOS by asking not only how the LearnOS can be organized to support my learning (feed aggregation, twitter tags and the like) in a given context, or how my LearnOS is connected to other LearnOS-es out there (PLNs), but also to thinking how my LearnOS can adapt to my learning contexts and my learning needs."
Chris Jobling

What is a PLN? Or, PLE vs. PLN? : open thinking - 0 views

    An interesting post, summarizing a twitter conversion seeking a definition of PLN v PLE, that was the background to Alec Couros' definition of PLN on Page 124 of his paper (used as a Week 1 Reading): "personal learning networks are the sum of all the social capital and connections that result in the development and facilitation of a personal learning environment." (Couros, 2010)
Chris Jobling

Communications & Society: Complexity and Personal Learning Environments - 0 views

    Post of the week! Posted by Keith Hamon and shared by Dave Cormier via Twitter and picked up serendipitously via a Feedly suggestion of good sources for PLENK2010 in Swansea on a Sunday. A neat critique of what the word "personal" in PLE should mean. I wish that I could write like this!
Chris Jobling

elearnspace › My Personal Learning Network is the most awesomest thing ever!! - 0 views

    "Online, we are obsessed with size and numbers (Twitter followers, open courses, number of blog hits, Google alerts on ourselves/blogs, etc). But you don't need to run an open course with large numbers of participants to make an impact. An open course for five people is just fine. It's the act of giving, not the subsequent impact, that is most significant. "
paul lowe

Deliberations - 2 views

    "A definition for the term Personal Learning Environment (PLE), remains elusive. Conception about what should constitute a PLE depends on the perspective of the commentator. For example, the priorities for a PLE are different for a tertiary student, a university administrator, an instructor, a working professional, or an adult who persues an eclectic path of lifelong learning. Metaphorically, an individual may engage in a learning process that is either more acquisitional or participatory (Sfard, 1998). There are inconsistencies across these positions about what a PLE should do. But whether constructively and defensively, interest in PLE appears to be growing. At the time of writing this introduction (August 2006), no particular product or service exists that can definitively be categorised as a PLE, although some prototypical work is in progress. An inclusive, authoritative account about PLEs does not yet exist. Only a handful of articles have appeared in the academic and public press about PLEs since the term gained currency in 2004. This article has been compiled after tracking recent conversations in the blogosphere and following social bookmarks. "
paul lowe

The PLE Growth Model « Mollybob Goes To School - 2 views

    "The Personal Learning Environment concept is relatively new and is often used interchangeably with Personal Learning Network. The earliest reference is attributed to George Siemens in his 2004 paper, Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age. Downes and Attwell have also popularised the concept with Downes describing the PLE as "a tool that allows for a learner (or anyone) to engage in a distributed environment consisting of a network of people, services and resources" (2006, p23). Semantically, a personal learning environment and a personal learning network differ, with a network referring to connections and the interaction between them, and an environment referring to a broader definition that includes more passive tools and settings. The network and its broader socially constructed environment are interdependent, constantly shaping each other and unable to be separated."
Chris Jobling

PLE and PLN = Personal Learning Ecologies « For the Love of Teaching - 0 views

    One of the several thoughtful summaries of the Week 1 topic PLEs versus PLNS, The author summarises the PLE/PLN conversation as: # People being accountable in their own learning # People connecting and forming communities # People using online tools, as well as others # Personal knowledge and learning growing and expanding # A life-long portfolio of learning Apart from the need for on-line tools (I think we could and did have a PLE/PLN using traditional human contact and pre-web technology), I can largely accept these definitions.
Cris Crissman

a world of tweets - 0 views

    heat map of realtime tweeting world-wide
Vahid Masrour

Tweeting Students Earn Higher Grades Than Others in Classroom Experiment - Wired Campus... - 0 views

    Online interactions reinforce face to face class interaction. A case of "weak ties" strengthening/supplementing the strong ties? More ties is always more better, i would think.
Vahid Masrour

Google Plus: Is This the Social Tool Schools Have Been Waiting For? - 0 views

  • it may well be the granular level of privacy afforded by Google+ that is the key to making this a successful tool for schools
  • many schools and teachers have still been reluctant to "friend" students
  • that "always public" element of Twitter that makes many nervous
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • it's also about sharing with the right people. Circles will allow what educational consultant Tom Barnett calls "targeted sharing," something that will be great for specific classes and topics
  • Skype has become an incredibly popular tool to bring in guests to a classroom via video chat -
  • teachers are already talking about the possibility of not just face-to-face video conversation but the potential for integration of whiteboards, screen-sharing, Google Docs, and other collaborative tools
  • Google + seems like the solution for someone like me who wants to use the web to have conversations about school topics with students and parents and yet not have students and parents have access to my personal posts.
    • Vahid Masrour
      Parents and students on different Circles. You know you want it!
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